Be a part of 81000 group who can move to Peak states to save Humanity and liberate from Suffering

Purpose of Life

During this life span itself, one must experience the full spectrum of life, by fulfilling all 9 boons, like wealth, love in a relationship, contribution, and living as enlightened and Oneness beings. Enlightenment is an ultimate attainment of one’s life while you are on this Planet and attain Moksha or merge with Paramjyothi , when you leave this Planet.

Sanatana Dharma

One must understand, we are born and living into the world, where separation is the rule. In the light of modern science, it will be possible for us to see Sanathana- Dharma as the main occupation of all the people of the world. Dharma is more of science than religion or it is close to Mathematical laws. All others including religions, philosophies etc will stay for some time and die. Where Sanathana Dharma remains eternal.

Human Body

Human beings are complex constructs, and it is not merely what we see through our bodily senses. This body is a system of seven interlocking bodies – Annamaya, Pranamaya,Karmamaya,Manomaya,Vignanamaya, Gnanamaya and Anandamaya. All these bodies together behave like an Edge device controlled by 10 distributed programs and Intelligence (like AI) through these 7 bodies.


Today, all of us are not truly living and experiencing the full spectrum of life, then even after death of this physical body, our spiritual souls are tuned to go to hell or lower consciousness level realms. Not only this suffering continues but, in those realms, there is much severe suffering. What we have seen each one of us at root level, we are the same pure consciousness, came from the same Supreme Light, but now we are different by karmic accumulations (collection of programs on our journey from pure consciousness ever since we moved away from that pure consciousness). Our purpose of coming out of Supreme Light is to experience the whole Universe that Nature has created, but we are stuck by these programs, we lost our way in this journey. Clear these programs, karmic accumulation which is an obstacle to go back. Karma, which is the root cause for birth and death varies from human to human. In this world we learnt each and everything from others either in the form of humans (parents, teachers etc.) or in the form of books or open source online content or social platforms. Similarly, we need a person or learning platforms who can help in spirituality, to attain that wisdom to liberate and go back, to attain self-realization.

Digital Spirituality

This chapter is not to add one more article on science, technology and spirituality rather it is a unique chapter combining ever present and omnipresent spirituality with contemporary technologies and the revelations of nature with these technologies. This knowledge is neither emerging from pure scientific community or from pure spiritual organizations, rather it is just bridging a gap between these two, so that common man can understand. Hence this knowledge is assembled using lens of Digital Technologies. Basis of science should be spirituality. That is the wealth of our great civilizations and countries, including great spiritual countries like India. This is what India can give it back to this planet. Unfortunately, this was destroyed in the last few hundred years. Due to this, India as a country lost its glory, wisdom and spiritual strength, living in the name of the developing world. It is not only with India, same with Roman Empire, Chinese kingdoms and so on. Hence while implementing digital technologies, follow Nature and Spiritual wisdom as well.

Life is Relationships

Could you conceive of yourself without any relationship whatsoever? You arise in relationship with your father, mother, brother, child, husband, education, nation, gender, home. You will be playing different roles. If you remove all these relationships, where are you? Think about it and find out if you exist or not.


Parenting is a sacred art and the most responsible act on this planet: This is the single most priority task to make the global population to be made aware of “what is true parenting”. Not having right wisdom about parenting is one of the primary reasons that our world is in mess today, we have not invested wisely in the last few decades where it should have been. We neglected completely on making awareness of parenting and making a part of our basic education. Are we prepared to produce just slaves, whether it is blue collared or white collared labor or can we produce children who can care for nature, wealth creation, and who shares love etc?

Success in Life

9 boons : Intelligence,Energy, Relationships, Every one of us is interested in knowing how to grow, it could be in wealth, health, power, fame and consciousness etc. Whether you are going to be successful or failure depends on many factors and is largely determined in early age and is part of one’s individual unconscious mind.


Immemorial of time, very few human beings are in the process of becoming united with Divine. However to humanity, this is the first time the Universe is enabling all of us to make this happen. Universe has been preparing the field for this to happen. It is our minimum responsibility to use this opportunity and become united with Divine, awakened, enlightened and God-realized.

Oneness between Science and Spirituality

Divine is trying to reach humans by descending from infinite silence. On the other hand, science is enquiring to understand how the Universe including us are created, what substance, platforms, laws, etc are used. In a quest to reach each other, one is descending and the other is ascending. We strongly believe soon we will reach Oneness in Science and Spirituality.

Kalki Phenomenon

Sri Paramjyothi KALKI AmmaBhagavan Phenomenon is 875 years old spiritual movement that has resurfaced in the modern world to end human suffering and bring about a Golden Age of enlightenment and Oneness. To ensure the success of this phenomenon, 80,000 individuals are being prepared to attain enlightenment or with peak states. However, there are challenges and quite a lot of negative forces opposing this phenomenon. The process of awakening is set to continue, with the years 2023 and 2024 playing a pivotal role.


Each one of us are a Bio Computer but it is not a simple one. It is like an edge computing device supported by the whole physical universe and controlled by 10 distributed layers of programs or patterns through 7 Koshas or bodies. We must look beyond this physical body and understand a bit more into the other six bodies. As a human, we start to equate ourselves with our physical body and living through an illusion of, there is someone there who is controlling. We do not realize that all these bodies are working automatically without anyone’s control, everything is an autonomous process.


While we acknowledge, this tiny knowledge is like a tip of iceberg and lot of reference material has been looked at in preparing this, it is almost impossible to list all those references here. But an important ones are listed in this section.