How To grow and successful in life
All of us are interested in knowing how to grow, it could be in wealth, health, power, fame and consciousness etc. Whether you are going to be successful or failure depends on many factors and is largely determined in early age and is part of one’s individual unconscious mind. However, there are few common factors that one can leverage to be successful, some of them will be discussed below. By doing so, even we can change an individual unconscious mind to some extent and take the help of higher energy vibrations for success like both in the external and internal world.
Everything in this Universe is a process, whether it is consciousness, galaxy or earth or thoughts, body for that matter Whole Universe is a process. This process moves from order to freedom and freedom to order. As it moves from order to freedom, it throws some challenges and dissolves those challenges. All the time life throws challenges that is how we grow in life. It is like a batsman in cricket ground, he needs to face the ball and hit a four or six. If he is afraid of the speed of the ball or if he fears that ball is going to hurt him, he cannot make runs and win the game. He can be satisfied by hitting one ball, bowler keeps on bowling till he is out, or the game is over. So now it is up to the batsman whether he wants to see these balls as an opportunity to hit and make runs and become a successful batsman or run away from the ball. Similarly, life keeps on posing challenges one after the other in various forms and by facing, accepting and overcoming those challenges is the way to grow and evolve.
This whole process is only a journey and there is no destination. One must respond to challenges whether we are succeeded or failed, that is living. Life is a game, play. Since it is play, sometimes we fall, no worries, it happens, stand up and again start to play. Engage in life, running from these challenges is running away from life and no hope for you. The whole Universe is structured that way. However, in this journey you can seek help from spiritual energies for success.
By taking the help of spiritual energies in the form of Prayers By cultivating and expressing gratitude
By acquiring wealth consciousness By hard thinking and hard work
By taking The help of spiritual energies in the form of prayers
We often mix religion and spirituality and as a result we do not teach our children, or we don’t even learn ourselves on how to use spiritual energies wisely for our worldly needs. We are shying away in the name of learning or education and we don’t utilize ourselves and we don’t teach our children. Forget about formal teaching, we don’t attempt to teach these techniques not even at homes. Honestly, I do not think many of us know the power of these techniques properly, we still think it is as one’s belief. But, it is as good as any science and we should have properly distinguished and taught them. In the following sections we will look into Prayer, Rituals and expressing Gratitude and Wealth Consciousness and hard thinking. One needs to understand the differences between Prayer, Aradhana, and Rituals etc.
Prayer (Prarthana):
Prayer is spiritual communication between man and Divine or your personal God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to Divine but also listen to Him/Her. Prayer to Divine is like a child’s conversation with his parents. It is natural for a child to ask his parents for the things he needs. Prayers will change everything, can do everything.
Worship (Aradhana):
Act of glorifying the Divine. Most slokas, rituals belong to this. Worship leads to ritual progress – Worship is based on ritualism. Act of glorifying Divine will facilitate and love yourself and accept what you are in one’s individual unconscious.
Rituals :
It is a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order. A set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony. A ritual is also any act done regularly, usually without thinking about it. As we know, anything done repeatedly few specified times gets into the individual unconscious. All these techniques are known to our ancient people and even now few indigenous communities, these practices are still used.
To receive grace consistently, you need to know how to pray. There are certain conditions which you must fulfill for your prayer to be powerful. Once you do this, you would receive abundant grace from your God. If you know how to pray, I am sure you would have Divine or your God for your friend.
You must be authentic in your prayers. Your prayer must come from your heart.
You must have a bond with your personnel God. You must focus on the solution, not on the problem.
You must express gratitude as if it has been granted already.
While there is complete freedom to pray for an individual, there are many ways and forms to pray. Steps and one example is illustrated below.
- Establish the connection, like a dialing a phone – Chant Mantra or call or invoke. Having established the connection.
- Cast Supreme Light (Paramjyothi) into a role (form or formless). Ask Paramjyothi to come in that form if you are comfortable with the form
- like your father, mother or friend, whatever the relationship you are comfortable with.
- Depending on what you want, specify use corresponding – ex – Aiswarya Pradatha for money.
- Visualize the solution in 3 dimensions on the right eye side on a 3 D screen and it should be in color as shown in below figure. Carry the feeling as if you have already got and along with feeling you must say thank you.
- After thanking them if it is big, go for an agreement. You feel good feeling in your heart if agreement is accepted, it must be an appropriate deal.
- After agreement express the gratitude with Jai Bholo prayer.
Let us look at one example. First of all, you must not focus on the problem that you don’t have money, I have so many problems etc. Most importantly, you must focus on the solution. Suppose you want to have $100,000. This is how you must begin your prayer. You must pray to Divine or your personnel God or Nature whomever you believe “Banker God or Nature, thank you for giving us $100,000.” And you must say, “thank you, thank you.” You should not say “Give me $100,000,” No. You must say “Thank you for having given me $100,000.” And you must see the money in terms of clear pictures. It should be in three dimensions. It should be in color and not in black and white. And what would be your feelings when you get the money–that feeling you must generate.
Suppose you have health problems. You must say “Dr. Divine or Nature, thank you for giving me health.” Suppose you’ve got a court case. You must say, “Judge God or Nature, thank you for doing it in my favor.” Similarly, you must address us according to the problem. That is how you’ve got to pray.
It is not a problem if you do not have any pictures. But what is important is that you must have the feeling. If the feeling is not there it does not work. If it is not answered, increase the level of your feelings, then prayer would work. There are certain areas where Divine could straight away intervene, and other areas where He or She cannot. What you consider to be tests from Divine end are basically problems you have created for yourself. The Divine is basically trying to help you out. Sometimes it might appear that it is testing you, but in reality, the Divine would prevent a greater pain coming to you. Let us say you prayed for a good job, and it wasn’t granted to you, it will only be to save you from some imminent danger, or to bless you with something greater. Divine loves you. You are not separate from the Divine. To Him or Her it is not loving someone else, but Himself or herself. How many times we must pray – Till you get a grace, till your need is fulfilled. The speed at which your desires are granted depends on your relationship with your parents whether they are alive or not. Next is the relationship with your spouse. If your relationships are in order, then receiving grace would be very easy. The next is karma, let us say solving a financial problem could lead one to sickness because of karma, then considering the danger of the situation the prayer would not be answered immediately. Another thing to be considered here are your needs and necessities. Suppose you wish for a car, since you are finding it difficult to manage without one then certainly grace would come to you. But day your prayer arises out of comparison, hurt or greed then it would not be answered.
By cultivating and expressing gratitude
Suppose we received a beautiful ring as a gift, would we not instantly thank the giver? How is then we forget to thank the giver of finger and body. This Universe is a beautiful creation, it took billions of years before life emerges on this planet. Earliest life came from oceans and even early humans were living in oceans like a fish and came on to surface of oceans, then they started living on top of trees, eating leaves and fruits, then lived as caveman and then discovered agriculture, arts, science and all kinds of great discoveries including latest scientific discoveries. Today, if we are living so happily with so much comfortable life, it is all due to hard effort and contribution by nature to create the platforms like matter, galaxies, stars, and planets and so on including water, earth, fire, and air. It is just not humans, whole Universe, living, non-living, all species supported and even now supporting our life. We must spend some time to contemplate on how we came to this world? Our parents, grandparents and our ancestors lived the life in this world. We have inherited not just DNA, but many characteristics, leadership etc are given by ancestors, did we ever bothered to care for where they are now? Or express gratitude. They died and left this world. How many times, we thanked our Sun, Moon, Planet and our ancestors?
Our parents have spent enough amount of time from conceiving to till we are adults, they spent more than two decades of their active life time given to us and if we have to convert this time in to wages, though it is in-human, it is not a small amount and we never recognized this effort and taken it for granted. We do a lot of calculations on return on investments etc, did we ever bother to do some calculations, even though we can’t quantify the effort and why we are indebted to our parents and ancestors. And what about the platforms created by Nature, Mother earth. Similarly, our grandparents have spent a similar amount of time in upbringing our parents and same is with our great parents and so on. Did we ever think about them and remember our ancestors? If not already done, can you please write your ancestors’ names at least for seven generations on the paper and express gratitude to all of them. Not only our parents or ancestors, even other people. How many times, we expressed gratitude in person or by heart to the people who have helped and who are helping in this life span? Parents, relatives, siblings, children, teachers, maid, driver, milk man, store keeper, sales person, delivery boy, mechanic, employer, employees, so many plants, animals who have given you food, and many more. Hope, we are realizing how much we are depending on others. Even the entire Universe is working. Some of them 24* 7 to support our life span as mentioned in below table.
Many species are contributing to the platforms or environment, starting from bacteria, algae to different species in the food web. Plants and trees are not only becoming primary food but they are also re-processing carbon dioxide back to oxygen. So everything is dependent on everything. Universe is a process, one input becomes output to others like the air we breathe and so on .Food that we eat is composed of bacteria in our stomach and gives energy in the form of glucose. It is an endless interconnected echo –system, which is supporting our life. Did we ever bother to recognize and express our gratitude for their existence and their support to your life?
Support | life time |
Sun | 50% |
Moon | 50% |
Earth | Full time |
Atmosphere | Full time |
Water | Need basis |
Fire | Need basis |
Space | Full time |
Magnetosphere | Full time |
Good Bacteria | Full time |
Trees-Oxygen | Full time |
We are indebted to our Parents and our Ancestors and to whole species and creation. We are grateful to all the aspects of creation ranging from Mother Earth to waters, fish, trees, bacteria, Sun, Moon, parents, ancestors, whole species and creation.
While we look at the above food chain and dependency, it is natural to kill and eat as a part of the process to provide food to the body. But unfortunately it became a business. We are destroying nature for making a profit to the businesses. These businesses are
wasting so much in their supply chains without fulfilling the real need. We are looking at each business activity as profit making and without looking at holistically and saving our platforms and nature.
Gratitude is the highest expression of emotion in humans as it signifies the evolution of one’s consciousness. A Grateful person is a superior person, people who are very evolved through past lives will have gratitude. Now how to distinguish between a superior human being and inferior human being? Superior human beings will have gratitude. Inferior human beings will not have gratitude. The hallmark of greatness is gratitude. Unfortunately people do not have this with them. Lack of gratitude, hinders growth. When observed carefully, every creature is indebted to Planet Earth for all that it has received. When a child is born, the child owes his/her gratitude to the mother for feeding him/her. Then the child expresses gratitude to the father for the security he provides. As a student the child owes gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom received from teachers. One also owes gratitude for the knowledge of life experience received from the forefathers”.
When one inculcates the sensitivity to recognize these blessings and when the heart dwells in the state of gratitude, one realizes that this Universe is bountiful and every moment of one’s life is divinely guided with the grace of Divine. Gratitude is the highest expression of emotion in humans as it signifies the evolution of one’s consciousness.
Neurobiologically, when you go into gratitude, the brain itself functions as a much better instrument which in turn will be helpful in raising spiritual consciousness. Without a gratitude brain as an organism becomes an inferior organism. When you are grateful, those people who have actually helped you, they in some sense receive this gratitude and in return we receive blessings from them.
According to UCLA’s Mindfulness Awareness Research Center, regularly expressing gratitude (the quality of being thankful and ready to show appreciation) literally changes the molecular structure of the brain, keeps the gray matter functioning, and makes us healthier and happier.
Gratitude rewires our brain. It kicks start production of Dopamine and Serotonin in our brain. These feel good neurotransmitters activate the bliss center of the brain.
Gratitude is our emotion that relates to our ability to feel and express thankfulness and appreciation. In 2007, Robert Emmons began
researching gratitude through a psychological lens. He found that expressing gratitude improves mental, physical and relational well-being.
Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. Gratitude improves physical health. Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. Grateful people sleep better. Gratitude improves self-esteem. Gratitude increases mental strength.
How to express Gratitude:
Simple ways to express gratitude every day. Write in an abundance journal. Purchase a small notebook and keep it in your briefcase, purse or on your bedside table. …
Express your gratitude in person. …
Show respect for those around you. …
Gratitude is the hallmark of greatness. Best Form of prayer is Gratitude
A person with a gratitude can hold a vision and lead it to completion In gratitude towards one’s parents leads to all problems
A person with a high gratitude lives in a state of High Consciousness
Gratitude can take us from feeling sorry for ourselves to feeling joy. Gratitude frees us from emotional pain. Scientific research reveals as quoted by “Jane Ransom”. It shifts our focus from negative to positive. You just need three easy keys “Emote, Extend, Exercise”. When we express and exercise gratitude as a habit, the brain being a neuro plastic organ, we can restructure our physical brain. Positivity and gratitude can rewire your brain. Close your eyes and bring to your conscious mind someone you are grateful to. It could be someone close to you, parent or child, friend or spouse. It could be who, you never met or one could be inspiring you or your grandparents or ancestors and all species what they have been built and given you visible to naked eye and not visible to naked eye, love, blessings.
By acquiring wealth consciousness
ealTh anD money are not the same. Wealth includes many: money, food, home, parents, children, spouse, relationships, health, life, courage, knowledge, good fortune, peace, good quality of life, victory.
One must inquire themselves, what are your perceptions on life? What is life for you? A routine? A roller coaster? A blessing? What are your perceptions on wealth? What do you feel about money? Difficult to earn? Evil? Power? Not for me? Waiting for me? Extend this exercise to every area of life, such as work, relationships, health.
In the process of creating a right perception towards wealth, we should also understand the difference between money making and wealth creation. Making money is an unenlightened pursuit. You could gamble and make money, or go racing and make money. While wealth creation, on the other hand, is a spiritual activity. Wealth, ultimately, is the ability to add value to things and people. Let us say you set up an academy to train young minds in order to create productive citizens, you are creating wealth for the nation. You create an industry, you are helping employ many people, and are also strengthening the social fabric into being richer. Wealth always has a tendency to percolate. When you indulge in wealth creation with intelligence and integrity, money is an automatic byproduct.
Acquiring wealth consciousness is very important. One must keep on reviewing their life, while reviewing, learn to look positive at things and events. What all good things have happened to you, even the negative things somehow look at positively. Whole view of life must become positive.
The glass could be half full or half empty. There are no facts, only perceptions. Thank all that you have, not focus on what you don’t have.
Once you start seeing positively and expressing gratitude, your brain starts changing and it starts sending signals. Then you begin to see opportunities, if you go on looking out for opportunities, you will automatically acquire wealth consciousness.
Difference between wealth creation and merely making money.
Wealth creation not only requires professional skill, but also the wisdom to understand the ways of the universe. You need to learn and live by certain laws that govern human destiny. The physical universe is governed by physical laws such as gravity, while the mental and spiritual universe are governed by spiritual laws. If you do not know these laws you experience roadblocks on your life’s path of progress. One of the laws is the law of right perception – as is your perception, so is your reality. If your perception of the universe is that it is mechanistic, lifeless, so will be the universe to you. If on the other hand, your perception is that the universe is a living entity, and is a sentient being, you enter a world of possibilities, immense possibilities. You’re actually living in a responding universe. The universe is nothing but consciousness. You are consciousness. The other is consciousness. All that is consciousness. Consciousness is sentient. What is this consciousness saying? It says, I manifest your perception. It says, “I am that.” “That” refers to your perception. “I” refers to consciousness. Consciousness is like the ocean. Perceptions are like the waves that arise and subside on this ocean. If your perception says there cannot be financial abundance owing to the economic crisis, the sentient universe will say, “So be it.” and you experience scarcity. If you adopt a negative perception that times are bad, the world is dangerous and unsafe for me, you are going to be tense and unhappy, which would in turn manifest a problematic situation in life. If your perception, on the other hand, is that there is abundance everywhere, the universe will throw open her treasures no matter what the external circumstances are. Remember, great leaders hold great perceptions, and hence create extraordinary realities.
There are certain universal rules which determine one’s wealth consciousness. A person’s wealth consciousness depends on his or her relationship with his or her father, his breathing patterns and attitude towards wealth. Breathing pattern also plays a major role. There is a rhythmic difference between the breathing pattern of a wealthy person and that of a not so wealthy person.
Breathing pattern also plays a major role in tapping the right cord for creating wealth consciousness. Having a wealth consciousness, Bhagavan says, simply means that you breathe, feel, think, speak wealth and then act wealthy. That is what wealth consciousness is all about. A wealthy person would never complain that they don’t have enough money or think negative thoughts. All these types of people do is feel, think, speak and act wealthy. In fact, each of us has enough things — like a roof over our head, at least two square meals a day, family and friends to care about us. We must be infinitely grateful for all these. Gratitude, Sri Bhagavan says, is bedrock of wealth-consciousness. The gratitude shows us that Divine has made our life abundant.
5 Steps to Increase Wealth Consciousness
- Eradicate Your Limiting Beliefs About Money
- Decide You Want to Be Wealthy & Justify Why
- Determine How Much Do You Want
- Brainstorm on How to Get There
- Imagine As If You Already Have It
That before you physically acquire the wealth that you’ve envisioned, you need to live it as if you’ve possessed the amount of money that you desire! Since the unconscious mind is unable to differentiate between actual possession and mere visualization, by imagining that you already have it, you’re encouraging your unconscious mind to seek ways to transform your imaginary feelings into the real thing. The Wright brothers imagined being able to fly and the reality is, we’re now able to fly in an aeroplane from 1 country to another in a matter of hours and sometimes, even minutes. Thomas Edison imagined lighting the whole room using a single source and as a result, the light bulb was invented! Christopher Columbus imagined a new world and found the American continent, like many more examples. It’s a fact that without the imagination of these great visionaries, we’ll not be able to enjoy many of their discoveries. At a micro level, you too possess the same capability to create, improve your own destiny by constructing it in your mind. Brian Tracy said it best in his statement, “All improvement in your life begins in the improvement in your mental pictures”.
Hard thinking and hard work
To be successful in the external world, one must do hard thinking and do hard work. Hard thinking is more difficult than hard work.
Just by doing hard work, one cannot be guaranteed success and we see many real-life examples in our lives including some of us. But Hard thinking and hard work when it is combined, chances of success are very high. It requires good body condition, which can supply a good amount of energy at least 3 to 4 minutes continuously with 15 W of power, then there is a possibility for breakthroughs. Many of us unfortunately cannot focus for that long and can focus for half a minute by then either we take a break or the mind pulls to some other thoughts. We must train ourselves for hard thinking as well. This skill is one of the most demanding skills. If we can do it for 3 to 4 minutes, many brilliant ideas and breakthroughs will come to us. If we learn this skill and practice we can see many opportunities in this Universe, anyone who is seeing these opportunities, acquires wealth consciousness and by implementing them can become rich. Whole life can change by hard thinking and hard work.
All Things in life can be reached if you stir up mental blocks. How to remove mental blocks?
The more you think positively, more negativity will come into you. So, for this, putting you in front of a mirror and repeating many times something to “get” something never works, because feedback is negative. Positive thinking leads to negativity. Therefore, secrecy is not positive thoughts, but positive feelings. Therefore, during prayers, we ask you to have feelings. Feelings have no resistance, so there can’t be any mental blockages there. What should you do to generate positive feelings? The feeling you must generate it for 12 minutes and then repeat it 7 times. This will dissolve the mental blocks. Through the mind you cannot generate positive thoughts; for positive feelings you must use the body. How to generate these positive feelings. For example, if you’re a coward and you want to be brave. Get in a room. Walk like a lion. Change your position. Speak with courage. It produces feelings for a period of 12 minutes. DO IT AGAIN 7 times (7 days). Then the mental blocks will melt. Now, do it in the presence of a larger number of people. Gather your family members and do it, then with a bigger group. And the mental blocks will go completely. The unconscious part will be removed. In the same way, if you want money, it’s very easy. You must sit, walk and talk like a millionaire. Then you’ll have feelings, and the mind won’t ask questions. The negative is destroyed, and a new programming is inserted.
One must at least follow below to achieve success in life and grow financially, emotionally and in growing their consciousness.
Having a clear vision is very important.
Maintain excellent relationships within the family
By taking the help of spiritual energies in the form of Prayers
By cultivating and expressing gratitude
By acquiring wealth consciousness
By hard thinking and hard work