Divine and God
What is Divine? What is God? Is it one or many?
There is no clear understanding amongst all of us about GOD and Divine and don’t need to have the same understanding at least when it comes to God. Often, we mix both. Here the intention is not to define God, or Divine. Everyone has their own way of expressing God. However, few expressions revealed by great people are as follows.
Generally, the word God is used by Jurastinism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism. They talk of one GOD, they talk of creator GOD. They talk of GOD who is controlling our life. They talk of God who is judging and punishing us. In Sanathana Dharma, such a God does not exist. There is something out there which is unmanifest and it is some kind of energy not known to science, generally referred as Adhiparasakthi or scientific term – may be Dark Energy. This energy has no form, no qualities, it cannot be named, however we can call this unmanifest energy as “DIVINE”. It is like electrical energy which has no form and electricity by itself is unmanifest but it could manifest as light, sound or mechanical motion or as magnetic energy or whatever form. These are manifestations of electrical energy. Similarly, The Divine is unmanifest, we could make it manifest as light or as a golden ball or as a form, a male form or a female form, or as an animal or a plant or whatever you want. It is in your hands, ‘create your personal Divine or God’. What is unmanifest we can call it as Divine. What is manifest we can call personnel Divine or God. You can create whatever the form with whatever qualities. You can give whatever the name you want and whatever the relationship you like. You create this kind of God and then you build a relationship with God and finally, when you die you become that God. You become one with that God that you created. If you create a judging or punishing God, so that God be. It is up to you to create the kind of God you want. If you create a God for giving you wealth, you will get wealth. If you create a God who will give health, you will get health. If you create a God, who gives you success, you will get success.
Divine could be spoken of in three ways, the unmanifest, the manifest and the incarnation.
Firstly, the unmanifest Divine is unknowable. By its very definition, the Unmanifest cannot be seen, felt or heard; it is attributed less and hence cannot be known. It is not the unknown, but it is unknowable. What is unknown today could be known tomorrow. There is no way for human beings to understand the reality of Divine. It will forever be unknowable. As far as humans are concerned, the unmanifest Divine is as good as nonexistent. Divine is very much like the unmanifest electricity that is experienced only when manifested as light, sound or sensation. Is unmanifest Divine is like a dark energy? We still need to find it. Is it Adhiparasakthi?
Secondly, the manifest Divine is knowable. Divine manifests as a Presence, as a light or as a form. Divine also manifests in places and in idols. Divine also manifests through miracles.
Thirdly, Sometimes Divine can incarnate in physical form. When unknowable reality limits into a frame, what is called an Avatar. Avatar is a being who is born with a Destiney. Incarnations and Avatars: This is when the Divine is born to a human mother and lives like a human. When the Human species needs to be guided in a certain way, the Divine may come in an incarnate form.
Aantaryamin, presence and God realized
As we saw in the previous section, we often use the word God, but God means different things to different people. God is very personnel to everyone, while Divine is one, God is many. For an individual, we can define God as their Higher Sacred Self, Higher Intelligence, or Higher Consciousness.
Divine when awakened within each one of us is called the Antaryamin or the Indweller. Divine can manifest across space and time. Closest we can get to Divine is Antaryamin, this Antaryamin can assume various forms or remain formless Presence or voice. Once awakened, the Antaryamin acts like the internet, just like individual PCs form a network of communication to access the information to establish contact. The Antaryamin in each one of us too are connected to the Antaryamins of the rest of humanity. All these 8 billion humans being Antaryamins are connected, it is like 80 billion neurons in our brain and each neuron is connected to 1000 neurons.
Antaryamin in everyone is like subconscious, it is a part of whole and whole is Supra-Conscious, and all these Antaryamins are networked.
Network of computers- we are called the Internet, which is nowhere but everywhere.
Network of brains – Are we calling it One Mind or Thought Sphere? Network of Antaryamins – Is it Presence or collective human consciousness.
You might have seen sometimes hundreds of birds flying like one bird. Actually, you can know that the whole group has got a single consciousness, but the individual bird will follow the consciousness of the whole pack. Sometimes you will find one or two birds dropping out and again they get back to the main flock.
If we say that the individual bird is you, then that full total bird consisting of all birds is the Antaryamin. It can be called God or higher intelligence, etc. So when we say you have the Antaryamin or that Antaryamin is awakened, what it means is you are the part, and you are in touch with the whole.
So if you have the Antaryamin and can talk with Him/Her, then, ‘You’, the part is following the will of the whole or the Divine will. So it is not enough if you are willing to follow the Divine will, you must know what the Divine will is; what the will is of the higher consciousness, without which you are like a bird fallen off the pack.
You are in fact an orphan. The Antaryamin is the Whole, and to have the Antaryamin means you are in touch with the whole. The whole of human consciousness put together is more than the individual’s consciousness. It is not 1 + 1 = 2 but it is 1 +1 = 8 or a big number. That is what “Synergistic emergence” is. In Synergic emergence, there need not be any relation between individual and the collective.
- Cells and human body.
- Computers and the Internet. (Without computers connected there is no internet and without internet the use of computers is limited).
- Hydrogen and oxygen combined to give water. Both hydrogen and oxygen encourage fire but water extinguishes fire. Thus, the behavior of the collective varies from the individual.
This is like Naras (humans) together giving rise to Narayana but Narayana is not merely Nara, but a much greater.
This emerging consciousness is called God or Antaryamin.
The Antaryamin is your inner guide and your supreme friend who can guide you and protect you. Today many times you are in conflict. What is right and wrong? What is good and bad? You are unable to decide this. Even when you decide, many times you regret your decisions.
But when the Antaryamin is awakened, you will exactly know how to respond to every situation of life. At every step you will have someone to guide you, on whom you can trust and who accepts you exactly as you are. And also when you have the Antaryamin, enlightenment is very easy.
So until now we have seen what Antaryamin is. Let us look at how the awakening of the Antaryamin actually happens. Basically in our society, the kind of schooling, education and lifestyle one has, you are not allowed to experience and express your emotions. You are quite suppressed. That is why some have difficulty in getting in touch with their Antaryamin.
So once you have got in touch with your suppressed emotions and if you invite the Antaryamin with your whole heart, it will awaken in you in the way it chooses or in the form you desire. To have the Antaryamin is the natural state of man; it is your birthright; it is just like breathing or digesting. In the Ancient days everybody was in touch with their Antaryamin. There were tribes in Africa a hundred years ago, who were in direct communion with their Antaryamin. They lived a wonderful life. All that you must do is, from your heart, with emotion, with great feeling and with a bond, a liking, you must invite the Antaryamin and then it will awaken in you.
Scientific research reveals, every human heart has forty thousand neurons, a specialized cell configured as a neural network and it is independent of the brain neural network. It is a small brain and it thinks independently, and it feels independently. Is this network like Antaryamin and connected to the whole? Is it receiving guidance from Divine? Whole is manifests through the heart. Heart is the seat of our existence, science knows very little about the heart brain and conventionally believed heart is just a pump to circulate blood. Slowly a lot of research started to understand the real potential of the heart beyond a mere pump, one such research organization is Heart-Math Institute. There are quite a lot of individuals and organizations doing research in this field.
Presence and God realized:
Presence. Is it a feeling, a silence, a power or any state of awakening? What exactly is the Presence?
Suppose there is an ant. That ant has individual consciousness. Suppose there are two individual ants, then a third ant very naturally emerges. You could call it the “collective ant.” Now, if you were to place, let us say, three pyramids together, three triangles, the fourth triangle automatically emerges as the base triangle.
Similarly, the moment you have two individual consciousnesses, you have a third one which you could call the “collective ant.” There are ten. All the ten put together there arises a collective ant. This collective ant, its intelligence, its power is far, far superior to that of the individual ant. And where is this ant? It is everywhere among those ten ants and nowhere. Now let us look at the Antaryamin of this collective ant; it is very protective about the ant species wherever they are in the world. This happens to snakes. This happens to deer. This happens to cattle. For instance, when the birds build nests, they build them at a particular height depending on what’s going to be the rainfall that particular year. So when the farmers watch the height of the nests, then accordingly they go for paddy or groundnuts crops. The rainfall is going to be less, the nests are very low, and they go for groundnuts.If the nests are very high, they go for paddy because the rainfall is going to be high. Now, not the best people in the world know what is going to be the rainfall. But the birds know very much. So, you have different collective consciousnesses. So, the ant collective consciousness is the ant God. The deer collective consciousness is the deer God. The fish God – you have all these Gods. Similarly, there is a collective human consciousness, this is the Presence which comes into you. You can call it also a God. And God is being protective of you like a father and mother. Very, very protective, nonjudgmental, very kind, very compassionate, very concerned. This collective human consciousness comes into you as the Presence.
Antaryamin could be there but still one may not feel the presence. When one awakens, they are in Present, you are dead to the past and future. But when you are immersed in the Presence, then you are God realized. There is a present on one hand and Presence on the other hand. Awakened people live in the present. God realized people live in Presence and finally they realize they, themselves are that Presence. You become everything. When thought ceases, the presence comes in. The proof that the presence has come in is that for example, if you’re talking to your wife, you’ll feel complete oneness with your wife. If you’re talking to a friend, you’ll feel complete oneness with your friend, if you’re walking on the road, you’ll feel oneness with the stranger, If you’re looking at a tree, you’ll feel complete oneness with the tree. Oneness is the proof that the presence has come inside.
Antaryamin in everyone’s heart is like a laptop, this laptop can work independently and live like an awakened being in the present. But when this laptop is connected to the Internet, that all connections put together is presence or collective human consciousness, it may like a field not physical.
Creating your own god
God is Personnel, Create Your own God It does not mean that you are creating a GOD. In true sense, you need to awaken and design your personnel Antaryamin to your needs. God is personnel. This God we are talking about is your own personal Divine. One must create a God of his own. It is in your hands. Create your personal Divine. God and man are two ends of the same spectrum. If you create a judging punishing God, so that God be. God needs to be experienced, our own God. It is not that hard and we need to know the technology of creating our own God and start living and experiencing him and finally become that God. Just like the way we become a customer of a big bank and start interacting with the bank by creating our personnel account where we can deposit our money. Else we can only say, yes, it is a big bank, they have a lot of money and they keep people’s money and so on, it just becomes stories. Another example is, the WhatsApp application, today everyone can be connected across the planet, through this technology, which has enabled common people to get connected instantly and start sharing many things. All you need to do is to have a smartphone, with SIM card and Internet connection, rest all are in place. You can go on reading a book or getting to hear from friends, but to connect across, you just need to create an account and start experiencing instant connection and messaging. Similarly, today it is possible to get connected to your own God and start sharing and living with your own God.
It is very important to create the right God. The amount of grace that we receive, and God manifests depends on the relationship that we have with God. It is very important to not have the image of a punishing God.
If we see him as a lazy father after endless prayers, he will answer our prayers late and that will become our reality. One of the greatest curses we could lay on ourselves is to create a wrong God, defective God who will sit over you and judge and punish you. You have the freedom to design the kind of God that you want. It is like a potter making use of clay (Divine, unmanifest consciousness) to create a masterpiece. God does not define himself or herself, humanity defines God. If you create a punishing God, then God appears to be punishing us. It is something like this, Science can be used for progressive construction or destruction, for instance, Energy and Mass conversion can be used for converting energy from mass, which can used for human needs and at the same time, this can be also used to create atomic bomb which can destroy us and our planet. Similarly, we must create the right God and start using this God’s grace to fulfill our requirements.
Create a God, who is powerful enough to awaken you, and fulfill your desires. Relate to God as a playful, powerful, compassionate friend who responds to our needs instantaneously that would be our God.
Divine or Higher sacred or OM or Brahman is essentially the Unmanifest. That is the ground from which everything starts. The ultimate thing of the universe is what we call Brahman, which is supposed to have the three qualities namely its formless existence what we call-Sat, its Conscious intelligence what we call-Chit, its nature Ananda which is bliss.
Sat: All penetrating existence, which is formless, shapeless, omnipresent, attribute-less and quality-less aspect of the universe is Sat. It is unmanifest. It is experienced as the emptiness of the universe. We could say it is the body of the universe that is static. Everything that has a form and that can be sensed is evolved out of this unmanifest. It is a formless existence.
Chit: The pure consciousness of the universe is infinite, omnipresent and manifesting power of the universe, out of this evolved everything that we call dynamic force. It can manifest in any form or shape. It is a consciousness manifesting as a motion, as a gravitation, as an electromagnetism, it is also manifesting as actions of the body, as a thought force. What is there is only Chit or Chaitanya, which is nothing but Consciousness plus intelligence. Every form is part of the same consciousness that is the universe, galaxies, the stars, the plants, the trees, animals, and you and me.
Ananda: its nature is pure bliss.
It is said in the beginning there was a supreme word and that word created everything, that word is ‘Om’. From this word Jyothi or Satchit Ananda was created, this light became Puroshottama and then this Puroshottama became Paramatma. God is power, compassion and Love. That is why we refer to God or higher sacred energy as SAT CHIT ANANDA. God relates to humans as though God were human, hence we call God as Puroshottama. God also manifests within an individual as Antaryamin or higher sacred being. Since the Antaryamin is in everyone, it is called Paramatma.
The God that people normally talk about is the God who you call as Antaryamin. He can be seen inside, you can talk inside; He can appear to so many and disappear. That’s what people normally refer to as God. Closest one can get to God is Antaryamin. God manifests in every one. This aspect of God awakened within us is called Antaryamin or the indweller or higher sacred self. This God could assume various forms or remain as a formless presence or voice.
Immemorial of time, very few human beings are in the process of becoming united with Divine, however to humanity; this is the first time the Universe is enabling all of us to make this happen. Universe has been preparing the field for this to happen. It is our minimum responsibility to use this opportunity and become united with Divine, awakened, enlightened and God-realized. Of course, this is not a simple process; it is a neuro- biological process. It requires a change in the physical brain, heart and so on. It requires removal of the illusion of a small self, which requires slowing down of senses co-ordination. It is like a movie reel, which consists of a series of photos not an actual video.
When we view a movie, this reel is run at a particular speed, to show the pictures in continuation. Though there are all individual photos, we see a real person acting as if like a video. This real person is an illusion. But if we reduce the speed of that reel, we just see individual photos.
We can compare each individual on this planet to an individual computer, and what we do to make this individual computer to become more powerful is we connect to the Internet by configuring its IP address. Today, we can just buy a computer from any shop and in a few hours, we can buy bandwidth and load a few images or batch files and software, and it is up and running and connected to the whole world via the Internet. Though this technology was manifested in the outside world for several decades, this became so easy in the last few years even for a common man to get connected in a few hours.
Similarly, the Universe is preparing this kind of technology for so many thousands of years for enabling ordinary human beings to unite with the Divine. It is not an exaggeration to say that today, this technology is available to common man and this can be utilized. Again, one doesn’t need to follow a specific religion or cult or group and so on. The way you are free to choose to buy laptop either from HP, Dell, and Apple and so on, or any smartphone for that matter and take bandwidth from other sources and get the IP configured for this device. Similarly, you can be of any religion, country, gender, age, caste, whatever the division, you just need to configure your IP address (awaking Antaryamin inside you) to get connected to Divine or the Universal consciousness. Today, there are many choices to you, to get awakened, enlightened or God-realized, the way you have a choice to select any computer and get it configured. Firstly, one must have an intense desire then the rest will be taken care of. Once awakened, Antaryamin acts like the Internet, just like the individual PCs form a network of communication to access information and establish contact. The Antaryamin in individuals is connected to the Antaryamin of the rest of humanity. Everyone on this planet is unique, similarly each individual Antaryamin is custom made for him/her. But all Antaryamin are networked, they communicate with each other. Antaryamin becomes truly powerful only when we de-clutch ourselves from the mind, until then the mind will interfere with our individual Antaryamin. As you become aware of this interference, interference naturally stops. If there is a thief in our house and we are aware of him and he is also aware that we are observing, he will not indulge in the act of theft. Similarly, once the mind becomes aware that it is being observed it becomes quiet.
It is not just to get awakened, as Antaryamin is becoming powerful to us. When the Paramatma or Antaryamin becomes physical to you, you should ask, ‘Please take me to the Purushottama’. And when you get there you must ask, ‘Take me to Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma’. And when you go there you can say, ‘Take me to Om or Bramhan’.That’s where you will finally reach. But when you go into Om, the Bramhan, you realize you are that only. You alone exist. All this is only a journey towards that. Suddenly you discover you and Brahman are the same. Then you say, ‘Tat TvamAsi’-Thou Art That. Or ‘AhamBrahmasmin’-I Am That Bramhan.