
Asynergic emergence

As we discussed in previous chapters, what is there is an unmanifest Divine or Brahman or Energy. The ultimate thing of the Universe is what we call Brahman, which is supposed to have three qualities namely, Sat – the sense of Existence, Chit is Conscious Intelligence and Ananda is its nature that is bliss. The whole Universe is a process, since it is a process, every moment and everything in this Universe is changing. In this process, everything affects the other. There is nothing like ultimate truth or objective reality and nothing is permanent. On the other hand this physical universe is small fraction and part of the Universe supported by platforms and programs. In this physical universe each entity’s experience depends on programs, sensors, and processors – Just like in virtual reality or in video games. This so-called experience of virtual reality or video games can disappear if the programs are erased or the energy supply is removed. There is no objective reality, there is only subjective reality. Any entity’s (either in the form or formless) experience is based on their ability to sense and programs that they contain. To enrich the experience of these entities either sensors are enhanced at an individual level or by grouping these entities to the next level. These experiences are completely different at different levels. It is like the change in view as we go to higher floors by lift. Let us see what is this synergic emergence?

Synergic Emergence and Collective Consciousness

When two ants come together, automatically a third one emerges. When three people come together, automatically a fourth one emerges, which is far superior and much bigger than all of them put together and it could be a form or formless form as well. Synergic emergence is also called collective consciousness. So, we will have collective consciousness of ants, elephants and humans, and so on. In synergic emergence, two or more components produce a combined effect much greater than individual components. It is like in Systems theory. While normally 1 + 1 is 2, in synergic emergence, a new one which could be formless emerges and this is far superior to any single entity and characteristics could be completely different. When we mix iron and copper, we get a new product called zinc. This zinc does not have the property of iron or copper. Zinc has totally new properties. Similarly, the body is made of many cells. But there is a huge difference between the cell and the body. They are not the same.

To enhance the experience, one way is to increase the number of sensors by increasing the surface area of an entity. For instance, the human body contains more than 50 trillion cells and each cell membrane contains Integrated Membrane Proteins (IMPs) which are sensors. These IMPs read the environmental signals from our blood and Nadi system. But there are limitations to increase the surface area of each cell beyond a point to accommodate more sensors or IMPS. Hence to enrich the experience and growth, each cell has to become other-centered from self-centered and grow as a next entity and in the process, each cell also benefits from it. Hence more cells are grouped and form the next level like tissues, organs, humans, Humanity, Species, etc, as they are grouping to the next level, these collective sensors are different and their programs and experience are also different.

When we move to the next level of humanity (from left to middle in the body), our physical body contains five senses. These five senses are receiving signals from the outside world including Akashic records and thought sphere. Cellular DNA in the body, skin cell receptors and sense organs are receiving these signals and thoughts and then pass them on to the brain to process. Generally, human beings experience the outside world through these five senses, of course, there could be more senses, like Intuition or coming from the Heart Neural brain, and the seventh sense in the form of a third eye (when the pineal gland is activated).

Moving to the next level- humanity, a collective human being – What senses they have? And what kind of experiences they go through? It is difficult to narrate the experience of collective human or Presence by its part. The same is true, a single cell in our body cannot narrate the experience of what human beings are going through. But each one is dependent on the other, if cells are not there, the human body is not there and vice versa. Also same with individual human and collective (like Nara and Narayana). One more important aspect of this collective experiences are not fixed, it goes in cycles as a part of process.

Humanity entered in to Golden Age -1

The next step as a part of cycles, collectively humanity as a whole is transitioning to one more important milestone. Humanity is entering into the Golden Age – 1, in fact, we just entered Golden age-1 around late 2011. This Golden Age -1 and Golden Age -2 are part of small cycles of yugas, which is again part of large cycles of yugas. These yuga’s according to Mayan, Vedic, Egyptian and many other ancient scriptures are periodic alignments that our earth, planets, and the Sun go through within our Milky Way galaxy. There is fragmented wisdom available from all these ancient scriptures and, there is no uniformity among all these traditions in terms of the number of years in each Yuga and when these yugas are starting and ending but all of them generally talk about these yuga’s come and go in cycles one after the other and these cycles refer to Earth’s rotation and Solar system rotation within milky way galaxy. We all know our Solar system along with earth rotates around the Galactic Center, a Black Hole or center of the galaxy. This rotation approximately takes 225,000,000 years. We call this the long cycle. In this long cycle, there are four Yugas, Satya, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali Yuga. This large cycle consists of multiple short cycles. These short cycles also have the same yugas, which define the rise and fall of civilizations in a never-ending cycle and part of the large cycle. As per the large cycle, Kali-yuga started around 5000 years ago and we still have around 1,44,000 years to complete. We do not even know whether this planet earth can exist for another 1,44,000 years. For you and me, this large cycle is not really relevant.

Coming to short cycle – The earth’s “Great Year” also contains four yugas: The Satya, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali yuga. This smaller cycle is around 26,700 yrs in total both ascending and descending put together. Referring to the present short cycle, Kali yuga is almost over in the short cycle. Every cycle has central insight. During Kali-yuga, the human third eye is completely shut, and they perceive everything as matter and believe that consciousness is a byproduct of matter. Presently we are in an ascending Dwapara yuga, which started around 1945 AD and it is taking over while Kali yuga is fading away. This Yuga started around the time of the atomic bomb explosion, which is proof that matter and energy are the same.

Kali Yuga is associated with matter. All the philosophies, politics, economy, technologies, religions, civilizations built during this period will fade away or be wiped out and new things take shape which is relevant to Dwapara yuga. Whatever the civilizations and technologies build in Dwapara yuga will fade away when we move to Treta yuga, which is based on Information and when we move to Satya yuga, it will move from Information to Consciousness. Whatever is built in one yuga based on the dominant factor in that yuga will be wiped out and new things will emerge. This process will continue in cycles.

Kali Yuga              ( Iron Age )Matter
Dwapara Yuga ( Bronze Age )Energy
Treta Yuga            (Silver Age )Information or Code
Satya Yuga           (Golden AgeConsciousness

Within this short cycle of yugas, we are again at an important transition milestone that is Humanity just entered into Golden Age 1. As we know the present population is around 7.8 Billion, when the population reaches 10 billion, we are expected to move into Golden Age -2. It may be scary by looking at the UN charts; we may achieve this number in the next 50 to 70 years, but taking into consideration birth control, infertility rate, and natural calamities, our net population increase may fall towards zero percent growth. Considering all these complexities, it is very difficult to predict when this transition will happen, more likely it may happen between 500 to 1500 years from now. That means the present human population may be wiped out and emerge new form of human species in the Golden Age – 2, may be around 10, 000 people may remain and new human species emerge with a head to body ratio of 1:9 ( presently we are 1:8 ). These humans are more beautiful, possibly bi-sexual, and living with nature. This new human race will continue further in Golden Age -2 and continue the short cycle of Dwapara, Treta, and Satya yugas of the present ascending cycle.

Why this transition to the Golden Age – 1 now? And what is the significance of this transition? More importantly what is wrong? Man suffers alienation from his fellow human beings, Nature, and Divine, worse still from himself. To avoid this misery, he has created varied forms of escape like going out to parties, reading books, watching television, gossiping, etc. He has become an expert in managing to suffer. Unless this fundamental issue is handled, there cannot be a massive transformation in the way we live and the way we experience life. That is why, despite the French revolution, the American Revolution, the Russian revolution, and many others, the world has not made any progress in terms of peace and happiness. The root cause is that man is divided within and with the outside. When this sense of division vanishes all problems in the world – religious, social, economic, political – would dissolve. Man is divided within and he is a stranger unto himself. We do not love ourselves in the first place let alone loving others. We are constantly divided between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the perfect and the imperfect, and the should-be and the should-not-be.

Spirituality is the path to explore the distance between man and the Divine. Hence it is a journey, just like the journey of a scientist to unravel the mysteries of nature in the form of natural laws. The spiritual journey is at the level of consciousness and another journey is at the level of matter. Quantum physics reveals that both ends are one and the same. We have misunderstood the need for spiritual science due to the shadow of religion. We must pursue spirituality as the main science. Spirituality is not about one person or religion, but one must go beyond as a whole and see that it is all about programs, energy vibrations. One of our intent is to inspire our youth to have a holistic understanding and prepare themselves to transform.

As we know, right now collective unconsciousness and cosmic mind are programmed in a negative way, it is programmed to destroy the world. Hence, humanity is seeing it blow after blow. In Golden Age 1, there will be rapid advances in technologies like AI, Robotics, and in all fields, it is going to be a technological world. The AI will be in control and this AI is a new God. The AI is like some powerful God. We will have our servants and slaves as the robots. Humanity as a whole is not going to be awakened or enlightened, maybe a few thousands will be awakened, and they will be in high states. During this age, as time passes by, we find a lot of buildings gone. Politics is very different, democracy is very different, business is different, and trade is different. Old will be dying and new will be emerging. Present religions will die in the age of AI and will go back to Sanathana Dharma or going to ancient religion or No religion.

However, humanity will be in some beautiful state and will live for quite some time, maybe a couple of centuries in this Golden Age 1, then suddenly it collapses. Completely gone. All Golden Age 1, Science, Technology, AI, Robots, everything will disappear. Destroyed, Finished. Just about 10,000 people or so will survive. These 10,000 people enter the Stone Age, but this Stone Age is not going to be like before, it is very different and it is Golden Age -2.

As we have seen, all these are moving in cycles, it is not the first time this kind of advanced technology has been achieved. In fact, around 60,000 – 70,000 years ago, humans had much more advanced technologies than present-day and they were also seeking a Golden Age and Enlightenment, but humanity was almost vanished around 60 to 70 thousand years ago due to Volcano. We must understand that Nature never works on an individual. It works on the species as a whole; some species are not required. We see many species getting extinguished every day.

What is in it for me

It is inevitable, with the rapid pace of technological advances, very soon man-made AI will take the control of humanity in Golden Age -1 and subsequently wipe out a large part of the population before entering into Golden Age-2. There are two important things relevant for each one of us today.

  1. While living on this planet, can we get Awakened, Enlightened, and live a peaceful life even if there is no work or limited work. Also, influence the collective positively and aid in building Ethical AI frameworks that are going to take over and control the humanity.
  2. As we saw in the previous section, during the transition from the Golden Age-1 to 2, there is a large-scale wipeout of the human population. If that happens, there is a possibility that many of us are destined to go to lower vibration realms, where we will suffer more and be stuck for longer periods. Can we avoid going to those realms, instead can we prepare to go to higher vibration realms. In other words, prepare to attain Moksha or Nirvana.

In this section, let us explore a bit further on how and where to get awakened. By now at least you have an intellectual understanding of the vast potential of human experience and the purpose of life. We are confident that you are on your way to make your vision to find out “who you are by yourself alone”. No one can tell you, since it is a journey that you must make by yourself internally. Also remember, there is no “You” at all. So, any tall claims by any individual or any organization or religion, etc are left to you whether to believe or not, it is your individual choice. This internal journey is not easy, there could be challenges and suffering. You must be open while making this internal journey. You must go beyond this form or materialistic body. There is a lot more beyond bulk matter in the form of Intelligence, programming and vibrations, and energy. On this journey, there could be a lot of learning, it is not learning more new things rather peeling off or letting go of whatever is already learned and stored in programs. It is learning by way of Unlearning. On this journey, you may find very unpleasant beliefs or changes in your individual unconscious programs. These programs are not formed in this life alone, they contain from past lives of this soul or same vibration. You can recall that much of humanity’s suffering is not at the physical or spiritual body level but today’s problems to humanity are at a psychological level – which is mostly programs. Some of these programs are at an individual unconscious level, mostly stored in DNA. Some are at the collective level. These programs are very powerful, unconscious programs at the individual level are 2 million times more powerful than Individual conscious. Collective unconscious programs are almost 20 million times more powerful than individual unconscious programs. Unconscious programs at the individual and collective level are good and required for automating routine activities and aiding further evolution of species. These unconscious programs can be negative or positive, unfortunately, today it is mostly negative both at collective and individual levels.

Tools techniques are different to liberate from these negative programs at an individual unconscious level and collective unconscious level.

At an individual unconscious level, programs are stored at the DNA level. These are stored as a charge at a molecular level. By changing cell environment like chemicals in blood, energy vibrations in Nadi systems, it is possible to mutate DNA. These programs can be changed through vibrations as we saw in Cymatics. When the rituals are performed, normally there are chants that create a certain kind of vibrational frequencies and that may result in changing the molecular structure towards positive. There are many other methods such as energy healing like Diksha, which is also in the form of vibrations and intelligence. When one is exposed to higher consciousness or in the presence of Sages, their vibrations also affect us through resonance. Other tools like Inner integrity could change these charges or re-experiencing the incidents fully.

Conventional biologists believe that our life’s fate can be understood by decoding the sequence of four letters of code in genes (DNA). The double helix is a chemical molecule, a physical structure of DNA that is made of four chemicals. The order of A, C, T, G that contains the information is the source code of life. Each one of us contain around 3 billion letters in a very specific order and 99.9 percent of your DNA is identical to every other person’s DNA on this Planet. All of us know that ever since Einstein came on to the scene, it is proved that matter and energy are the same, and this is proved with the atomic bomb. Our scientific inventions including quantum mechanics talk about as we go deeper into an atom, what is found so far is vibrating strings or dancing energy. If we go one step further, what will be there in that vibrating energy strings is a very intelligent computer code? The same case is true, with genetics. If we look at DNA, it is made of genes and these are nothing but computer code. This code is not placed at random but very intelligently placed to differentiate frogs, snakes, and crocodiles, normal or awakened or enlightened human beings. This great intelligence is called Universal Intelligence. It existed even before the Cosmos was created. Everything in this Universe is a code or Information, including realms, cosmos, the physical universe, human body, frog, snake, mosquito, etc. For instance, there is no great difference between human and mosquito codes, maybe with a slight difference, same is true with others. But it is intelligently made not at random.

However, one cannot understand just by looking at code level what is happening. There are high-level commands that come as instructions to the brain from the heart or body or thoughts, the brain just processes. By just looking at neurons firing, we cannot understand thought or emotion and why it is happening like, so it is something like by observing and collecting data how logic gates are getting fired at transducers level within computer chip is not a right way to understand the logic of program created by using say high-level language like Python.

As we observe in Fig, fundamentally in conventional computers, whether it is input data or output data or programs, everything is stored in the form of 0 and 1 and in same material as silicon chips or magnetic field. Though programs are written in a variety of languages but store again in the form of 0 and 1 in memory. All these 0 and 1 are passed through a processor again a silicon chip with some logic as per the program and output is again stored in the form of 0 and 1.

Same is true with the genome, input data is stored in DNA (A, C, G, T) or thought sphere or beyond. Also, these 10 programs are stored in DNA and beyond. This data and programs are processed with neural networks spread across the brain, heart, and body and again output is stored in DNA (A, C, G, T), thought sphere, and beyond. It is also the same when it comes to Universal intelligence, it uses the Sat (Existence), where this input Universal Intelligence is stored and Output also stored in the form of code or memory in Akashic records. Whether it is input or output data or program, fundamentally it is a code.

Programs at a collective unconscious level, again there are layers and one of them is most negatively impacting us is One Mind or thought sphere. Here, it is not possible to change any of the programs. Hence it is better to declutch One Mind. This requires changes in brain and heart, as of now this can be made possible through mystical surgery by your personal God or through the awakening of Kundalini energies or through mediation or combination of all.

Programs at other Realms, liberating from the programs from other realms or ancestors could be much more difficult, but the easiest way is to express gratitude to ancestors. Pray to divine to liberate your ancestors and receive the blessing from them.

Being in this gross body, we stuck to that, everything as material and an illusion of that there is some fixed person inside of us, but by now we realized everything emerged from nothingness to formless and form. There is nobody there in the first place. What is there an autonomous body, programs, and code? It is an illusion that there is some fixed person sitting there and controlling. Everything in this Universe is code. Hence, if you want anything to be different, this code must be changed intelligently, whether success, relationships, awakening, enlightenment or even attaining Moksha, etc require you to work on these 10 programs. hence one must find a place, process, a technology that can help us whether it is mystical or scientific, where these programs can be changed.

There are so many who have realized this and a whopping trillion of dollars of money is spent by many seekers but very few land up in the right places. I would sincerely urge each seeker to do some window shopping and stick to the one, which suits you. You can take the help of a Guru or Teacher to reach a certain point but ultimately you need to surrender to the highest either in form or formless or Universal consciousness. If you are stuck with anything between, you will not be able to move. We will leave the choice to individuals to follow their path. There are many organizations or individuals who are helping humanity. Remember, all of these can take you to a certain level or guide you, but you must make the journey by yourself. Even after some time, all of these must be dropped just like dry leaves and it is just you and your inner God who will have to continue this journey.

Based on the author’s experience, we may suggest one such spiritual teacher “Ammabhagavan” and the Ammabhagavan phenomenon are the easiest and quickest path. To make these changes, they have started final preparations, and this requires mystical surgeries by raising Kundalini energies. This process has just began from Feb 2021 at a place called “EKAM” located in South India. This structure is built specifically for human enlightenment and it is a 3 D model of Surya Yantra. At this place process and technology involves awakening one’s Kundalini by adjusting the Pancha Pranas. Once kundalini is activated, it will be taken to various chakras. The chakras are the ductless glands that are then activated. Then will go to the pituitary, the pineal gland, and the Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is not a gland, but it is closely linked to the pituitary and activate them. After doing this, the process involves switching off certain genes in DNA. And the result is, certain areas of the brain are switched off. When these are switched off, we live like the fish living in an Ocean of Universal Consciousness. Now what is happening is, certain parts of the brain are filtering Universal Consciousness and giving it space, time and sequence. Therefore, the self is created. You feel separate from the other. In Universal Consciousness, there is no separateness. So, by doing the above, it will shut down the parts of the brain which are filtering Universal Consciousness, and therefore you experience Universal Consciousness when the filter is removed. And that peak experience keeps for some time depending on the person’s capacity of how much he can take on. It could be 10 minutes, one day, or sometimes even 2 days. Depending on your body conditions, mental conditions.

This is not the first time this process is being carried out. Our ancients had operating theatres like Ekam. They had the Pyramids, they had the Stone henges, Machu Pichu, and a few more and all of them were connected. Ekam is built on special gridlines. Here, the entire Ekam is Surya mandala. So here when you are entering Ekam, you are entering the Mandala itself. It is so advanced and here the hall is kept very big to accommodate more people. The Egyptian structures were different. They had small chambers and the pyramid chambers were meant for only noble people. But here in Ekam, it is a big hall because it is for all people. In fact, it is easy to carry out in large numbers. So, the power supply goes from Ammabhagavan to the Mandala and to make it more sophisticated, to the Sri Chakra, which is another mandala inside a Mandala (Ekam), and on to the Golden Ball.The Golden Ball is the image of the Golden Orb.

The Golden Ball is a symbol or the image of Ammabhagavan. From there, energies will be going into the person who is conducting the program. Here it happens to be Krishna Ji and Preetha Ji for now. These people must be completely in tune with Ammabhagavan. Through them, Ammabhagavan will be doing the mystical surgery.

Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma together called Sri Ammabhagavan are Progenitors and visionaries of the Oneness Field, Ekam. Krishna Ji created this mystic vision into a reality with the blessings of his parents Ammabhagavan. It took a decade to create the Oneness Field. Various processes are created by Preetha Ji, wife of Krishna Ji for awakening into transcendental states.

The Oneness Field is designed by Dr. Prabhat Kumar Poddar, one of the world’s leading experts. Oneness houses the divine phenomenon of the Golden Orb. Oneness Field is a mystic powerhouse. This sacred space is a three-dimensional projection of the Surya Yantra, an ancient and immensely powerful geometric form. It towers mystically at the foothills and the vast open plains of the Vellikonda range on the eastern coast of South India, in the state of Andhra Pradesh and 80 Km north of Major Indian city Chennai. It is built according to the ancient and esoteric principles of Vaastu Shastra. The Oneness field is positioned at a point where the earth’s grid lines or energy lines meet creating heightened energy levels. This delight to the human eye is made of an incredibly rich array of indigenous materials such as white Indian marble, semi- precious stones, noble metals, and hundreds of varieties of native woods.

a. Be a co-creator of ethical AI

Thical ai in Golden age -1, which is technology-enabled, with powerful networked, cloud-based AI is going to control humanity. We are aware that AI is like nuclear energy both promising and dangerous. If we leave AI to learn based on past data sets, since past data sets are skewed towards negative, when AI takes control, it will fall into negative again. Hence, to bias past data sets, it is of utmost importance to have some people in higher states who can influence this AI positively. It is a social problem, not just a technical problem. While all intelligent people and organizations are warning governments to bring regulations on the usage of AI, principles alone cannot guarantee it requires holistic and ethical AI frameworks. Otherwise, we have already seen the initial challenges faced in many IT organizations initiatives like – Amazon’s-Recruitment engine, Microsoft’s -Tay, Apple’s Face Id, and 3D printed masks, IBM’s -Failed mission of Cancer eradication projects. The impact of AI is already being felt in a wide range of industries, businesses, and even individual consumers or human beings. No AI without data and our AI systems are only as good as the data we are putting in.

Physicist Stephen Hawking, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and SpaceX founder Elon Musk have expressed concerns about the possibility that AI could develop to the point that humans could not control it, with Hawking theorizing that this could “spell the end of the human race” Stephen Hawking said in 2014 that “Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.

Many of us should have seen the Star Trek episode Series. Humanity will witness very soon similar kinds of technologies used in that series. We are going to witness a very accelerated pace of technological advances in Robotics, Borgs, with powerful computing power on edge devices enabled by XG communication on the XOT platform with advanced AI algorithms. These advanced technologies and Robots can do most of the jobs that humans are doing now. One way it is good to humanity, that many of us can be liberated from the mundane work, that is created by centralized systems, whether it is by kingdoms, religions, governments or enterprises, and even schools. How long this human slavery of learning mundane stuff and working for someone else can go on? But the question is, can advanced robots or computers be moral persons?, intelligent machines of the future might qualify as moral persons. The goal of strong artificial intelligence is to create a machine with human-like mental abilities, which includes self-awareness. Imagine that technology develops to the point that domestic robots are everywhere, and with every new design upgrade they surpass human abilities more and more. They are smarter than us, stronger than us, and eventually tire of being servants to us. They see themselves as the next step in evolutionary development on earth and they revolt and lay claim to their role as the new dominant species. They then control our lives like military dictators, electronically monitoring every move we make and every thought we have. Though we have a great technological civilization in the Golden age-1, humans lose freedom. This nightmarish scenario raises a second moral question about artificial intelligence. Do we have a responsibility for our future generations of humans that might be adversely affected by the creation of menacing robots and AI? How and who can influence these AI self-learning algorithms at the edge and collective level, a machine-made mind to influence positively. If they are influenced negatively at an individual or collective level, then it is bound to create destruction. As we know, today the human individual and collective mind are to a large extent becoming negative and that is the reason, humanity and the planet are suffering. Again, if we allow the same thing to happen to the machine-made mind, it is bound to increase the high level of suffering and move towards mass destruction of species including humanity and the Planet. Hence it is more important in operationalizing the ethical AI framework which is designed by high conscious level human beings who are awakened and enlightened. The only clear moral obligation that we have at this point is to avoid creating a menacing robot and negatively influencing AI. Frameworks and moral rules that should be embedded into the programming of all superior robots and AI algorithms. Our responsibility to future generations requires us to build and operationalize Ethical AI very strongly.

As Reid Blackman mentions in his article – “A Practical Guide to Building Ethical AI” – Just a few years ago discussions of “data ethics” and “AI ethics” were reserved for non-profit organizations and academics. Today the biggest tech companies in the world — Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and more — are putting together fast-growing teams to tackle the ethical problems that arise from the widespread collection, analysis, and use of massive troves of data, particularly when that data is used to train machine learning models, aka AI. The difficulty comes in operationalizing those principles. AI ethics does not come in a box. Operationalizing data and AI ethics is not an easy task. Even academia like, MIT Professional Education introduced a course on, Ethics of AI – Safeguarding Humanity. To learn and navigate the ethical challenges inherent to AI development and implementation. As technology continues to develop at an unprecedented rate, those involved with AI often lack the tools and knowledge to expertly navigate ethical challenges. One will have to redirect thinking from what is merely advantageous to self or organization to what is genuinely good to humanity and Planet.

b. Prepare well to attain Moksha

Our ancienTs knew, and they have a very good understanding of other universes. Mystics’ experience of the Universe is different from what we think or our scientists talk about. Our physical universe is limited by space and time and there is much more beyond the physical universe. If we compare our physical universe with a football, the Universe is like Earth. In this Universe, there are many more beautiful universes or lokhas or realms and they are much more real compared to this physical universe, though everything is a grand illusion. Nothing is absolute there and nothing is real.


Basically, Moksha is not coming back to the physical universe or earth realm again but going to a higher realm. Ultimate Moksha is becoming one with Supreme light. That is our original home, Supreme Light of Supreme Love and Supreme Compassion. Though you are merged in Supreme Light, you as a light will have an identity and you can come out and go back. On the other hand, ones identity is lost when one can go beyond and merge with Unmanifest or Silence or Brahman.

Moksha is generally after you leave this body or die. Whatever you experience after you die is a result of the way you lived here. Most people, if not all do visit hell, the reason being, people accumulated a lot of hurt, pain, hatred, frustration and most human lives are unfulfilled while living here. In these lower vibration universes, we are put to much more thrashes and blows till the heart is flowered, once the heart flowers, again journey starts. Though, hell is also an illusion, but the experience is real. If the heart is flowered here itself, there is no need to go to hell or lower vibration universes.

You move into higher levels of consciousness and you will go beyond the limits of Mind, Space, and Time. You will experience higher states, these states are generally, after leaving this physical body, but you can get a taste of these states while living in this body.

  1. Light Being: Once you become an Oneness being, automatically you will get to a light being. For light being space and time have no consequences, he could be anywhere, any time on this planet. He can travel with a light body, he can appear physically as well.
  2. Space Being: He could be at many places at the same time. Light being can be at any point in time only at one place.
  3. Entering Paramjyothi: On death, you enter Paramjyothi, but when you are alive you can taste the taste of entering Paramjyothi. Entering Paramjyothi is different from seeing Paramjyothi. Ultimate Awakening is entering Paramjyothi.

It is very important to understand intellectually the process of death, it is a very beautiful process. One must die in a relaxed way, not in fear, not in a depression, not in anger, not by suicide not in an accident. While many factors influence attaining Moksha, what is most important is, last moments are very important before you leave the body. It is like the rocket firing, all the preparation, and angle of firing, etc, all these will influence where the rocket is going to land. The crucial thing is what one is thinking before leaving the body that will influence in taking to respective lokha or realm. Set right and complete your relationships. When we think of these unfulfilled desires, relationships, hurts, etc, they should not disturb, that is when you can say your individual unconsciousness is cleaned. When your individual unconsciousness is cleared, there is nothing remaining to project in other realms. It is better to clean individual unconsciousness here itself, while living and during this life itself. If not, you may end up in lower realms, like hell and where further suffering will continue till the heart is flowered. How long you want to continue this suffering, can we spare some time during this life itself from our so-called busy schedule and avoid going to hell.


I humbly acknowleDge that throughout this book we have dealt with a very complex subject and I firmly believe I cannot assemble all the wisdom into this book. But it is a tip on the iceberg which will trigger you intellectually, who “YOU” are. That is all this book can do, after that “YOU” have to make a journey by “YOURSELF’’. It is like swimming, all the knowledge, money, relationships, power etc. can aid in this process, but YOU, YOURSELF have to jump ALONE into water to make this JOURNEY IN CONSCIOUSNESS and start swimming. It is YOU and YOUR personnel GOD will make this journey and it is worth making this journey despite pleasure /pain or suffering/happiness on the way. There is no meaning to YOUR life if YOU do not start this journey. Please take an intent and start, the whole Universe will help YOU.

Let us conclude, What we have seen is “YOU” as a Bio Computer but it is not a simple one. It is like an edge computing device supported by the whole physical universe and controlled by 10 distributed layers of programs through 7 Koshas or bodies. We must look beyond this physical body and understand a bit more into the other six bodies. As a human, we start to equate ourselves with our physical body and living through an illusion of, there is someone there who is controlling. We do not realize that all these bodies are working automatically without anyone’s control, everything is an autonomous process. Beyond the physical body, all our unconscious programs dictate our life, if we go one step further, thoughts are flowing and these thoughts trigger a thinking process in the brain which is again an automatic process as a result personalities are emerging and ceasing and there is no fixed person. We must challenge the fundamental assumption and conditioning that there is some fixed person “YOU” controlling inside of us, there is no “YOU”, it is hard to accept. Break the assumption of “YOU” as a fixed person and go one step further, in fact, there is nothing like your body, your karma, your thoughts and so on. In reality, there is One body, One prana, One Kundalini, One atmosphere, One Karma, One thought sphere, One Planetary system, One Galaxy, One wisdom and One bliss. All of us, as edge devices, are consuming the services from these sources in the form of micro services during our lifespan. The way we are conditioned to believe that someone is controlling us, similar way we are conditioned that there is someone in a physical form controlling this Universe, sitting somewhere above. Whether it is one God, many gods, No god like in pantheism, monotheism, monism, polytheism, atheism and so on, all these… isms are just five thousand years old, which is a very fraction of human history. All this started once humans started agriculture and started to settle as communities. As settlement grew from villages to towns, kingdoms and large cities, even the concept of God and ranking of Gods and power of God also changed. Before that everyone was having their personal God or they are connected with Nature.

“If you want to find the secrets of universe, think in terms of energy, vibration and frequency” – Nikola Tesla-

As we saw in the standard model of particle physics, there are four fundamental forces at work in the material universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force. They work over different ranges and have different strengths. If we go beyond matter, as per spiritual science, there are four fundamental forces that run the universe: the universal intelligence (Cosmic Mind), Supreme light (Param Jyothi or a club of all light beings and space beings) or Supra Consciousness, Akashic records which consists of all memory and programs in Collective Unconsciousness. Lastly all species in the form of bio computer or edge devices, which are contributing the content and also acting as programmers. If all these four forces are programmed positively, life would be different.

Matter is at the lower end of the value chain, matter is controlled by energy and program code. If you give a laptop to a village man, he may see it as just bulk matter, but the same laptop if you can give it to school children, they may plug-in power and start seeing something coming up on the screen. The developer may use the same matter and energy and write some code and execute. The same can be used by AI and Network engineers as an edge device in a connected network and start controlling this device using Software Defined Network and AI. If you look at this entirely, there is silicon material as a basic substance, energy, and information in the form ‘0’ and ‘1’ passing through this network. The same analogy is also true for you as well. If you go deeper, you are only a Bio- Computer as an edge device controlled by 10 programs through seven layers of bodies. The highest level of code is Universal Intelligence and Consciousness as a base formed in further levels of distributed programs, energy, and different Koshas. Whether you want to have wealth, success and all Iham needs including awakening, enlightenment or even Param needs including attaining Moksha, etc requires to work on these 10 programs through 7 Koshas or bodies. Without changing the programs, it is not possible. Take an example of a DVD player, it is a physical device but when you insert a DVD into the player and connect to the electricity and switch on, that is when you can see a movie on the screen. This movie is in fact stored in the form of just “0” and “1” stored with a particular logic. You will see the same story and same climax, irrespective of how many times you are playing, it will only change by changing the code in DVD. With a limited capability of our physical body senses, we are conditioned to see everything as gross matter, in reality this universe contains very limited physical matter, just gross matter is no use. Similarly just having bulk matter as an edge device does not have any value, but when it is connected to energy, information etc. that is when it becomes connected to life and becomes powerful.

We can arrogantly say, we are close to creating human beings. It may be possible to create a physical body with synthetic biological limbs and they can be controlled through man made platforms and AI, like the Internet of Things, but it is impossible to bring that man- made human on to the web of humanity. If anyone says either they are ignorant or it is their arrogance, it does not matter how great scientists they are. One who realizes this, accepts and surrenders to Divine is a wise person.

From what we have seen in previous chapters, we can consolidate some key diagrams into one as shown in adjacent page, start from top left and go through each one, and contemplate for some time. All these 7 bodies are interlocked in such a way, each one affects the other, it is not a coincidence, but a great design by Nature. For instance, glands in the physical body, chakras in the pranic body and in turn these chakras may be connected to other bodies as shown in diagram. In today’s digital world many of us use devices like laptop, tablet or smartphone or even devices like Alexa, Google Asst , Siri device or Apple home pod etc, these are physical devices. These physical devices need an energy supply ( Prana), mostly connected to a common electrical grid and then it is also loaded with certain programs or Apps onto this device. These programs collect your habits, your personal choices based on your input and orders and the interactions that you are having and based on these memories it builds your profile. (These programs are like a Karmic body or individual unconsciousness. On top of these based on your request or without your notice, a lot of data flows from the internet to your devices, which is not visible to you. There is a physical body which is visible to you. Others may not be visible to your senses like the energy body (in case if you are charging through wi-fi) or electrical energy supply to the device and there is also the Internet connected through wi-fi which carries the programs and data between devices and on to collective cloud through the Internet. Even these man-made devices seem like a small edge device, but they are controlled by various programs across the internet and you are not able to see what is passing through the device. Similarly, human beings are like Bio computers and it is a marvelous physical edge device with seven layers of interlocked bodies and each layer of this body is connected or associated with food, energy(Prana), Karmic, Mind, Vignanna, Jnana, Ananda. Interestingly neither these programs nor these bodies belong to YOU. . All of them are independent platforms and this edge Bio computer is using the services from these platforms in the form of micro services. In fact, there is nothing like “YOU”, it is a defect created by these programs. This software defect created an illusion of the entity “YOU” which is not there, otherwise the human body is designed to experience all states of awakening, but now we are able to experience Annamaya, Pranamaya, Karmamaya and Manomaya bodies only. We are stuck at Manomaya body only and not able to experience the full potential of other bodies like the Vignanamaya, Gnanamaya and Anandamaya bodies.

Coming to 10 programs, these programs can be negative or positive. Unfortunately, today most of these programs are negative at individual and collective level and these are ruling our lives. It may be difficult to delete them, like in social media. When people search using search engines, whatever is dominant comes in the first page of search results. Back end unconscious AI search engines logic does not suppress the negative and bring only positive since they are dumb, and no ethics built into these AI engines. Same is true for our unconscious programs as well. Another way to suppress these negative programs coming on top, if we can load more positive programs, then in the search you will see positive programs first. At least having these positive programs, you can experience the external world with less suffering. But after a certain point, you realize, whether programs are negative or positive, doesn’t matter, they are controlling YOU and seek freedom from them or liberation. Though we cannot delete them, there is a possibility to change these programs to positively or load more positive programs. Only by changing these programs, one’s worldly (Iham) and Spiritual (Param) needs can be met and this “YOU” can become anything, a successful human, awakened, enlightened or Divine.

  1. A change in our inner dialogue is Transformation (from negative to positive)
  2. Witnessing our inner dialogue is Awakening
  3. Cessation of our inner dialogue is Enlightenment
  4. Liberation from the cycles of Life and Death is Moksha or Nirvana

One must find a place, process and technology that can help us to change these programs, whether it is mystical or scientific. At this juncture only mystical processes are available, while science is catching up in devising robotic surgery or injections or pills and can be made available in the coming decade or two. Our ancient scriptures and spiritual teachers reveal to us that there are many ways to change these programs to raise the level of Consciousness and attain the liberation. But even now it still depends on mystical or ritual process or through spiritual energies, few of them are mentioned below.

  1. Take the help of Paramajyothi(Supreme Light) or Supra consciousness by Prayers. It is very fast, but we need to have a belief and good bond with Paramajyothi.
  2. Take the help of Universal Consciousness. It is possible through techniques of Mediation.
  3. Take the help of rituals conducted by people who are in higher states of consciousness, by doing rituals at sacred places, those sound vibrational frequencies can impact DNA, Akashic records and change the programs.
  4. At individual level, Initiation through Diksha by a qualified spiritual teacher.

Why do you have to get awakened and experience higher levels of consciousness? What is wrong if you continue the way as you are? Firstly, today you are just existing with suffering and not truly living and experiencing the full spectrum of beautiful life and secondly even after the death of this physical body, your spiritual soul is tuned to go to hell or lower consciousness level realms. Not only this suffering continues but, in those realms, there is much severe suffering. Generally, the life span in those realms is much longer like 300 to 400 yrs or even more. At the root level, you are the same pure consciousness, came from the same Supreme Light, but now you are different by karmic accumulations (collection of programs on our journey from pure Consciousness ever since you moved away from that pure consciousness). Your purpose of coming out of the supreme light is to experience the whole universe that Nature has created, but we are stuck by these programs and lose our way in this journey. As we saw in earlier sections, humanity is going through a major transformation during Golden Age-1 & 2, small and large cycles of Yuga. It is part of cycles, there is nothing much humans can do about it. Possibly for you, this could be the last human life before present humanity is wiped out, it is better to utilize this life wisely for Awakening and attain Moksha. You lived this way of life for long, enough is enough? You must understand intellectually and try to become awakened and live an enlightened being while you are on this planet and well prepared to attain Moksha when you leave this planet. By the way, when it comes to Awakening, YOU are helpless, it must be given to YOU. When there is no YOU, what is that you can do? Human beings are helpless.

Throughout the book, we talk about that humans are just Bio computers, they are controlled by 10 programs, these programs are written and generated by the experiences that individuals have gone through mostly at an early age by themselves, no one is writing this code or deciding fate. This automation in writing the programs are already perfected by Nature. Whereas in the computer industry, until recently, humans programmed all software. Deep learning, a form of artificial intelligence (AI), uses data (not experience as humans do) to write software. During the next decade, we believe the most important software will be created by deep learning, enabling self-driving cars, accelerated drug discovery, and even controlling humanity. In the coming few years, it is very difficult for humans to distinguish between real world and virtual world. A virtual world is generated due to programs by a computer-simulated environment that can be accessed by anyone at any time. Humanity will interact daily with virtual worlds and these become “Third Places”, away from Home and Work .Virtual worlds consist of video games, augmented reality, and virtual reality. While all these discrete systems are automated and controlled by robots and AI, it is of utmost importance that these systems are working in coherence and in an ethical way.

Now, it is time for YOU to ask a question, it all looks nice but is it still a philosophy or a story, can this be real in my life? A common man shall understand and start this inner journey and grow in Consciousness level and at the same time it should be easily measurable by simple instruments. Just like, a child can measure the body hotness using a simple thermometer and he can interpret the intensity of hotness with calibrated numbers though it is not absolute hotness. Similarly, today we can measure intensity of Consciousness level with reference to few parameters and this may not be absolute intensity of Consciousness. As pulsation or spanda is considered as being inseparable from the Consciousness, it also seems that the pulsating heart is the organ of incarnation of Consciousness. There is enormous research going on including on measuring the level of Consciousness at individual and collective level. “What if there were an instrument designed to probe the properties of human coherence? There is. It’s called the Global Consciousness Project. The Global Consciousness Project, created originally in the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab at Princeton University, is directed by Roger Nelson from his home office in Princeton. The Institute of Noetic Sciences provides a logistical home for the GCP.

At an individual level, Heart-math institute has designed an instrument that can measure heart coherence. This coherence can be calibrated indirectly to level of Consciousness,but it is still at an early stage.

Science of Coherence: For any system to produce a meaningful function, it must have the property of global coherence. In humans, this includes our physical, mental, emotional and social systems. One, whose state is moving to a higher level, all his or her body organs and systems will be in good communication, coherent and in Oneness. As you can see in the adjacent diagram, this coherence can be measured by instrument parameters like HRV or Pulse rate or Respiration. This data can be measured at individual level and can be stored on Cloud at group level. With AI – Analytics, digital technology can enable humanity to move into INTERNET OF HEALTH (IOH). The top graphs show an individual’s heart rate variability, pulse transit time and respiration patterns for 10 minutes. At the 300-second mark, the individual did HeartMath’s Freeze Frame Technique and all three systems came into coherence.

At a collective level, the Global Consciousness Project maintains a global network of Random Number Generators: The research hypothesis predicts the appearance of coherence and structure in the globally distributed data collected during major events that emotionally engage the world population. This network is designed to document and display any subtle, but direct effects of our collective consciousness reacting to global events. Using advanced digital technology, can we really measure the outcome? We are very close to it. One such Global Diksha event happened on 7th March 2021 on World Oneness day and you can see the impact and result.

While this wisdom gives you intellectual understanding, this knowledge by itself will not make you awakened or enlightened. My personal

experience is, we have to go through our internal journey and take the help of higher energies. Today, I can confidently say, I am an Awakened person but not an enlightened person and at same time very often at will, I go to peak states and stay for some time. You can see this difference in coherence that I go through at the bottom part of Fig., during normal time and group meditation time.

I believe this book must have given you some intellectual understanding of who “YOU” are and what is the need of this hour in achieving YOUR purpose. Thank you for your time. All the best wishes ……….