
Vast Potential of human experience

T is assumed that enlightenment and living in higher states is prerogative of few, like great saints or sages and to achieve it one must undergo great penance, severe austerity and must have spiritual knowledge. Or this is looked at as something one needs to do after retirement or fulfilling all desires in life which never comes. Modern man neither has time nor Mind permitting him to do these practices and understand teachings. Intent of this chapter is to make aware of modern man with contemporary scientific knowledge, so that he can understand intellectually and seek liberation from present bondage. It is good to know intellectually that there is a broad spectrum of experience that one can go through in one’s life span. Unfortunately, no education or course teaches any one on HOW to LIVE a LIFE and what is LIFE?

Either it is assumed that everyone knows, or no one knows!

We came from the Supreme Light to experience this creation just like a tourist visiting in summer vacation along with family and friends. He or she should have returned to their base location after going through vacation experience. But unfortunately, we as group got stuck at one of the tourist spot for very long time, not just this life but could be from so many past lives and we don’t even realise that we got stuck and wasting our vacation period without experiencing all the places that we are supposed to visit, experience the places, culture, food and so on. Surprisingly we are even claiming that this place is mine and rest is not mine. When we are referring to “We”, means, we are individual spiritual selves or simply we can refer to each of us “i” (small i) which

is nothing but one form of vibration, which is formless form of the same Supreme Light. These groups of spiritual selves ventured out to experience this marvellous universe, we should have made a journey in this vast Consciousness and experience the beauty of this creation and return. There is vast potential for human experience by spiritual self ’s journey, but they stuck at one state or place and stopped the journey. It is journeying that spiritual self is making in Consciousness from unmanifest to manifest and vice versa. Consciousness is like a multi-storeyed building from every floor; the view would be different depending on whether you are on the first floor or 10th floor or 45th floor. Similarly, we have multi layers or levels of Consciousness, one can experience differently based on the consciousness level. Experience and perceptions of these spiritual self vary depending on where they are in this journey.

First let us look at journey of unmanifest to manifest:

Our ancient civilizations believed that everything is made of “Brahman’’ or ‘Divine’ or “EKAM” or “ADHIPARASAKTHI” or ‘Higher sacred’ which is essentially the unmanifest. It is some kind of formless energy not known to science. This energy has no qualities and cannot be named, however we call that as Divine. That is the ground from which everything starts. In the Bible it is said, ‘in the beginning was the word, and the word was with Divine.’ And Divine said, ‘Let there be light’. That same word is ‘AUM’, the Bramhan, ‘the One’ of Taoism that manifests as light. Divine is both the unmanifest and the manifest. The unmanifest Divine is unknowable. By its very definition, the unmanifest cannot be seen, felt or heard; it is attribute less and hence cannot be known. It is not the unknown but it is unknowable. What is unknown today could be known tomorrow. There is no way to the human being to understand reality of Divine. It will forever be the unknowable. As far as humans are concerned, the unmanifest Divine is as good as non-existent.

Divine is very much like the unmanifest electricity that is experienced only when it manifests as light, sound, mechanical motion or sensation. Similarly, it is up to us to make it that unmanifest Divine to manifest the way we want. The manifest Divine we can refer to as “God”, which

is knowable. It manifests as a presence, as a light or as a form. Also manifests in places and in icons, manifests through miracles, manifests as ‘Antaryamin’ and manifests in human beings whom we call ‘Avatar’. These are the expressions of Divine. Divine is one but appears as many. In manifest form, all that we see in the observable universe is coming through a word ‘OM (AUM)’ forming a cosmic music, the music of strings through multi-dimensional hyperspace. If we look at our spiritual wisdom, we can closely observe that whatever string theory, superstring theories are talking about today resembles almost what spiritual wisdom shows us. It is just vibrating strings manifesting as a light, and it is manifesting as clusters, galaxies and stars where different elements are cooked to create planets where human form could come into existence.

We as human beings physical bodies are made up of nothing but of five elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether. As we know, earth’s crust consists of roughly 90 elements. Air is largely made by Nitrogen and Oxygen. Water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fire and Ether are other two elements. In other words, the human body is made up of more than 50 elements from these five sources.

Why do we come away from the Supreme Light? There are stages when you will feel that you alone exist. It is not such a nice thing. So how would light continue to be like that? It has to bring about this creation, so that some kind of separation then we can start playing. So, you have basically come down to play and to enjoy. But nobody seems to be playing. Everybody has become serious. That is the unfortunate thing. Light or Nature is working continuously round the clock. Think of it. Billions of years of creation, complex processes, all that has happened, and what do you do with your life? You are born and very soon you land up in school, do your homework, write exams then quickly fall in love, get married and then have children and take them to school, stand in a bus stop with tiffin carriers packed with the mid-day meal. You rush through that and you come back home tired and you are not even able to speak to your wife. What is all this?

We don’t realise that we are caught up in this and all our active part of life goes in fulfilling desires in the external world only. Unfortunately, our societies, education systems and our commercial models all are in such a way that we are put into this rat race and no time to stop and question ourselves internally, is this all to experience in life? External direction is to quest to know material nature, fulfilling the needs of self, no harm in fulfilling the needs of self. Internal direction is to quest to know self. Objectives of both these directions can be pursued simultaneously, not necessarily in a sequential manner. However most of us are not even aware of internal direction and just focus on external direction. “Knowing others is wisdom and knowing yourself is enlightenment”. Even after achieving success in our external world, look at your life, meaninglessness of experiencing in life, merely existing, somehow spending days looking deeper within you and around you. Along with success in the external world, one must make progress in the internal world.

Intent of this chapter is to make each one of us be aware that we have been stuck here for a long time and it is time to start the journey back home, it is a long journey. We are not interested, how each one of us reached this state, but most importantly focussing and acknowledging that we are in this state and we cannot continue in this state and we need to go back. While going back, for each one of us on this planet, path, time, means will be different but one must start the journey at the first rung of a ladder. It is a journey with no destination but there will be few milestones that everyone may experience during this journey, often we go up and fall on ladder steps, it is normal, stand up and again start the journey. Also do not expect, this journey is always pleasant, ready to face challenges and suffering, but it is a worthwhile journey, one must start and it is a journey in Consciousness.

Whether we like it or not we came so far and stuck here experiencing external world pleasures on this planet. There is much more to experiencing the Universe, up on realising this, we must start our return journey. It is a journey with some milestones and we experience many levels of higher states on this return path before we reach home.

As we know, our physical body is a community of more than 50 trillion cells. Though, all these cells are part of one same human being, each cell will experience differently, depending on what part of the body that cell belongs. At any point in time, it cannot experience anything similar to what a whole human being is experiencing, since its membrane receptors and DNA is configured to that limited experience. Technically it is possible to change this configuration and make a similar cell to an experience like human beings experience by changing cell brain, DNA etc. If we go deeper into cell form, all parts of the cell are nothing but a vibration, it might be vibrating at a certain frequency, if this vibration frequency is changed, its components work differently. For instance, a cell in the liver can make a journey by changing frequency as we keep on altering the frequency, it may experience heart cells and at some point, it may even experience the whole human being self-experience. Similarly, a human being’s spiritual self is also some form of vibration. Increase in consciousness level means, changing the frequency of human being self, human being’s self can make a journey in consciousness from unconscious to conscious to awakened to enlightened to oneness, light and space being. That is the potential spectrum of human being experience in this life span itself, but unfortunately, we are not aware, and we don’t know intellectually how to make this journey. In this chapter, we will try that one can understand intellectually. Life is much bigger than what we think it is. Our science has very childish view of Universe. Universe is far bigger and superior than what people think it is. Scientists have no way of knowing Universe, only one becomes a mystic, they will know what this universe is. All our great scientists were spiritual. If we are spiritual, we are no longer limited by physical instruments including our physical body. If you want to go to another place at macrocosm to microcosm level, you yourself can go and see and experience.

One can experience and fulfil desires in the external world by only going through an external path but after some point in time that will become meaningless. Another alternative way, one can follow an inner journey and achieve worldly Iham needs simultaneously along with Param needs. This path is much more fulfilling. We need to experience wealth creation, fulfilment of desires, love in relationship, contribution and living in an enlightened states. These experiences constitute life. Life is not just any one of them, rather experiencing all these at different stages of life with a stress free, beautiful inner state. One must experience the full spectrum of all possible states in this life and attain a Moksha. Whatever the way or path you choose is immaterial, whether it is through devotion, meditation, wisdom, yoga, dance, music and so on, there are almost 64 paths to choose. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to do this and we live most part of our life in an unconscious state and we just die without even experiencing other states. Many of us do not pursue right understanding of our life goals, while our primary goal is to attain Mukthi and Moksha, many of us struck to only secondary goals and all our life energies are focussed on Artha Kama and very few move on to Dharma which are in the external world. Unfortunately, most of us don’t even bother about Mukthi and Moksha at all.

Human body is designed and capable of experiencing the full spectrum of all these experiences while we are on the earth’s plane itself. We have also learned in the previous chapter that the mind is the one hindering us to experience the full spectrum and struck at an unconscious level. Though, mind is the reason, we won’t be able to change the mind and it is a very ancient mind, instead we can change some organs like heart and brain to the original design and start to experience the full spectrum. Before we get into the full spectrum of human experience, let us understand briefly about the functioning of our brain, brain waves and the high-level understanding of the conscious, unconscious and collective human mind. Most importantly, how we are caught up in this mind and stuck here and unable to return to liberate from this mind jail and make a successful return journey, the brain is an important organ that needs to undergo physical changes and also need to produce different chemicals to experience these higher states.

Human brain and conscious & Unconscious mind ways of learning:

Human brain contains more than 80 billion neurons, and each individual neuron connects to thousands of others. Communication happens between them through small electrical currents that travel along the neurons and throughout enormous networks of brain circuits. When all these neurons are activated they produce electrical pulses – visualize a wave rippling through the crowd at a sports arena – this synchronized electrical activity results in a “brainwave”. When many neurons interact in this way at the same time, this activity is strong enough to be detected even outside the brain. By placing electrodes on the scalp, this activity can be amplified, analysed, and visualized. This is electroencephalography, or EEG is nothing but the electric brain graph.

State of the brain and its vibrations vary at different phases of life from the womb to adult. Not only different phases, these vibrations are also different during sleep, awake, heightened alert and relaxed stages. It is critical to understand these differences, since storage and access and control are by different minds when brain vibration states are different, these are mentioned below.

AgeBrain-Fre- quency rangeStateActive mind and Memory storage
WombDelta : 0.5 to 4 cycles/second. Deep Sleep stateDeep SleepUnconscious Mind
Between birth and 2 yearsDelta : 0.5 to 4 cycles /secondDeep SleepUnconscious mind
Between 2 to 6 yearsTheta : 4 to 8 cycles /secondHypnotic state, autonomous activities are performed.Unconscious mind
Between 5 to 8Alpha : 8 to 13 cycles /secondNormal stress free state, physically, mentally re- laxed.Conscious mind and Unconscious mind
Age 8 and above, AdultBeta : 13-32 cy- cles and aboveWaking con- sciousness, normal alert consciousness, active thinking.Conscious mind and Unconscious mind
Adult: Peak Mental stateGamm : 32 to 100 cycles/sec- ondHeightened perception, learning, Peak Mental state- 100M sprint.Conscious Mind

As we know, our life is an expression of our programs and these programs are stored in distributed memory at almost 10 levels. At an individual level, this mind has conscious and unconscious storages. Unconscious mind is almost a few million times more powerful than the conscious mind. That means, most of our life experiences are controlled by this unconscious mind and this downloading to this unconscious mind starts even before from the womb, including our past life experiences of this spiritual self. This unconscious mind contains various programs, these programs come from past lives, moments of conception, what happens while you are in the womb, what happened when you began leaving the womb, actual delivery, first six hours and then first six years and then all programs are closed. Programs from past lives to until six years of age are only part of the unconscious mind. Brain is so active and capable of downloading high volumes of experiences or data directly into the unconscious mind.

The role parents play in the programming years of their children is crucial and many parents are unaware of what a crucial impact they can have. Between the ages of 0 – 6 are our programming years. During these years, our children will spend most of their time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles, which is the same state that a person is in, when they are in hypnosis or meditation. So you may want to imagine your little children walking around in a permanent state of hypnosis, being programmed by the environment, open to suggestion, in a super learning state. These are the years when we take on beliefs, about ourselves and life, and many of these will remain unconscious throughout the rest of our lives, though they will show up in our behaviours, our achievements, our goals, how we choose our friends, our life partners and so on. It is just like the way learning happens in supervised and unsupervised machine learning. All of us are aware of the importance of data sets that we need to provide for machine learning in Artificial Intelligence, but we don’t realise the importance of right data sets or right experiences that we should have provided to our child from womb to up to age of six.

All our souls came from Supreme Light in a pure form, hence all these souls can live through conscious mind but after a few cycles of birth and death, due to accumulation of programs which are stored in unconscious mind and these automated programs become more powerful. We are supposed to live in a state of conscious or aware or attentive state. But now practically it is not possible to live using a conscious mind from birth to death due to limitation of its memory and processing. Technically our conscious mind processes 40 bits per second data, whereas the unconscious mind processes 40 million bits or nerve impulses per second. Whether it is in nature or manmade, anything required to carry out repetitive activities is automated.

Nature has built in such a way, up to age 6, learnings are moved to the unconscious mind directly, but after six, conscious mind is also evolved and becomes active. If one is conscious, then unconscious does not come on to screen. At any point in time, on the screen one of them will exist. If we must make routine activities to be automated, one of the methods is doing through a conscious mind route is by bringing focus on that activity. It is very difficult to bring attention to these and focus initially but doing it repeatedly and making it a habit and pushing it to the unconscious mind, then it becomes easier. That is the reason, we keep practicing on these physical processes like bringing awareness to any physical pain or itching or breathing etc so that by using the same practice of attention, we can apply for non-physical forms like thoughts etc. Reason to perform rituals is by doing the same activity with awareness for 21 times or 108 times etc will form a new habit in the unconscious mind. Once the habits are formed in the unconscious mind, for instance while driving, an experienced driver most of the time conscious mind is not focussing during driving, it is unconscious mind takes over the driving. This is the way we can use conscious mind capability for our learning process.

We have seen that learning processes using a conscious mind, one can learn throughout their life time from almost the age of 5 or 6 till death. Our conscious mind evolves by the age of 5 or 6 to learn. Till then learning does not take place through the conscious mind, but heavy learning happens through the unconscious mind. All learnings till the age of 5 or 6 are loaded into the unconscious mind. Methods of learning by these both minds are totally different, like conscious mind learning is through logical or rational brain whereas unconscious mind learning is through deep learning.

While this automation is good for carrying repetitive activities, in this process normal human being is caught with unconscious mind program and continuous thought process that brain is doing by which an illusory person or psychological self is created and unfortunately one is not aware so much automation is in built in to our life and conscious mind control is negligible. Hence the first step is to bring the attention to this intellectual understanding and start practicing bringing the attention to observe what all these autonomous processes are doing. More than 95 % of our activities during wake-up time are controlled by our unconscious mind. When the conscious mind is not attentive, the unconscious mind takes over. For a normal human being just 5 % of our time during the waking stage is under the control of the conscious mind, so only during this time we are conscious or attentive on what is going on. Please do not confuse conscious state and Consciousness, people tend to use these interchangeably. Very little time conscious mind is in control and we are in a conscious state. In other words, the remaining 95 % of the time, these unconscious programs or karmic bodies are responsible for creating incidents in the external world. When the conscious mind is not developed or even after developing and not attentive, this unconscious mind takes over. This only controls our life and events in the external world. Whether it is success or failure in our life and all events in the external world is manifested due to these unconscious programs, these are memories and called karma or fate. Our life is largely a print out of these programs. All this is stored in DNA and DNA makes certain types of vibrations.

Mukthi anD moksha – levels of awakening

ow leT us get back to our original topic of experiencing full spectrum containing both Iham and Param needs during this span of life and going back to higher levels of consciousness. Our ancient scriptures talk about four goals of human life viz Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha, Moksha being after death.

One must be aware of three different self ’s and fulfil the needs of those self ’s. This is explained in more detail in the previous chapter. Biological self and Psychological self needs are met mostly in Iham. Spiritual self needs are met partly in Iham and Param. Iham is mostly – Artha, Kama, Dharma, Mukthi. First three are focussed towards the external world, whereas Mukthi is completely towards the inner world. Similarly, Param, which includes, Light being, Space beings and merging with Supreme Light also completely towards the inner world. Needs of Iham can be met living in normal states or Mukthi states. Needs of Param can be met after death of this physical body but very few can experience these high states when they are alive too or at least they can experience taste of those states. When you experience the external world from each one of these states, your experience is different and rich. One must move to higher states and experience the external world that is the full spectrum one can experience and fulfil life.

Unfortunately, many of us are stuck in the normal state and experience the external world. We are caught up in Mind and living in a jail of Mind as a thick wall of coloured rings enclosed around a light soul or human body as shown in Fig. We are not even aware that we are living in such a state. We are controlled by a self that is arising due to Mind and thinking process. Most of us live throughout our lives in a normal or unconscious state. In this internal journey, the psychological self disappears when you reach a milestone of enlightened being and then the biological self disappears when you reach the milestone of Oneness Being.

Normal people: Unconscious being: Most of us are in this state and carry out our lives in the external world till we die without even experiencing other states. We are victims of our individual unconscious and collective unconscious. Essentially, people are not conscious of what is happening inside them. They are not even conscious of themselves and that everything that they do arises from self-centeredness. We are identifying with ourselves with our own mind, we are not able see our own mind and thoughts. A witness personality does not emerge to start seeing these thoughts or mind .It is seen as my mind and my programs but they are functioning independently.we are not able to see in detached mode. It is like monkey is sitting on our head and we are doing what monkey is doing.

  1. Conscious being: Essentially, people are not conscious of what is happening inside them. They are not even conscious of their self- limitations set by boundaries of biological self and psychological self-appearing due to the function of Mind. Everything arises from self-centeredness, there is nothing else. You must become conscious of that. Conscious of the stand you have taken, conscious of images that are coming to you. Becoming conscious with effort like we do in some mediation, bringing awareness to sensations on your physical body or focussing awareness on breathing etc… Becoming conscious of that there is mind – monkey and self and conscious of what is going on without judgement, without condemning, we can call this person Conscious being. First step of the journey in Awakening is Conscious Being. Conscious being is in a conscious state.

Even when you are other-centred, there is self-centeredness only. In this case, you work for the bigger self. Here you identify yourself with your family, you identify yourself with your religion, or you identify yourself with your nation – anything, and become other-centred. But still you are only self-centred. Your self is expanding, it is a larger self. So you must be conscious of the self. But people are not conscious of it.

Human body is designed to experience ecstasy and bliss. At the same time to protect from internal and external threats, the human body knows the fear and struggle for survival. Hence, primary emotion fear is placed in mind. In olden days, fear was more physical like running away from wild animals, but in today’s world more than physical, it is psychological fear .Our bodies are designed to live for short periods of time with fear and most of the time to live in better states. Unfortunately, today we live prolonged times in the state of fear.

Fear is at the core of human existence. It acts as a stimulus for all other emotions. Nature or Universe has designed fear to ensure physical survival. The Lower brain or the reptilian brain is responsible for producing a fight or flight reaction whenever the physical survival is endangered. As civilizations grew, societies advanced, people’s lives became secure, the threat to physical survival diminished. The focus then after turned to psychological fear. Mind with a strong sense of individuality then emerged creating these territories or divisions as “me” and “not me”. Human mind, which is a survival mechanism, came into force with fear as the epicenter. Almost everyone’s mind activities could be deciphered to this fear of survival. It is the mother of all emotions, whether it be hatred, jealousy, violence, guilt, hurt, lust, anger etc. As we grow in awareness of this fear, we can see it is mere projection and there is no truth in it. Mind projects non-existent identity, a psychological self and struggle to protect it. It is like a blind man searching for a black cat in a dark room which doesn’t exist. Fear cannot be solved, it has to be dissolved, when we attempt to solve it, it merely changes form from one to another.

There are two protection systems in our body. One is Immune system that is designed for internal protection, anything that gets into our body like parasites, virus, bacteria etc, and immune system function is to fight that. Second one is the Adrenal system that protects from threats in the outside environment and induces Flight or Fight mechanisms. Both consume a lot of energy. With limited energy of the body, when we perceive that there is an external threat to the body, the body releases stress hormones which stop funding towards other systems of the body including growth and immune system and divert all blood or energy towards muscles. Stress hormones shut the immune system and this same principle is used in medical transplantation of organs.

Owing to several challenges today, we are only triggering that chemistry of the brain that deals with emotions such as fear, loneliness and frustration, as shown in the top part of the diagram. As a result the brain gets exhausted and brings forth an imbalance in transmitters and hormones in the limbic system, hence we become emotionally reactive. However it is possible to activate those parts of the brain that deal with love, compassion, skill and solutions. Activating these parts of the brain requires an external help, maybe some kind of energy transfer. Activate the part of the brain which produces brain chemistry, certain happy chemicals like dopamine, vespacin, oxytocin, and serotonin.

How do these emotions, a mere result of bio-chemical, reactions in our brain, gain such force ?, emotions that are not acknowledged, accepted by us, in the course of our life get accumulated in deeper layers of the unconscious. Anything that is rejected comes back with more force. Best thing is to acknowledge and accept them for their existence. Anything acknowledged, accepted does not turn to be destructive, it does not mean that we go around and speaking and expressing about these emotions to people around you, all you need to do is be integral to yourself. One should not live with emotions of depression, anxiety, sadness and irritability that are interfering with our natural capacity to enjoy life. Most emotional imbalances have been found to be a result of unmet nutritional needs, malfunctions in our brain – body chemistry and unquestioned perceptions. Science has shown today that every emotion has corresponding chemical reactions happening in the brain. When you experience emotions like fear or stress, the hypothalamus releases chemicals and complex amino acids called neuropeptides which thereafter are pumped into the bloodstream via the pituitary. These neuropeptides reach various organs through the blood. They reach the cells and get locked up in the cell receptors. Once this happens, these cells become immune to any form of nutrition and nourishment. These cells further multiply to create similar unhealthy cells. That is why people with prolonged run-down emotions often prove that doctors’ failures, no medication or treatment works for them. Unfortunately, all of us stuck living in normal states for not just this life but for many lives. In reality, the human body has been designed by nature for experiences such as ecstasy, love and bliss including enlightenment, oneness states. To enable ourselves to move to those states we require a change in physical brain and brain chemistry.

  1. Awakened beings: Awakened one is the one who is able to witness his own mind. An Awakened Being is one whose brain has changed. Because the brain is changed, you can witness your own mind and you are able to hold “what is”. If the brain is not changed, this is not possible. There are already so many personalities within us, in this stage, one more personality arises. You will be witnessing your own mind by developing a witness personality. Here, an important activity is “Seeing,” not “Conscious”.

You may have suffering, jealousy, fear, insecurity, hatred – anything. We are not concerned with “what is’. You should only hold what is. Content inside “what is “is not important. You must be able to hold ‘what is’. This is not easy. Try and see. But if you are awakened and the brain has changed you will be able to hold what is. Once you hold what is, you will be able to stay with what is. Inside it is moving fast, it is difficult to hold and see, it is possible only when hardware (processor) changes that is the brain. When the brain is changed, you will not only see it naturally, you will be able to hold it too. Today all of you are running away from suffering. Once you stay with it, next you will be able to experience it. Otherwise people do not really experience suffering. Running away from suffering is what they call suffering. They do not experience suffering. You should experience it. As you begin to experience it, you begin to see it as you are seeing a fan, light; you will be able to see inside and when you see, the strangest thing happens. You become free of it. Your ‘what is’ undergoes transformation and it has no more power to trouble you. Even though we speak about holding it, staying with it and experiencing it, all these things happen very fast. You will not even know you have gone through these stages unless you slow down and meditate deeply. Holding, stay with it, Experiencing, seeing, you become free of it seeing is the key word, to see is to be free”.

At this stage even though the brain has changed, it is not going to happen all the time and self is still – there. This monkey is still active and you are able to see that it is active. Whatever was troubling you was the Mind. But it no longer troubles you.

3. Enlightened beings: As we saw, the mind consists of 10 layers and is stored in distributed fashion. One part of it is the collective human mind or One Mind stored in the thought sphere. This One Mind is a mechanical machine of memory and it is a name given to flow of thoughts, these thoughts are stored in one thought sphere and they enter through eye brows and pass through the brain. Brain is a thinking machine, one of the input mechanisms to the brain is these thoughts. Flow of thoughts are automatic and the thinking process is automatic. Process of thinking creates the illusion of thinker and not the other way round. This Universe is made spreas with stuff called Ananda or bliss, then why are we suffering? It is this automatic thought process creating psychological self which is an illusory. There is no psychological self or person residing, but it is only personalities. These personalities dependently arise and cease. Depending on thoughts, different personalities arise and there is a crowd inside of us, and they are continuously talking to each other, due to their continuous chatter and inner dialogue. One must become conscious of the conflicting inner dialogues and accept them as different points of view and each one is true at their level. There are different perceptions by different personalities true at their level. There is nothing

like an absolute truth, no such truth exists. When you become conscious of this, there would be peace and harmony in the dialogues. If you could become conscious of this within yourself, you could become conscious of this in others. Once that happens you would become non-judgemental.

Thoughts flow from the thought sphere or One Mind, if the brain does not act when these thoughts are flowing, they just go as a stray. But, when the brain is involved in processing these thoughts, then the thinking process triggers autonomously and creates an illusion of thinker, in reality it is the other way around. Every time a certain thought processed by the brain, a certain personality is created, once thought process is over, that personality ceases. Once again, a different type of thought could enter the brain resulting in an automatic thought process and creating one more personality but it is a different type of personality. So the brain continuously receives thoughts and creates continuously arising different personalities. All these personalities are not permanent, they arise and cease depending on the type of thoughts. There are only these personalities and there is no fixed personality or fixed thinker. Since thoughts are flowing autonomously, continuously and the brain is engaged continuously in the thinking process, raising personalities and since this has been made autonomous, even this takes away the attention of the conscious mind. Why one is attracting always similar types of thoughts depends on the charges and hurts that reside in one’s individual unconsciousness, due to this vibrations from DNA has particular frequency signature and according to this frequency a particular pattern of thoughts are flown in to the individual.

For the Enlightened Being, you keep looking at or seeing and at same time the mind becomes silent. It is no more interfering with sensory perception, no commentary by mind, of course it keeps coming and going as shown like a dotted line between the mind and brain, in earlier states, the mind was continuously feeding the brain. For enlightened beings, only sensory perception or data goes as input to the processor brain, no input is added from mind. Since the mind becomes silent or stops feeding to the brain processor. The mind functions only when it is required. When it is not required, it is not there. Senses are functioning without the interference of the Mind. For the enlightened being, the psychological self is not there. But the biological self is very much there. The mind comes sometimes. When the mind comes back, even the enlightened one would experience the psychological self. So the psychological self comes and goes like the waves come and the waves go. But at times there are no waves. At that time, it was totally silent. But it does not mean that it should always remain so, unless you achieve Jeeva Samadhi. When you need to function in this world because of the situation or circumstance, the psychological self could arise but will quickly cease.

A normal person’s perception is “I THINK” or I am thinking. When you are enlightened and when you are in that state, you can clearly see at first level, that there is no thinker who is thinking. Then you see that thinking is going on automatically and an illusion of thinker is created. In this state, thoughts are automatic, we are not making any efforts to think, just like breathing and heartbeat at physical body level. While this automatic thinking is happening, thinker arise, it is an illusion. When the thinking process speeds up – Psychological self-arises. In this state, we will realise that the thinking process is a separate and autonomous process and creates an illusion of thinker. Further we can see thinker and thinking are not separate, they are not separable. Same thing happens in the observer and the observed. In this state senses are functioning simultaneously, not disjointed.

In the next stage, they are disjointed and, you will see, the observer, observed and act of observation is one and the same. Same with seeing, sear, seen and all these become one. They achieve singularity.

4. Oneness beings: When you become a Oneness being, you lose your biological self. Sense of separateness from others, this is primarily because the senses are getting disjointed. Now for the enlightened one, the senses are functioning simultaneously, but the mind is not interfering. For the Oneness being the senses are functioning one at a time and they are disjointed. When one sense is functioning, the other would keep quiet. In Enlightenment, the senses function together. Here the senses function separately. Here, the biological self also disappears. For the Oneness being only the other exists. For this person, there is no observer. The observer, the observed and the object of observation become one. When a Oneness being sees a tree, only the tree is there. When he sees the sky, only that is there. Fully occupies the space. What we call as: “Indriyaanaam vimukti hee”.

Biological self-arises when senses co-ordinate sufficiently faster. In animated movies still photo frames are run at a certain speed like 16 or 25 per sec, we see it, virtual person emerges and he is doing the action. But if you slow down the speed, this action falls apart and you start seeing just photo frames.

On this biological self, psychological self is built, which is conditioning. It is fully conditioned by many including society, education, parenting, and religions and so on. This psychological self emerges due to the thinning process that happens in the brain while thinking, automatically an illusionary thinker arises. Small babies, they don’t have any self. This biological self-emerged around the age of one year. Then Psychological self-emerged between one and 6 years. When this self is gone you have become everything, you are that tree, you are sky, you are the moon, you are the sun, You can say Tatmavashi, Ahambramhasvi.

So far we have seen the different milestones within Iham, let us summarise before we move to Param.

In Summary: Your thoughts are not your thoughts. For the unawakened one’s thoughts are one’s thoughts. In reality thoughts are independent, and these are automatic. There is nobody there in the first place making efforts to think. Just like breathing and heartbeat, even flow of these thoughts are also automatic to the brain from the thought sphere. You could cultivate your thoughts. It is like, there are so many Channels on your TV. You could choose any Channel to tune in to that frequency. Similarly, you could choose and cultivate thoughts that energise you.

As shown in below FIG, for a normal human being all sensor inputs are passed on to the brain for processing including thoughts. For enlightened beings, sensor inputs are still passed on to the brain simultaneously and processed by the brain but thought processes do not interfere with the sensory signals. For Oneness being, in addition to above, only one sensory signal is passed and processed by the brain at any point in time.

  1. change in our inner dialogue is transformation: Dialogue of inner personalities, may be from negative to positive.
  2. witnessing our inner dialogue is awakening
  3. Cessation of our inner dialogue is enlightenment:
State of livingBio- log- ical selfPsycho- logical selfMind Trou- blesChang- es in Brain 
Normal Being (Unconscious State )YesYesYesNoJudging, Con- demning, Run- ning away
Conscious Being (Dharma En- lightenment)YesYesYesNoJust being Con- scious without Judging, Nam- ing, Condemn- ing
Awakened Being “Seeing” (witness per- sonality)(Hin- du Enlighten- ment)YesYesNoYesMind monkey is active, but we are able to see this mon- key or our own mind
Oneness (Child Like ) (Hindu En- lightenment)NoNoNoYesSenses are disjointed functioning without the Interference of the mind, One sense a time
Enlightened Being ( Being – Wit- ness is emerged) (Buddhist En- lightenment)YesNoNoYesMind monkey became mostly silent. Senses are still func- tioning simul- taneously but no Interference of the mind

A good corollary that we can make when we are talking about milestones of journey in Consciousness is the change of phases from ice to steam. During this process, we can measure the state of change by using temperature. Similarly, while we are making Journey in Consciousness, our consciousness level also changes. In both the cases, this journey is bi directional and at major milestones, some critical phase changes happen.

As normal human beings, it is natural for all of us to identify with emotions, as our emotions and act. Just like when dirt is there in ice, we won’t be able differentiate between water and dirt. During this stage one can try by using our conscious mind and become conscious of what thoughts are going through you and how your unconscious mind is ruling you. If ice has to melt and become water, a change in phase is required and it is not possible by ice itself, but someone from outside has to supply latent heat energy. Similarly one cannot become awakened by one’s own effort, someone externally will have to help us and this requires a change in the physical brain like a phase change from ice to water and to make this happen a lot of latent heat needs to be supplied.

Once Awakened, then you can practice holding your suffering and grow your consciousness level. During this stage, you will start seeing water and dirt are separate. One will experience differently while passing through different milestones like Enlightened, Oneness beings. After this milestone, if one has to move to the next level then one major change has to happen, the physical heart has to change along with it many other organs as well. Again, this requires some external help, like a high amount of latent heat supply to change phase from water to steam.

Life is a journey in Consciousness and this journey will continue. Then of course you become a Light Being, Space Being and Becoming one with Paramjyoti. All this comes under Param or Moksha. If one desires, journey to continue further, one can dissolve with silence or nothingness or Nirguna Brahman.

Before moving to Param, let us understand a little more about the importance of Heart function. We are conditioned to the world with our brain and given extensive importance that the brain controls all organs including the heart. Communication between the heart and brain is a dynamic, ongoing, two-way dialogue, with each organ continuously influencing the other’s function. Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain’s activity.

Growing body of scientific evidence suggests that, heart is more than just a blood pump as we thought and heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated information encoding and processing centre, with an extensive intrinsic nervous system.. It seems that it contains 40 000 neurons, an electromagnetic field 60 times larger in amplitude, 5000 times more intense than that of the brain. There is enormous research going on in this field, few to quote like Heartmath Institute (HMI), Stanford, and Oxford universities etc. As per HMI- “the heart is a state of intelligent consciousness”. These Forty thousand specialised cells in the human heart, neurons can learn and think and remember independently from the brain. They can communicate separately with us. State of coherence between heart, brain and entire body is extremely important. When Individual is heart coherent, the heart radiates a more coherent electromagnetic energy field that can benefit people, animals and the environment. When there is coherent group cooperation, results and performance are spectacular since they are also connected at an energetic level. This coherent state influences and supports others in many beneficial ways. It is not only that, many scientists say that a feedback loop exists between all humans and the earth’s energetic system. Increase effectiveness of collective intention and cooperation global coherence. As we know earth magnetic fields affect humans and all biosphere on the planet profoundly and there is fair amount research is also happening how collective humans can affect earth magnetic fields. Every individual energy field contributes to the global energy field. if there are enough individuals increases their heart coherence it leads to increased social coherence, as critical mass is aligned then it leads to increased global coherence.

Heart and brain neural network must be harmonised. Heart neural networks can receive the information from higher consciousness that is like a Whole. Whereas the brain is local. Today we lost the connection of hearing to this Whole. To move and live in further higher states, the physical heart especially heart brain configuration has to change. This is what we normally meant by heart flowering which leads to increased feelings like love, compassion, gratitude.


If you achieve enlightenment, it is easy to get Moksha. But it is not necessary to be enlightened to get Moksha. Basically Moksha is not coming back to earth realm again but going to higher realm. Ultimate Moksha is becoming one with Supreme light. That is our original home, Supreme Light or Supreme Love. These states are generally, after leaving this physical body, but you can get a taste of these states while living in this body.

  • Light Being: Once you become Oneness being, automatically you will get to light being. For light being space and time have no consequences, he could be anywhere, any time on this planet. He can travel with a light body, he can appear physically as well.
  • Space Being: He could be at many places at the same time. Light being can be any point in time only at one place.
  • Entering in to Paramjyothi: On death, you enter Paramjyothi, but when you are alive you can experience Paramjyothi from outside. Entering Paramjyothi is different from seeing Paramjyothi. Ultimate Awakening is entering into Paramjyothi.

One must differentiate while experiencing higher states, is it a state or Being. State is temporary, and it is due to changes in brain chemistry, whereas being experiences are due to physical changes in the brain and heart and other organs. We are designed to experience the higher states of consciousness, one can reach above milestones and live in those states for a few minutes, hours or permanently. Reaching those milestones requires certain changes to the brain, heart and other organs of the body including ductless glands, chakras and so on. But living in that state is more of a brain chemical process to experience that peak state brain releases certain chemicals, but this state may not be fully permanent all the time in initial stages. Initially it may be for a few seconds or minutes and state may fall to the next level or normal. But one whose brain is changing, they can go back to higher states or peak states at their will and stay for some time and come back. Whether we are in enlightened or Oneness states or any peak states, self will come back when functionally needed, especially when you need to deal with a functional world, unless you are Jeevan Muktha. But this self will be temporary, like a wave in the ocean that biological, psychological self-arises when needed and ceases.

Especially in peak states of Enlightened or Oneness, one cannot function in a world and someone needs to take care of him or her. Hence to live in this world and function and fulfil your responsibilities, being in peak states permanently is not practical all the time. When one needs to function biologically, senses speed up and the biological self comes back. Similarly, the thinking process speeds up and psychological self-come back. However, one can move to these peak states for longer duration at later phases of life.

Something went wrong

hen The senses become free from control of thought or mind, then one can discover unconditional joy and love. In this state, we feel, we are connected with everybody. This is our natural state, and this is what we are designed to be and this is what all humans are supposed to experience all the time. It is the natural state of man to become enlightened. Something went wrong in nature. One should experience the full spectrum of life, fulfil needs, desires, and create wealth in the external world. In general, around the end of phase 2 or beginning of phase 3, naturally genes would have triggered and enabled the switch ON-OFF function when needed so that we can engage and disengage our mind based on the need, just like the other natural processes like teen age and menstrual cycles. Since this natural process of DNA trigger is not happening we are struck with continuous engagement with the mind. As a result, our consciousness level also remains at normal or lower level. There is something wrong in nature created platforms either could be at hardware or software level.

Nature has thrown up a tremendous variety of species. The physical component provided by nature could be considered as hardware. If the evolution of life were compared to a day, then humanity would have emerged in the last few moments. This tremendously advanced species of humankind has created a software based on the hardware provided by nature. This software consists of beliefs, perceptions, religions, myths, cultures and any number of stories on which it runs. The sum total of this psychological content could be termed the software that is running the species. A significant section of this software is limiting in nature and it is detrimental to the experience of living. One of the most defective software that has become part of the human system is the illusory identity of the thinker or self.

It is not human beings fault, but something changed in the environment that impacted our DNA, brain and other organs. One must understand this scientifically and look for solutions. We may have to challenge existing science and technology.

Conventionally we have been believing that genes control our biology and experiences and we are victims of hereditary. However, recent advances in science like epigenetics and quantum physics reveals it is an environment that controls protein production from genes. Epigenetics reveals that the cell was responding to the environment, here in our body, the environment is blood and the information passes through the Nadi system. Let us leave aside the Nadi system now and look at the physical level, if we change the chemistry of blood, cell behaviour changes and even changes the fate of cells. Chemistry of the blood is controlling the fate of cells. Then who is changing the chemicals in our blood? It is the brain changing the chemistry of blood. Then why the brain is not producing the right chemicals. It is due to few reasons, either that the part of the brain which produces happy chemicals is not active, this is more at physical brain level. Or at a chemical level, it is the images and experiences that you are visualising either through conscious or unconscious mind or even thoughts coming from the thought sphere. For instance, when you are experiencing love or gratitude, the brain releases more dopamine and oxytocin, vasopressin. On the other hand, when there is fear, the brain releases different chemicals like stress hormones such as cortisol as a result, they shut down the immune system. A person with chemicals in the blood of positive feelings is completely different compared to a blood of a person with negative emotions. Why is this important? Because a cell can be either in growth or in protection, this applies not only to the cell, but the whole human body, family, organisations, trade and countries etc. All of these cannot be on both growth and protect states at same time. When they are in growth mode, we are open and receptive. In protection, survival or fear mode, we go away from stimulus, close ourselves to protect ourselves. We are seeing real life examples of families, countries behaving this mode during COVID 19 times. During growth- we move towards stimulus and during fear we move away from stimulus. These two are opposite directions and both cannot exist at same time.

Hence environments like either higher consciousness characteristics of bliss or state of stress due to psychological self and mind will have influence on the type of chemicals that the brain is producing. That is why, real life experiences are different when you are seeing fearful incidents or nice events and enjoying nature, while doing yoga or doing meditation or in prayer etc. There is complete misunderstanding on genes and victimisation. We all perceive that we are the victims of our hereditary whereas it is other way around that we can control our genes and trigger the DNA that can lead to higher levels of consciousness rather than towards making suffering and sick people. When there is harmony or oneness across all organs and systems of the human body, there is a minimum risk of sickness. It is not just the physical body, there must be oneness between the physical body, mind and consciousness. Consciousness, mind controls biology and makes a major impact. A holistic health involves consciousness, mind and body. There is misunderstanding to many of us that fitness implies health and wellness. Let us understand these more clearly.

Today, the human brain is wired for defective output and hearts are closed. Brain as a processor became defective. Each one of our brains wired differently and hence each one of you are tuned to a different channel of Mind. Not only brain in skull but in entire body. Brain is like a computer processor. We know in a computer, you input garbage, you get out put as garbage. Not only at individual level, even at collective level, content that these individuals are feeding to collective mind and learning at collective mind using their own algorithms impacting human behaviour in a negative direction. Hence solution needs at individual unconscious mind and collective mind level.

What are the solutions to correct this situation at individual and collective level?

Individual level:

We can co-relate by looking at man- made technologies, especially digital technologies and social media platforms and Nature made platforms. The way something went wrong in Nature made platforms, same gross mistakes can happen in man-made digital platforms and AI and move in the wrong direction and become un- controllable. Most of us would have devices like Alexa, Siri or Google Asst, they look like very small physical devices, powered by electric power and connected to the Internet through WiFI. Today since they are in a very early stage, all of us are using our conscious mind. We are using them when needed and we know where to switch ON and OFF for power and internet Wi-Fi connectivity. Today, we are controlling them. After few years with multiple devices of this kind, like in Internet of Things with cordless power and 5G Wi-Fi, we may not even know or even forget what all devices are ON or OFF and where are the switches for ON and OFF to these devices for power and Wi-Fi. When we realise, all these devices are continuously transferring our privacy data and in turn they started controlling our life on ordering food, switching on A.C., T.V etc without our consent. While it looks like great automated technology, it is taking away our freedom and putting our life into suffering. One day, to get out of this suffering, we are sure to make all of the below or one of the below to get rid of the control.

1). Destroy the physical body (device) like suicide? 2). Pull of electrical wire, power supply.

  • Remove Wi-Fi connection.

At an individual level, the best way is to switch off the Wi-Fi button. When needed use it again. We shall not forget this button, so that we can control and use it when needed. If we forget, slowly it controls our life.

Similarly, for human beings to control the collective mind, there must be an ON-OFF switch, our ancient scripture reveals that it exists at the throat (Visuddhi Chakra). Ancient sages know this, unfortunately as time passes by, this knowledge of how to switch ON and OFF is lost. Since it is early stage of these technologies all of us know consciously the architecture of data flow, AI, power, Wi-Fi switches etc. As time passes by and further advances in technologies and automation, may be in coming 20 to 30 years we or our next generations may completely forget or even un aware of  where to stop and start!.

At collective level:

It is very important to make sure that all of us are passing on the positive content to the collective platform. Today there are a lot of negative emotions at individual level and the same is passing to the platform level.

At platform level, the same is taken as input by the algorithm and negative programs are being created, compressed and passed on to individual unconsciousness. There is lot of negativity among humanity and that is manifesting as destructive events in outside world.

It is a pure science and technology problem. It is just not a medical or pharma or engineering problem. It is a complex problem and requires a solution with collaborative interdisciplinary effort. This is the most important and urgent problem that needs to be solved at this moment on this planet. We have a very limited time window of 10 to 20 years, else humanity as a whole is in danger.

How can we correct this to bring back golden age

eoPle realise that they are missing the experience of higher states of consciousness or at least to be away from mind chattering, and they know that they need it, but don’t know what to be done.

It’s not like they are not trying. A whopping $4 trillion a year worldwide is spent on achieving altered states of consciousness through everything from alcohol to caffeine to action sports, EDM concerts, yoga, Psychedelic drugs, Meditation, even online porn — anything to get us out of our own heads or away from inner chatter for some time at least. Mostly these are influenced to generate chemicals in the brain that are giving higher states, but these are temporary. Science and technologies are not fully evolved to make one into higher levels of consciousness and leave aside the process of industrialisation. Science is also trying but as on today, there are sub optimal solutions. Medical sciences are trying to extend our biological life, but this extension is prolonging our diseased, dependent life and not active part of life. Technology has become powerful and done so much to transform our external world, but still to find right solutions to make us truly happier and grow in consciousness level. In the last few years, enormous research is being carried out in this respect, just to name a few. While meditation, music, sports and drugs have helped us to reach an altered state for hundreds of years, Mikey Siegel, an MIT and NASA- trained roboticist, has invented a new ecstasy “machine” that is very 21st century. Since then, he’s founded a company called Consciousness Hacking, which has begun making “tech-assisted self-awareness devices” meant to help people “tune their internal environments” and reach non-ordinary states of consciousness on their own, Siegel says. Currently, Siegel’s working on a device that combines ultrasound, transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct stimulation, all of which shoot pulses into the brain, turning on and off various regions at your command. “It’s not quite what decades of meditation training can produce, but it’s legitimate, reliable, repeatable state change,” Siegel says. Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg took brain scans of nuns and monks deep in prayer who described feeling a oneness or unity with the world when they prayed — and there’s a neurological reason for that. Activity in the part of the brain that is responsible for navigating our bodies through space (the right parietal lobe) slows way down during deep meditation, meaning that the brain loses track of the body’s physical boundaries — where the person begins and ends.

Another one is Heartmath Institute (HMI) focuses on research and develops reliable, scientifically based tools that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s connection with the hearts of others.

While the research is being carried out by many organisations to find an easy solution and it may take a few years, meanwhile we can explore some other solutions. Normally when the bodily process does not trigger, we consult our medical doctor. Doctors may prescribe and suggest one of the below processes to correct the function of the organ. It depends on the availability of medical technology and the needs of the patient.

  1. Either pills or injection or drops etc
  2. Automated surgery, like Robotic or laser
  3. Or Manual surgery

Similarly, our natural process of enlightenment is not getting triggered, we have to consult the doctor but this time spiritual doctors who can use mystical powers.

Now, no drugs are available, and no automated surgery is also available. Now, only available technology is direct mystical surgery. However considerable research is going on in Neuroscience – Cardio- Neuro, we believe by 2030, molecular drugs like pills and injections will be ready including robotic surgery of the brain. Preparation for the Golden Age on this planet is already started by various organizations and spiritual teachers. This process has many mile stones, first mile stone was in 2011, where the field is made ready and in 2012 seeds are sowed and mostly humanity is entered into Golden Age-1.

By 2040 to 2050 humanity as a whole will start receiving the fruits of this Golden Age-1.

Altered states of Consciousness is being achieved to few mystically from now to 2030, there will be scientific breakthroughs for attaining a enlightenment. Also once a critical mass attains, they collectively influence the earth magnetic fields which in turn aids other human being to achieve. On the other hand, this decade, enormous amount of research and development is being carried out in different ways and aspects.

  1. Using Neurosurgery: Though as of now brain surgery is happening mystically, in this decade, humanity will discover breakthrough technologies to carry out neurosurgery.
  2. DNA-Genetic approach: R&D is happening on how to identify and trigger the genes those are responsible for attaining enlightenment. Children below 18 months, they are in this state and once the psychological self-arises that state is gone. As per original design, human beings are supposed to attain these states by triggering those genes between age 40 to 50. Unfortunately, something went wrong and these genes are unable to trigger. Hence we continued the same life and same living in suffering mode. So science is very close to restore this mechanism of triggering.
  3. Medical approach: Using a biochemical approach, research is being

carried out to prepare tablets or a capsule. Just by swallowing them, like a conventional medicine based on prescription human beings can attain enlightenment.

  1. Electruecene and Heartmath institute.
  2. Nano-bio – Intelligence – an injection can be given.

Even though process 2 and 3 are different ways to achieve but ultimately, they carry out the changes in the brain. Due to this physical change in the brain either done directly through surgery or triggering DNA or through medicines, enlightenment will be made possible. However, by only changes in the brain, there is a limitation to attain higher states. If one has to cross and go beyond like light beings and space beings, then surgery has to happen to the heart. By changing heart including physical heart. While all these technological breakthroughs will be ready by 2030, by the time of the Golden age flowering stage, central authorities or government approvals may not be ready or they are resistant to give approvals. It will take another decade or so to have these approvals in place. Enormous pressure will be built by humanity on these central authorities of different nations, so they have no choice other than to approve. It is around 2040, these approvals will be in place. It is the time that Golden Age plants are ready to give fruits and whole humanity will realise that they are living in Golden age-1.


First of all, why do we have to get awakened and experience higher levels of consciousness? What is wrong if we continue the way as we are in today? Today, all of us are not truly living and experiencing the full spectrum of life, then even after death of this physical body, our spiritual souls are tuned to go to hell or lower consciousness level realms. Not only this suffering continues but, in those realms, there is much severe suffering. Generally life span in those realms are much longer and more than 300 to 400 yrs. Hence it is more important for each one of us to awaken. What we have seen each one of us at root level, we are the same pure consciousness, came from the same Supreme Light, but now we are different by karmic accumulations (collection of programs on our journey from pure consciousness ever since we moved away from that pure consciousness). Our purpose of coming out of Supreme Light is to experience the whole Universe that Nature has created, but we are stuck by these programs, we lost our way in this journey. Clear these programs, karmic accumulation which is an obstacle to go back. Karma, which is the root cause for birth and death varies from human to human. In this world we learnt each and everything from others either in the form of humans (parents, teachers etc.) or in the form of books or open source online content or social platforms. Similarly, we need a person or learning platforms who can help in spirituality, to attain that wisdom to liberate and go back, to attain self-realization. For the people of this world to attain this wisdom, there are multiple discrete and divided sources like Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Bible, and Quran and so on, we respect all that wisdom. But there is no single contemporary wisdom that can be understood by common educated person in modern world. Science and technology shall focus on this transformation or encouraging humans to make journey in consciousness and prepare a high-level spiritual being rather than spending billions of dollars on only external things to reach and study the Universe. Basis of science is spirituality. This is wealth and wisdom on this planet. Unfortunately, this was destroyed in the last few hundred years. Due to this, many civilizations and countries are ruined. We have lost glory and wisdom of our spiritual strength and our deterioration started for humanity and the planet.