Digital Spirituality

Man’s quest to understand nature by division

ur inTenTion of bringing this chapter is not to add one more article on science, technology and spirituality to your shelf rather it is a unique chapter combining ever present and omni

present spirituality with contemporary technologies and the revelations of nature with these technologies. This knowledge is neither emerging from pure scientific community or from pure spiritual organizations, rather it is just bridging a gap between these two, so that common man can understand.Hence this knowledge is assembled using lens of Digital Technologies. I am fully aware of that, sitting in same ocean, I cannot describe the ocean and I do understand that this is not the only the way.

Nature is aiding advances in science and technologies to augment the ultimate goal of human lives and we can intellectually understand how this Nature created such a magnanimous universe, platforms and life. Nature has been using these technologies very effectively, like 3D printing, Software Defined Networks, XG communication, Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, BlockChain technologies. It is only up to us how to perceive this and develop these technologies by human innovation for man made things. If we dwell further into sciences like Quantum, String theories, Unified theories etc, Nature has been using very advanced principles and technologies, we are not even close to the advanced technologies that Nature is perfected for instance the way our brain does parallel processing, way our DNA stores the information so compact and the way speed of communication, bandwidth happens between Thought sphere

and Brain. Also we see in the last few hundred years human activity is some way contributing towards damaging the life and platforms that nature has created, we will enquire further why this so and something went wrong in Nature’s creation. If something goes wrong, is there a way to correct it?

For the last few centuries our education system created a perception that spirituality and science are kind of opposite ends and spiritual awakening is to be pursued at the end of one’s life or someone who abandons world, society and meditates in forest or mountains. For modern humans, science is “The thing”. However the present scientific community is realizing that these two ends are meeting at the same point. Spirituality is the highest science; present science is an integral part of spirituality and there are many advanced technologies that humans have potential to learn and live, as a way of living from an early age while carrying out all worldly acts. In this chapter, we would like to present in contemporary language where the present generation can understand with a holistic view.

Ever since Newtonian physics came into picture, science started dissecting everything in quest for a deeper understanding. In the process, we started to divide everything, materials, atoms, human activity, knowledge, skill and subjects of study like engineering, medical, legal, arts and so-on.

years predominantly science has moved forward with a divisive nature but due to emergence of these new technologies, science is realising all these divisions need to be united and the need for Unified theory and technology.

Current knowledge based on the understanding of human beings as a just physical body and limited to this planet is more external and gross matter focussed. A holistic science includes not just this level but a few more levels. We need to acknowledge at three levels of reality and corresponding approaches to their understanding. These levels are Natural Sciences (World of matter), Social sciences (World of Mind), Spirituality (World of Consciousness).

Natural science: Deal with the study of matter to large extent, everything should have been treated as science but only natural science started playing dominant role, since it is visible on outcomes and economy is associated with it, we slowly killed other forms sciences –study of social sciences, we ignored common groups, collective and morphogenetic fields and one Mind, its influences on civilizations and settlement, art etc. Study of Consciousness is completely neglected. How many parents want their child to become a Monk or focus on mystical experiences or meditation? We discouraged our children to study those, since they did not provide immediate pleasures. We forced our children to become engineers, doctors, technicians etc and slowly we degraded and commoditised our education. Just studying this part created wrong perceptions of the world, born out of so-called science. Science has no idea of experience, it is an idea that is all. It is not “the Thing”. Science is a fancy poem, there are so many fancy poems in the world, science is one of them, and it is very appealing to the mind. Actual world can be experienced very differently. We need to understand the limitations of science that we are studying and over reliance on this alone is not a full experience of human life. While this level made quite a lot of technical advances at physical matter level and brought in increase and variety in pleasure, it is a very limited view of total human experience. Natural sciences, predominantly we experience this through our five sense organs. Here we perceive and experience, observer, observation and observed are different.

Social Science: On the other hand, there is also a continuous quest in understanding Social science and particularly the human mind, beliefs, programs at an individual and collective level and how they are affecting individuals and collectively. There is enormous effort from last 3500 years by many individuals in understanding human mind, it started with a quest to understand the Consciousness, self-consciousness, personality, Intelligence,Natural selection, Functionalism, Structuralism, Perception, Physiology, Sensory physiology, Psychology, Individual unconsciousness, Collective Unconsciousness and now Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence. There is a lot of confusion created by so many individuals in social sciences including mind, memory, thought processes.

Social science, a boundary between natural sciences and spiritual science, generally expresses as social sciences including psychology and economics… Human psychology evolved from superstition to mysticism and from metaphysics to empiricism. During the Industrial Revolution, psychology branched into subfields reflecting societal changes. Charles Darwin’s ideas made psychologists think about how consciousness helps humans adapt to the environment. Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler made psychology a 20th century profession. Freud was a neurologist; experts explain his Seduction Theory.

Spiritual sciences: This is the highest of all sciences and encompasses all other so called natural, social sciences too. Its knowledge and technology are still unknown to many of us and it is unstructured. There is plenty of content through books, religions, rituals etc., just like on Facebook or WhatsApp. But we don’t know how to use it and when to use it. Here, we perceive and experience observer, observation and observed are one and the same. This is what today’s quantum scientists also say.

Natural sciences, social sciences and spiritual sciences have three different methodologies of understanding reality around us. While natural sciences are concerned with outside /outer reality, while spiritual studies concerned with inside /inner reality and third one connects both these realities through mind and its influence on the outer world, saying the outer world is reflection of the inner world.

What is this inner world, how to get in there? Why the outside world is a manifestation of the Inner world. This is not something physically we can di-sect. If someone asks a question – Who are you? – What is your answer? You start answering, you are so and so, your name, your qualification, your designation, role, job that you are doing, relationships and all that – We try to connect the things, power, money, relationships to that “I”. It comes from mind. All this is based on the fundamental assumption that there is something solid “I” exists inside of us. When we start, questioning internally by ourselves, who am “I” and challenge the fundamental assumption that something solid “I “exists? Then everything falls apart! what we see is, this “I” exists because of others and if we go further, there is no separate “other “ and “I”, just like what Quantum Physics reveals.

We perceive that everything is materialistic, including consciousness is a by-product of material. Our Pineal gland shut so much that we perceive only this material world as reality. There is much more beyond this matter that we are perceiving through our senses. There are certain realities in the Universe. My ignorance of reality does not change the reality. It depends on the senses that we have and their capability in reading the frequency bandwidth. We must understand the limitations of our senses. For instance, our ears can hear just a small portion of sound frequency band. The human auditory field corresponds to a specific band of frequencies and a specific range of intensities, perceived by our ear. Acoustic vibrations outside of this field are not considered as “sounds”, even if they can be perceived by other animals. Human ear perceives frequencies between 20 Hz (lowest pitch) to 20 kHz (highest pitch). All sounds below 20 Hz are qualified as infrasound, although some animals (ex. mole-rat, or elephant) are hearing them. Similarly, all sounds above 20 kHz are qualified as ultrasounds, but there are sounds for a cat or a dog (up to 40 kHz) or for a dolphin or a bat (up to 160 kHz).

We are surrounded by invisible electromagnetic radiation in the form of AM and FM radio waves, visible light, microwaves, ultraviolet rays and other sources. Our eyes can see a tiny portion of the whole electromagnetic spectrum, only a certain fraction of electromagnetic field.

The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometres.Same limitations could be true with other sense organs, like nose, mouth, skin etc. On top of it, if these senses are further blocked by my Mind (programs), then what we are experiencing is just what kind of programs, one has and with limitation of senses.

There is no objective reality, then what is this universe? All that one experiences is through the limitation of sensors and programs – Just like in virtual reality. Virtual reality (VR) refers to a computer-generated simulation, created in the form of a program in which a person can interact within an artificial three-dimensional environment using electronic devices, such as special goggles with a screen or gloves fitted with sensors. To enrich the experience in VR, either we enrich the program or enhance the sensors.Combining the concept of Virtual Reality and 3D printing we can mimic the technology of what the Universe is using. In reality, everything can emerge from nothingness, as we see in below fig. What is required are just three inputs. 1. Raw material – Some substance either material form or formless, may be not visible to our senses like steam or ether. 2. Intelligence in the form of algorithm or program. 3. Energy

When above three inputs are available with the right environment or field, this process can produce an object which was not there before. Whole Universe is a process, it contains infinite varieties of 3D printers. For instance, pregnant women, she is a great example of a 3D printer which produces a child, bread that we make from wheat flour or Nebulas are again great examples of 3D printers which produce Galaxies and Stars. In all these, they use three things, a base Substance – either form or formless, and a program and energy.

We will get into more details in further sections how Nature uses this great technology that we call today digital technologies but before that let us look at how these technological advances are enabling human evolution.

Digital technologies bridging the gap

Our forefaThers, their children and their grandchildren lived more or less the same kind of life. There is not much change in generation to generation. Only in the last few decades, especially in the last 80 years, there are so many changes in realms of human life including technology. Just in a single generation, there is so much technological advance like, Gene editing, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum computing, Robotics, Internet of Things, Block Chain, 3D printing, Cloud, Synthetic biology, Nanotechnology and so on. While the last two thousand years predominantly science has moved forward with a divisive nature but due to emergence of these new technologies, science is realising all these divisions need to be united and the need for Unified theory and technology. Once again, nature is revealing great technologies to enable simple transactions from B2B to B2C or C2C and again make humans closer to nature and reduce the central monolithic organisations tendency. We also can learn from the present natural calamities or pandemics like COVID -19 that these central bodies are helpless and each one of us need to take care of ourselves and connect to nature and follow our hearts or collective. In due course of time we built systems whether it is political, medical, monetary, educational, security, military etc are not in position to support us in further evolution. These old systems do not work in the present and in the future and surely require new systems. While these old systems are dying, and we see new systems emerging supported by technology, the way nature is using these technologies in an autonomous way. We have moved to chaos from order, before we move back to order again, a lot of these old systems will die. One must cooperate and move to new systems, whoever is not supporting may extinguish. Nature is clearly revealing to us various advanced technologies that can be leveraged in forming the new systems. Coming two to three decades is a crucial time for humanity’s transformation individually and collectively.

In this section we will touch up on contemporary technologies like 5G/ Block chain/IOT/AI/MR/Cloud/SDN/etc, and how these are related to Spiritual science. It is fantastic time to be in technology in which we live in a world filled with promise but also challenges. Cars that drive

themselves, machines that read X-rays, and algorithms that respond to customer-service inquiries are all manifestations of powerful new forms of automation. This so-called disruptive technologies are manifesting to us in-side out just now and this reveals, it is not only technological advances are disrupting but it is an indication that whole humanity is at a disruptive stage. Humanity is entering the most crucial phase of its existence. Coming years shall witness the most un precedent and un dreamt of changes in the course of its long evolution. There is nothing much humanity could do about it, other than to understand the changes occurring around it and fly with changes that are overpowering it. Towards the end humanity will enter a new age- The Golden age. We have already entered into Golden Age-1, but in the transition stage from old to new. The transition could be a painful process. Only those whose relationships are in order would make it easily. The changes that you are witnessing now in the world would rapidly start accelerating in the coming years.

Manifestation of these disruptive technologies are indication to humanity by Nature that understanding of these technologies are enabling human beings to be closer to Nature and be one with Nature. Humanity shall not become arrogant, it is rather Nature is unfolding these technologies or manifesting outside to make humanity aware of what Nature is using already. A True technocrat will realize when he reaches the tip of highest technological advances, he just surrenders and realizes that this is something already there in Nature and being used in this creation.

Different people may perceive this Universe in different forms. Nature or Universe is not as we had been taught. Most of great scientists have revelations unfortunately at the fag end of their life discoveries, otherwise they would have thrown their discoveries in to dust bin. That’s what they perceived as a science and their discoveries, including theory of relativity will blow off and there is no time and space that control, when we go beyond the so called mind.

A great Dancer may perceive that this whole Universe is Dance of Creation. A Mathematician may perceive this Universe is Fractal Geometry.

A great Artesian may perceive this Universe as Patterned.

A Musician may perceive this Universe is just a vibration in the form of as solidified geometry.

A great Physician may perceive this Universe as a nothingness till it is observed.

A great Chemist may perceive this Universe as a process.

A great Cosmologist may perceive this universe is holographic, with dark energy and dark matter.

A great computer scientist may perceive this Universe as Master Algorithm. A great Sage may perceive this Universe as Consciousness plus Intelligence. A great technologist may perceive this Universe is “The Technology” Good part is, there is no harm and no one is right or no one is wrong, since there is no absolute truth, what is there is just unknowable to human senses. It is just a perception of that individual or community.

Let us start exploring a bit on what all these statements say, with technocrat eyes. Take an example of a full stack end to end cloud architect (for example – AWS, AZURE or GCP), sitting at home on the balcony and having a sip of hot coffee with a laptop on his lap. He can login into a Cloud Portal assuming he has full access and a credit card in hand, of course he can also take a free trial. Today he can start configuring processor, distributed storage, app server, content delivery network, database both structured and unstructured, applications and front- end UI using few clicks. Services could be Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), anything as a Service (XaaS). In the near future this can be done with voice commands as we do today with Alexa, Siri or Google assistant or with other virtual assistants. In future it may be even possible by thought or intent once we have developed computer brain interface technologies sufficiently.

These clicks are creating hardware required including physical, virtual, set of services and programs like operating systems, security, block chain for identity, IOT for connecting all devices, processing including quantum computing. Also configuring the platforms where data capture, storage and AI algorithms, learning engines and so on. Today, with these digital technologies, it is possible to configure what services you need from different platforms and these can be consumed in the form of micro services. These services can be free of charge like what you see in Facebook, Google etc kind of social platforms, where they might use these learning for something else though it is made free to users. Similar fashion, Nature also could this kind of micro services from different platforms and make them available to individual and collect species free but Nature might be using these learning for further evolution.

Let us explore how Nature has configured you, without “YOU”. First of all, when you start realising that there is no “You”, then whose body is this? Your body is not your body, your thoughts are not your thoughts, and your mind is not your mind. Then technically can we co-relate with our latest digital technologies as follows and the same is shown in Fig. Some of us came out as a group of souls which came out from Collective Consciousness or Supra Conscious or Supreme Light and these souls reside on a platform called Soul (Atman) platform, in fact, technically speaking, these souls are nothing but the vibration with a certain frequency. Nature has created the platforms like Earth, Air, Water, Sun, Soul, Sky etc in a large public cloud called collective unconsciousness and these vibrations or souls come on to the plane of Earth and use the micro – services provided by other platforms required to experience life in a human body. There is nothing like someone solid “I” or “ You”, rather it is an autonomous bio-compute enabled to use the microservices from other platforms provided by Nature. We can consider platforms provided by nature like hardware- Earth, Sun, Moon, Water, etc and where as species created content in the form of their experiences, memories, programs and stored in distributed mind. It is not just IaaS or PaaS instead, this bio computer is configured to use everything as service (XaaS). We should have experienced full spectrum of life like awakened, enlightened, oneness states on this plane itself but due to some mistake by Nature in configuration of application interface (API) with Mind (Mano Mangala or Manasu). This one mind has started interfering with sensory experiences and it distorts incoming experiences from senses to brain and heavy noise is added to the signal.

With this background, let us look at the latest digital technologies. Humanity has always dreamed big, scientists, engineers, and developers turn those big dreams into reality. Realizing big dreams requires innovation, experimentation, and knowledge from many diverse disciples. One such great innovation is BlockChain. Blockchain revolution is another gift from Nature to humanity in assisting to liberate individuals from central control, authority, so that they experience freedom. Block chain is a sequence of transactional information, grouped together in a block with hash signature, just like in our DNA or even for that matter like in Akashik records, a cosmic node that stores all of our individual personnel records from birth to death in each life. All species experiences are stored in Akashik records, which a collective unconscious mind like a public cloud and this this public cloud has storage service like blob/S3/ File storage names as Akashik records. A powerful learning algorithm or AI takes these data sets, learns and actions are triggered which will influence the individual unconscious mind. Blockchain is a Mirror of the Akashic Record / Creation’s Cosmic Ledger.

AI (including ML and Deep Learning) is another gift to humanity in mimicking the Nature the way it created a platform to support a species’ individual and collective learning experiences. These experiences are stored in cloud platforms like magnetic fields and these collective learning augment the species skills through unconscious patterns, behaviours which are in the form of biological algorithms.

Coming to the data and storage, each one of us carrying a laptop or mobile capable of 500 MB and 128 MB storage data respectively, may be including other devices that we use are around 1 TB of data storage. By all means, it is a large volume of digital data. Today, cloud services play a significant role. Without this technology, such storage and processing wouldn’t have been possible. Today as an individual or organisation, we don’t need to carry huge processors or storage. For instance, Google has 15 Exabytes of data equals to 15 Million Terabytes or 15 billion GB. Which is equal to the data of 15 million people, to the data capacity of the entire population of one of the top city in the world. It is just only for Google, All of personnel computers and Facebook, Amazon and so

on – We can imagine the power of data and the requirement for storage and processing. What could be the size of data centres? And their power requirements.

In the coming few years, billions of devices, sensors are going to connect directly or indirectly like in spider web and this connected devices generates huge amounts of data. It is humanly impossible to identify who is contributing to this data unless we use technologies like block chain with identity. This massive amount of data is being used by distributed Artificial Intelligence platforms to get some meaningful sense out of this data and start enabling to make autonomous systems like a smart home, human less driving, and teacher less education systems using virtual assistants and so on. Very soon advancement of technologies like 5G, edge devices, Internet of Things is going to connect almost 42 billion multiple devices on this planet. In the coming few years AI enabled IOT becomes a massive supercomputer, a networked AI, which can completely go out of human programmable influence and completely take over the freedom of humanity.

Looking at communication, if we are one, is there a need for communication, since we feel we are separate due to psychological self, the need for communication emerged. Then we started inventing faster and faster means of communication forgetting that we already have that kind of communication. So the whole science of communication evolved from using signs, language, script, internet to smart phone apps, Natural Language Processing (NLP) devices or programs like Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri. It is further evolving towards Computer Brain Interface (CBI), Telepathy and cycling back to mode of communication through silence or vacuum through resonance! Whole Universe is communicating within itself, there are different means of communication, not through analogue, photons. This could be through resonance. Why are we sitting in the presence of great sages during meditation? It looks like some information is passed or state is transferred possibly through a resonance mechanism.

In the very near future, further decentralization can take place with edge computing at individual user level by enabling 5 G or “XG” communication. We are trying to connect all non-living things and exchange information to enhance collaboration to make life more enriched!! Or contribute to Nature in a better way! Each of this transaction is on a cloud based system using block chain on 5G network, can’t we have a real connected, collaborative world. These transactions can be tracked at each individual or device. Technology is also developing to take care of individual transactions during his or her lifetime using Cloud, block chain, AI etc. For instance, if each individual human, society or business has a unique id (some countries it is SSN, Adhar card, even UID, mobile no, bio print, or no identity). With the advent of these technologies, collectively they are creating powerful distributed platforms in back end Internet of Things (IOT) or Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) while at user end with powerful sensors and powerful edge computing devices including smart phones. Even at collective humanity level, at least for health platforms like the Internet of Humans, Internet of Coherence and health, using sensors and unique id and this data can be analysed using advanced AI algorithms of Deep Learning and Machine Learning.

Now, relax and take a few deep, slow breaths and enquire yourself. We are so excited with these new technologies. Don’t you think, Nature is already using these technologies, maybe not through silicon technologies, but Bio digital? All of our human experiences are stored in some data centre, whether it is one or distributed, what could have been the size, remember it is not just the present population set, it is for the entire population from the beginning of the human race stored in Akashic records. Question is where it could be stored, is it at one place or distributed storage. Then how is it possible to identify an individual identity. Nature is using distributed Cloud technologies with Blockchain for identity during not only one single life but the entire life cycle of many births and deaths of the same soul. Then, where is it stored? Is it in the Earth Magnetic field or Moon or planets like Mars, Jupitar etc., there must be some reason why these planets are existing and the purpose?

Let us bring the real world and digital world on to one page, look at the diagram, at an extreme right, we see the physical form whether it is laptop, mobile or sensors or desk tops or humans or for that matter any species. These edge devices with sensors are powerful since they are virtually leveraging very powerful services from the cloud which are configured. They are powerful and very complex too. Below diagram brings a correlation between how digital technologies are shaping up to depict how human beings or species live on this planet.

Humans always looked at as Intelligence as in human form. Always treated human beings are intelligent species. Of late, human beings realised not just human beings but robots or Artificial Deep Learning algorithms can be more intelligent than humans, either in the form of robots or bot or even just plain programs or algorithms. If a program can become intelligent, energy also can have intelligence – A master algorithm that is created by Nature called “CHIT”. Why not we challenge by looking at today’s Al technologies which are formless and also intelligent. Intelligence is not limited to the brain alone as conventional thinking. This intelligence is omnipotent. This perception is due to the active occipital lobe at the back of our brain, we experience this formless intelligence in the form. Individuals whose parietal lobe activity reduces, experience of the same Intelligence becomes an impersonal, limitless field of energy. We are not able to experience human senses about this formless Intelligence. Present human experience can be augmented by activating pituitary gland, due to this third eye can be opened. Once the third eye is opened, with the same body, we can experience form and formlessness. If we go beyond our human form, what is there is Consciousness that becomes everything and Intelligence in the form of Algorithms. This whole universe is nothing but Chaitanyam (in Sanskrit language), equivalent English translation Consciousness and Intelligence, everything is integral part of this, whether it is algorithms, programs, material universe, and energy and form and formless. It is like wheat flour, with that you can make any shape. Same thing Nature or Divine (may not be in the human body form) is configuring the platforms and services.

We see physical reality with human biological senses. If these senses are not functional or handicapped, then we don’t experience the physical reality that exists in the outside world, except the thoughts flowing into a processor (brain). It is only senses that create that perception, five senses and brain with a back end program which is holographic. Something like in virtual reality using programs, sensors, we create a completely different world to our senses. Even in video games, these programs are creating complete virtual games on the screen. Similarly the whole physical universe would have been created through Master algorithms and programs. Everything is entrained as part of this. What human beings or particular species can perceive or comprehend is limited by their respective senses to experience the reality. In the case of humans, it is through our five basic biological senses (touch, smell, taste, see, and hear) we are experiencing reality while the brain is processing this sensory information. Our experiences in the real world are through our senses and the data that is being carried by these senses is processed by the brain and we interpret the reality of this as we see in the left part of Figure. These experiences can be made virtual by using digital sensors and programs as we use in video programs and virtual reality gears as shown to the right side of Figure. Similarly, we see different realities even when we are sleeping, and this reality is projected by a set of programs in Mind. Whether it is in dreams or virtual video games or virtual reality in all of these, programs are creating the virtual experiences. Even for that matter today the entire movie can be watched through CD or even through streaming from Netflix or Amazon Prime Videos or Hot star. In all of these, content is stored in digital format in condensed form. If this is the case, we can raise a fundamental question even with real world is that are we experiencing in real world is real experiences. Can we challenge this fundamental assumption? As we see and experience today with digital programs, someone or even no one (either a Form or Formless-like Algorithms) must be creating these programs.

Outside world is a manifestation of the Inner world: f we can realize, whatever the technological advances that are occurring now, though it seems to us they are disruptive and many more advanced technologies are about to come in the coming decades making us understand closely the way Nature is using these technologies. We know that Divine or Nature is Consciousness and Intelligence. An Un manifest God or Divine used sound or vibrations to create light. Divine created a Master Algorithm that can create the Universes, Solar systems, Planets and Species including you and me. This Master Algorithm has capability to learn through the user experiences that these universes, galaxies, planets, species are experiencing through their senses and continuously refining their own algorithms and this evolution is becoming better and better.

Are we not already in the virtual, digital world –Already we are in the great digital world? Quantum physics says that there is nothing physical, it is all vibrations and could be we are in virtual reality with a Quantum entanglement. Everything is omnipresent, possibly in Intelligence form. Quantum Physics is revealing to us that when you want to observe in this universe with some senses or measuring device, then it behaves like a particle else it may be in wave form (not sure what other forms it may

!). It is something like in video games, complete games with different scenarios are already contained in the program. Only a certain portion of game at any given instance is based on user selection, only that part of the program is manifesting on screen in the form of a game.

Holographic universe

Does someThing physical form exist? So, every real thing that we see can be traced back to programs and ultimately nothing or this whole Universe is Holographic with a Hologram consisting of huge programs. It is only senses that create that perception (five senses and brain), like in virtual reality, we create a different world. So everything is virtual using programs in mind and senses.

Nature has built the platforms using Consciousness plus Intelligence as a base, while creating these platforms, it must have used some simple yet powerful algorithms using fractal geometry and mathematics. Universe is holographic. Other than Primordial Energy, all others are virtual or mixed reality that is why this Universe is Holographic and possibly hologram may be there at Black hole, which is projecting all this mixed reality. In a nutshell, this whole Universe is Holographic and projected possibly in three dimensions or more. This projection is coming from the intelligence and master algorithms that lies in the form of simple but using complex number fractal geometry functions, like Fibonacci series, Mandelbrot set, Sacred geometry, Platonic solids and shape could be formed using higher level of Fractal Geometry. In today’s digital technologies, we are doing almost the same but in reverse order.

Nature or Divine created the platforms like conscious, individual unconscious, collective conscious or Supra Conscious or Paramjyothi and collective unconscious as shown on the left side of the figure below. Whereas all experiences of species, data, memories are stored on these platforms. Self-learning algorithms use the data sets and evolve and influence each other and collectively we call these memories and programs as a mind, as shown on the right hand side.

These platforms enable species and humans to store their individual and collective experiences. These experiences are stored in a distributed memory in the form of memories and programs almost at 10 levels as shown at right hand side. The life of an individual is controlled by the programs that run in the unconscious. Species contribute the content on to these Nature created platforms. This content is created by all species but predominantly by humans in the form of their individual and collective experiences. These programs are capable of self-learning (like machine learning), these learnings are stored in DNA in case of individuals. At collective level they could be stored as distributed virtual storages like Collective at earth magnet fields or Moon, and higher levels at Planetary level and surface of Galaxy centre point and so on. Following are ten levels of programs that you are already aware.

  1. Past Life
  2. Genetic, DNA
  3. Four baskets (moment of conception to 6 hours after birth)
  4. Fundamental Childhood decisions (FCDs)
  5. Collective Humanity (One Mind)
  6. Earthly Planet
  7. Solar System
  8. Galactic
  9. Universal
  10. Ancestors or Other realms

If we have to group these programs at high level, we can do in following way

  1. Individual conscious mind – rational or logical mind
  2. Unconscious mind : It has at two levels
    1. Individual unconscious mind: Programs 1, 2, 3, 4 and even 5 as well. Mostly these programs are stored in DNA. These programs can re-programmed
    2. Collective Unconscious: Program 6 to 10 are at distributed level. It is impossible to change these programs, hence it is better to de-clutch them and use them when it is required.
    3. Collective Conscious or Supra Conscious

One of the most important platforms created by Energy or Divine or Shakthi is collective unconsciousness. This collective unconscious has records of every action from the day one or beginning of the universe all that happened. Not sure in what form (big data or genetic form or some other form). All our actions are controlled by it. It is running on programs. These programs are created by people not just by this generation but from millions of years, it is not only from one species but all species and in the form of morphogenic fields also and it is evolved on its own. Collective Unconsciousness is like AI, it is not conscious just like AI, hence it depends on the data sets or experiences that we individuals feed. Programs, learning, collective learnings, morphogenic fields. It is still not omnipotent and not conscious.

By now, we must realise that our whole life is being controlled by programs in the individual unconscious and collective unconscious. Individual unconscious and collective unconscious will influence each other. During early ages, the entry point is individual unconscious and after 6 years, the entry point is normally conscious or rational mind, they are like idols. Individual unconscious mind is almost 2 million times powerful and a collective unconscious mind is again multi million times more powerful than an individual unconscious. They are influencing each other bi-directionally. Is a human being is a not bio –computer? All these bio-computers are working in the Internet of Humans (IOH). Are we not talking the same thing in the Internet of Things (IOT) in today’s digital technologies? We are trying to mimic what Nature has done, all these end devices like Edge devices enabled with adaptive intelligence, IOT sensors, cars, smart homes, computers, smart phones and so on are connected to the internet and collected data is passed on to the cloud. This cloud is enabled with powerful analytics and AI which can adopt both supervised and unsupervised machine learning and influence the field devices.

In the coming few years, whatever man -made IOT will be like Nature made connected Humanity or Internet of Humans (IOH). Today computers do linear processing, our brain does parallel processing at much slower speed. Computers processor speed is much faster, human brain is much slower, but advantage is that human brain does parallel processing. Soon quantum computing may give some solutions, the day computers do parallel processing, they also become conscious like human beings. So, we are nothing but a bio computer who has been programmed.

This collective unconscious contains both positive and negative programs. It is very important that all these data sets influence deep learning algorithms in a positive way, so that it will influence individual unconscious minds and act positively. Unfortunately in today’s world, these data sets at individual or collective unconscious are acting in a negative way and hence feedback behaviour is negative and the world is in such a mess today. Hence, if we have to make a major impact, we must influence the collective unconscious positively by providing the positive experiences of right data sets to these deep learning algorithms.

Whether it is a Nature made or manmade technology, as the memory is growing from the experiences of input data sets whether it is individual humans or collective, it is difficult to utilise the data and make some learnings out of it. Hence it requires powerful AI to derive some meaning out of these sets and in the process, AI takes over the way the mind is controlling us. That is what we can observe in the external world which is manifesting where as if we make a journey into our internal world, it is already there.

This whole automation process requires platforms to store data sets or experiences in the form of memories as shown in Fig and in case of man-made platforms, it could be structured or unstructured data. These platforms contain base algorithms, which keep on learning and fine tuning based on data sets. On a manmade platform, if we look at individual level, our individual contents on social media platforms like Facebook. Google, Twitter, Amazon etc. are aggregated and customised recommendations or notifications are pushed to you. Even at an enterprise level structured data bases and unstructured data has been growing enormously. Hence, enterprises are also investing on platforms including algorithms to learn from this data and make service activities autonomous in the form of self service. Once these push notifications are automated, those actions become like the way our unconscious mind takes the control.

Same is being used by Nature in the process of evolution, all routine activities at an individual level or collective humanity level are automated and these autonomous programs are stored at different levels in the form of distributed storage and processing. These are influenced bi directionally. In the process of evolution, all these routine activities to make them into an automatic process are important, so that we can experience new things and evolve, learn and grow. In fact, many of our processes like digestion, breathing heartbeat, thinking etc are autonomous.

Why are all these things important? As we are aware by now, we are nothing but a bio-computer, which is being programmed and the program actually starts before the birth, the moment of conception, what happen in the womb during four baskets, and so on, all these things decide whether we are going to be a successful or a failure, prosperous or poor, healthy or sick in life. Everything is determined within the first six years. Child is experiencing real life incidents in the external world but these experiences and decisions that child is taking based on those experiences are converted to biological programs. It is something like in the digital world, the way no code platforms work. Using User Interface (UI), the user is configuring the business scenario, like order creation but in the back end, this platform is creating an executable program.

By default, child is an explorer, but we impose lot by supervised learning and he also learns by trial and error. But developmental cognitive scientists say we also begin life with basic instincts that help us gain a flexible common sense, maybe it is coming from collective learnings. Learning takes place maximum from 0 to 2 years and then from 2 to 6 years. If there is a reliable way to condition your brain for better experiences – it is from 0 to 6 years. At birth, the human brain is flurry of superfluous connections with almost every part of the brain connected to every other part of the brain. First two years of life the human brain undergoes the first major stage, a lifelong process, Synaptic pruning. It is a process of synapse elimination that occurs in a developing brain that is shedding unnecessary connections. Selection of synapses use it or lose its principle or Neurons that fire together wire together. This means frequently used synapses have a strong connection, rarely used synapses are eliminated. Pruning is widely impacted by environmental factors and early childhood experiences. The whole brain, when functioning correctly is a phenomenal dance co-ordinating 20 million billion bits of information. Memories are formed by strengthening the connections between neurons that fire together, using a biochemical process. The number of connections in our brain is over a million times the number of letters in our genome. So it is not physically possible for the genome to specify in detail on how the brain is wired.

All these programs together that child generated are nothing but mind, stored at distributed level, some of them are at individual level, some at collective level. This mind consists of conditioning, beliefs, thoughts, concepts, values and so on. In the beginning, there was no mind. The need for survival created a mind, like we have to develop flight or fight response in order to survive and we need a computer to handle that is when the mind emerged. In order to survive, it must keep going, it has to continuously engage in the activity of becoming – I am poor and I must become rich, I am not famous and I must become famous, I am not looking good and I must be good looking, I am not healthy and I must become healthy. Unless there is continuous work, continuous becoming, the mind will collapse. Mind is that activity of becoming. For its survival and existence it always keeps us busy and moves us from the present moment. Due to this continuous becoming activities of Mind, we just can’t sit in peace and enjoy the bliss.

It is something like WhatsApp, Telegram or Signal Apps. These are great technological inventions and very useful programs. It is great to connect instantly and share our experiences or content across humanity. However this needs to be used for a purpose (definitely for some useful information) but not just keep on reading and forwarding all the messages you receive (may be as long as it is for entertainment purpose that to when you have time or get bored). But if they are dictating your times, not necessarily these apps for that matter any technology or platform, then we are wasting our time and life with useless activities.

Similarly, the mind was created by Nature. Especially the collective human mind it is created for humanity to share the useful common learnings and experiences to take care of flight and fight responses. It is useful and required as long as we are using it for the right purpose. But over the period of thousands of years, this content is over-created by all of us, unfortunately it is riding us and we became a donkey’s. Now we have realized how to declutch from this mind and live simply in the present. Mind is good, if we are riding and using it appropriately but unfortunately it started ruling over us (like the algorithms in advertisement). Mind is like a donkey, because there is no sense there. We should ride over the donkey, not the other way around. It has taken over complete control on us.

While this collective One mind is the same for all of us, each one of us is experiencing in their own way (each individual experience is different) due to the conditioning of the end user or programs/frames/cookies stored at the end user level which is an individual unconscious mind. Data storage is in biological form. Biological processing, memory storage and access or communication are so efficient with a minimum amount of energy input. In the external world, we are yet to reach the borders of that kind of technology. Maybe Quantum computing processing, 5G are one step towards that, but compact storage of memory we are yet to make breakthroughs.

Mathematically, mind equals memory + Intelligence. Part of this mind – One mind is, nothing but flow of thoughts, just like the name given as river to flow of water. These thoughts are in the thought sphere, like air is in the atmosphere. These thoughts are flowing like hay stacks everywhere, like air breeze. Only those thoughts are entered into you depending on the charge and emotions you possess in your individual unconscious mind. It is like you tuned the frequency you set in the TV channel. Thoughts take reference from memory, which is past and compares (thought is measurement).

creates the program. But without anyone programming the logic, one must manually formulate or code rules. In machine learning, on the other hand, the algorithm automatically formulates the rules from the data. This algorithm is not necessarily to be in physical form. Like Robot is in physical form, a machine which may or may not require intelligence to perform specific tasks, whereas an AI is a program, so it doesn’t need to be physical, over a time, artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted from algorithms that rely on programmed rules and logic—instincts—to machine learning, whereas algorithms contain few rules and ingest training data to learn by trial and error. Human minds sit somewhere in the middle.

Broadly, AI has moved from software that relies on many programmed rules (also known as Good Old-Fashioned AI, or GOFAI) to systems that learn through trial and error. Machine learning has taken off thanks to powerful computers, big data, and advances in algorithms called neural networks. These networks are collections of simple computing elements, loosely modelled on neurons in the brain that create stronger or weaker links as they ingest training data. Rule based AI: IBM’s Deep Blue, which bested chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997, relied on rules and logic. Machine Learning AI: (Supervised and un Supervised): With few programmed rules, DeepMind’s AlphaZero today can beat IBM’s DeepBlue at chess. But it doesn’t generalize. Learning process also accelerates depending on data sets variety and quality. That is why as the generations pass by learning becomes fast, we see our children are learning so fast because they are having so much data, experiences.

With this background of knowledge, can we safely talk about spirituality in digital technology? In the beginning it is just an unknowable Primordial energy alone existing and it is not so nice to be alone for long. As we know this whole Universe is in vibration. It is all just vibrating fields interacting with each other (like neural networks)… Hence this Nature or Primordial energy created a separation from itself and that taken subset form another energy Adiparasakthi, that intern created different frequencies of vibration in the form of sound and this in turn created light. This light could have created some master algorithms which in turn created this physical universe and rest. This energy form normally in Hindu philosophy we treat as a female form. That is the reason even from Goddess at macro level to at cellular level energy which is produced at Mitochondria comes from mother not from father.

Mind interference on brain processing

ommon DigiTal platforms that we use in our daily life created by Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram etc are mostly free… While platform, applications, base algorithms are created by them, content creation and upload is being carried out by humans and of late even automated bots. Today they are cloud based with a distributed content delivery network. If we look at your privacy settings, you will realise, what all, they are tracking and what history about your web or app searches, places visited and not every activity that you are doing on the web is tracked and recorded in their system , just like every human activity is recorded in Akashik record. These algorithms interpret your behaviour, preferences based on past data and keep on projecting similar things in future, based on your past activities. Memories and Information stored along with AI algorithms on these platforms and data stored in cookies makes your web experiences limited with repeated patterns. It is useful, as long as we need to carry some repetitive activities to order stuff or for some entertainment. But if they take control of our lives and start pushing advertisements and controlling our lives, suffocation starts and we lose freedom, we need to understand this potential danger and shall have knowledge of when to use and when to switch off. We need to be careful on how to use this high automation.

Similarly, as we know Nature has created hardware and platforms. Humans have contributed towards psychological content in the form of their experiences consisting of beliefs, perceptions, religions, myths, cultures etc and number of stories on which it runs. The sum total of this psychological content could be termed the software that is running the species. These programs learn themselves at individual and collective level and continuously evolve and influence both sides in the form of morphogenetic fields. A significant section of this software is limiting in nature and it is detrimental to the experience of living. One of the most defective software that becomes part of the human system is the illusory identity of the thinker or psychological self-behaves as if there is some solid person like “I” exists. It is similar to the illusory self or virtual self like Alexa, Google Asst or Siri or any other virtual assistant, there is no solid person like Alexa who is guiding us. Fundamentally this psychological self is existing due to the thinking process and this process is triggered due to flow of thoughts which we call as mind and this process happens in the brain. This mind or flow of thoughts interference is creating problems for humans. This is a core problem and we as humanity do not know a scientific process to come out of this.

Brain Processing

As we know, reality to us is what we experience through our senses at that moment, but continuous interference of mind to that experience is distorted by mind filters, causing a real suffering. Brain is capable of responding to sensory input very fast as shown in figure, but in reality brain response time is almost 5 times higher, this time is enough to distort the present reality that senses are experiencing and portrays what program in mind want to portray based on past memories. Only these memories become present and future. Any memories are dead and the same is flowing in the present and the same memories flow through the future, it is all dead memories are flowing through, hence we are not living to present due to this mind interference. Mind has taken over us. Mind is useful when we need it, but it starts interfering in every human experience of life, which makes life miserable. Ancient days, many people know where the on-off switch to use this mind, which is located at Vishuddi chakra. Today, no one knows how to use this switch when to stop and start, and it is continuously “ON”. Sages had this wisdom of how to operate this switch. Today that wisdom is missing hence we are leading this mediocre life carrying continuously that chatter.

Similarly, today’s digital technologies brought a great comfort to augment humans. For instance, virtual assistants became so powerful and they started ruling our life. These virtual assistants are very useful when we need some required information. Good thing is, as on today, they are not fully automated and invisible. As we see below, If virtual assistant is trying show their smartness and taking over our lives at least we know where we can pull of its power or cut off Wi-Fi. Assume in next two decades, power and Wi-Fi switches are invisible and centralised through smart homes at smart city level, then you don’t even know where to stop, then you start realising the helplessness.

We have lost touch with unconsciousness also we have lost the knowledge and technology of how to activate and deactivate the switches at Visuddhi chakra. While our history talks about our ancient man as caveman but our ancient man knows this technology well. They know how to get in touch with unconsciousness, not only that for them a third eye was open. Around 70,000 years ago there were great civilisations, much more advanced in terms of science and technology with high levels of consciousness. During that time for many humans the third eye was open, that is nothing but their Pineal gland was activated. When the third eye is open, one can see other dimensions with open eyes. But now this third eye is completely shut to humans.. As it closes, one’s level of consciousness goes down. Now it is completely shut, hence we perceive, consciousness is by product of matter. Matter is supreme, and everything is a material process. Even the life that we are living is also materialistic. But when it starts opening the world is different and it is not the world that we see. When it is open, everything is a manifestation of consciousness. Just like with a radio telescope, you could go deep into space or if you have a powerful electron microscope, you can get deep into a cell. Similarly, if the third eye is open it is much more powerful than a telescope or microscope and you could see anything and everything.


Though some research is going as of now, on brain reverse engineering and some part of the scientific community believes that the brain is creating a Consciousness. But what we have seen and the spirituality view is completely different, the brain is like a processor, like in a computer. It is a slow processor comparative to modern day computers, but it is highly capable of parallel processing.

There are high level commands as instructions to the brain from heart or body, mind or thoughts and brain just processes. By just looking at neurons firing, we cannot understand thought or emotion and why it is happening like so, it is something like by observing and collecting data how logic gates are getting fired at transducers level within computer chip is not a right way to understand the logic of program created by using say high level language like Python.

Conventional biologists believe that our life’s fate can be understood by decoding the sequence of four letters of code in genes (DNA). Double helix is a chemical molecule, physical structure of DNA that is made of four chemicals. Order of A, C, T, G that contains the information is the source code of life. Each of us has around 3 billion letters in a very specific order in human DNA and 99.9 percent of your DNA is identical to every other person’s DNA on this Planet. Conventional computers store information in the form of 0 and 1.

In any area scientists make theories, while engineers make devices. Today’s computer scientists make algorithms. Computers are all about logic. We live in age of Algorithms, today we are realizing that algorithms are in every nook and corner of civilization ( if go further and see, this whole creation is nothing but Master Algorithm, using distributed processing, storage in a cloud and everything is software defined including hardware- like material world). They are woven into the fabric of everyday’s life. They are in smartphones, laptops, and household devices. Algorithms schedule flights, fly airplanes, they trade, route goods, they run factories.

Today a genius computer programmer – someone who creates algorithms and codes them up is like a small god. Computer programmer has reached a stage today, where he can write all these algorithms in Natural language by himself sitting in his balcony with laptop. In future he can dictate to another program like Google Assistant or Alexa, Siri etc. Maybe after a few more years, he can make just sound or even think or day dream, like Divine used Consciousness and Intelligence and created these universes by using his tools or dreams. As believed in Hindu philosophy, this programme is making a sound called “AUM” and this sound created the rest of other forms (including hierarchical and parallel). Today it is close to reality that this computer programmer (small god), created a virtual game with the technology of mixed reality. But one caution, this small god need not be a person rather could be an AI algorithm or even we can extend to a formless energy. It is not one realm, humans have created multiple realms using technology as you see on the right hand side of the figure, based on the technology, access available to you, sitting at the same place you can access all realms, maybe we will need gadgets and the internet. Same applies to divine, he also created multiple realms, all these realms are existing everywhere and nowhere, like the internet or 5G signal etc. It is all a matter of technology in man-made realms and Divine made realms, it is consciousness levels, or frequency bandwidth of vibration.

Evolution is an algorithm, paraphrasing Charles Babbage “God created not species but the algorithm for creating species.” It is not only species but a master algorithm that creates, learns through user experiences (here users are not just species, but galaxies, planets and all kinds of living and non-living entities including all forms) like in machine learning and moves evolution to next steps. Evolution is the ultimate example of how much simple learning algorithms can achieve given enough data. Its input is the user experience of all forms that ever existed. Now, in our context, is it something like BIG DATA?

Typically, AI and Machine Learning are intended to automate processes at a lower level. However, some of top universities research is already on how to automate AI, that means how to create a Master Algorithm which in turn creates Machine learning models, and these models can be exposed to different data sets (something like, retail consumers, patients, student’s enrolment etc.). One way this looks like we are doing a reverse engineering of what the Universe has created.

Believe it or not every algorithm, no matter how complex it is, can be reduced to just three logical operations AND, OR and NOT, But humans are not writing algorithms in logical operations, they are writing in high level languages. In fact now people don’t need to write a complete code now, they started writing a code in the form of user stories and low code or no code platforms like Airtable, Appypie, WEM or Outsystems – Program – business view. They are generating business views to programs automatically. Similarly from human experiences are converted into data sets and programs at the back end and algorithms learn from these datasets.

Fundamentally science or so-called science never invented a new thing in the Universe. It is no way called an invention in Nature/Universe. Human beings/any species for that matter cannot, could not and will not invent anything new in the Universe-Period. Then how all these, new things are coming up to the surface. Because the Universe is a process, it is continuously changing, and new things keep coming. Since the Universe is continuously changing, due to synergic emergence, Consciousness itself is changing? Hence, all great discoveries are revelations of real experiences of some great people including human beings, light beings, space beings and other species from nature, like birds, fishes and so on.

All our great scientists were spiritual. They were doing meditation and experience higher levels of consciousness. At higher levels of consciousness, there are no longer limited by physical instruments including our physical body. If you want to go to another place at a microcosm level, you yourself can go and see, experience. Basis of science should be spirituality. That is the wealth of our great civilisations and countries, including great spiritual countries like India. This is what India can give it back to this planet. Unfortunately, this was destroyed in the last few hundred years. Due to this, India as a country lost its glory, wisdom and spiritual strength, living in the name of the developing world. It is not only with India, same with Roman Empire, Chinese kingdoms and so on. Hence while implementing digital technologies, follow Nature and Spiritual wisdom as well.