Oneness in science and spirituality
Lternal spiritual sciences reveal that Divine is trying to reach humans by descending from infinite silence. Divine is trying to reveal to us how he or she is manifesting from energy to vibration and matter and so on. Between this silence (Sat) and matter – what is there is some kind of vibration with infinite frequencies possibly we can call this as Chit which is Consciousness and Intelligence. This Consciousness manifested in different forms and platforms to support the evolution of this creation. Using these platforms, evolution started and supported in manifesting 8.3 million varieties of species. These species experiences in the form of programs collectively evolved further and these collective learnings like in what we see in unsupervised machine learning is going on for almost two millennia.
On the other hand, science is enquiring to understand how the Universe including us is created, what substance, platforms, laws, etc are used. In a quest to reach each other, one is descending and the other is ascending. We strongly believe in the near future we will reach Oneness in Science and Spirituality.
We as humans are trying to understand Nature with a wrong assumption that we are just our gross matter bodies. Some of human capabilities or senses are dormant as of now due to this, we have limitations to experience the reality beyond a gross matter in the form through our bodily senses as we saw in the chapter Human Body. We shall question this assumption and go beyond this material body to formless programs and beyond that what is there is pure Consciousness. Another wrong perception is the human body is just gross matter and God is somewhere above. We must be open to accept God is within each one of us. For any human being, it is impossible to experience and comprehend the whole Universe, it is limited by the perceptions that one carries. And each individual experience need not be the same.
It is like each single cell from more than 50 trillion cells in our body are trying to understand the human body. Most of us questioned ourselves what is the ultimate truth. Science is continuously exploring from matter to fields to vibration on what is the ultimate truth. On the other hand, another set of people exploring mystically and some of their experiences could be of Adviata, Dviata or Vishishta Adviata, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity or Oneness, etc. It is only an experience of some one. Ultimate truth one realizes either intellectually or through experience is that, there is no ultimate truth in this whole creation, except the end points, Sunya and manifested experiencer. All in between is created programmatically and is an illusion just like a video game program, when the program is erased, there is no game. One will realize, the whole Universe is like Holographic and everything in between including edge devices will merge with Sunya or Silence.
Intent of this chapter is integrating the wisdom that we have learned from previous chapters with the latest scientific advances in all fields. First let us look at wisdom revealed from our spiritual teachers, then we will move on to scientific advances.
Spiritual view: unmanifest to manifest
Our ancient civilizations reveal that everything is a manifestation of ‘Brahman’ or ‘Divine’ or ‘Higher sacred’ or ‘Om’. The ultimate thing of the Universe is what we call
Brahman, which is supposed to have three qualities namely, Sat – is its sense of existence, Chit is Conscious Intelligence and Ananda is its nature that is bliss. Brahman is essentially the unmanifest. That is the ground from which everything starts. In the Bible it is said, ‘in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God.’ And God said, ‘Let there be light’. That same word is Om, the Bramhan, ‘the One’ of Taoism that manifests as light.
Divine is both the unmanifest and the manifest. The unmanifest Divine is unknowable. By its very definition, the Unmanifest cannot be seen, felt or heard; it is attribute less and hence cannot be known. It is not the unknown, but it is unknowable. What is unknown today could be known tomorrow. There is no way for human beings to understand the reality of Divine. It will forever be unknowable. As far as humans are concerned, the unmanifest Divine is as good as nonexistent. Divine is very much like the unmanifest electricity that is experienced only when manifested as light, sound or sensation.
In the beginning there is nothing, we would call that as Shunya (Shu-Anya) or Shivam or Ekam or Nirguna Brahman, un manifest Divine etc. With all kinds of names. This nothing started vibrating, it is energy dancing. Everything in the Universe is vibration. Even the smallest particle is energy dance. All particles are made up of these smaller particles. Whole Universe is an energy dance, energy is not static, it is a dance that is what Nataraja symbolizes. All this dance follows certain laws, these are mathematical laws. Other laws come much later, like laws of physics, chemistry, biology, organisms, human mind etc.. In the very beginning, it is only a mathematical law and there is no creator, who created these mathematical laws. They self-existed, these are always eternal. These laws are called Dharma or Nature’s laws. These laws govern the Universe. Everything in this Universe can be reduced to these mathematical laws. It is not controlled by someone or some form as we believe.
The manifest Divine is knowable. Divine manifests as a presence, as a light or as a form. Divine also manifests in places and in icons. Divine also manifests through miracles. Divine also manifests as ‘Antaryamin’. Divine also manifests in human beings whom we call ‘Avatar’. These are the expressions of Divine. Divine is one but appears as many. Let us understand how the Divine can manifest:
- Theophany- The Divine makes things appear for you. It may feel like a dream, but it is very real.
- Epiphany- The Divine appears to you. Jesus might drop by and have a chat with you. This too may feel like a dream.
- Manifestations- The Divine physically manifests to you, and you can touch it exactly like a human being. The Divine can manifest and live for 100’s of years in this form.
- Incarnations and Avatars- This is when the Divine is born to a human mother and lives like a human. When the Human species needs to be guided in a certain way, the Divine may come in an incarnate form to help.
Divine or Unmanifest is formless in energy form and can be called as Adiparashakthi. When the Divine Manifests, It becomes Three: Creator, Protector and Destroyer – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva – One energy becomes three. When all three of them unite as one, this is called Sri Dattatreya Swami, the male aspect of the Divine. The male aspects also have female counterparts: MahaSawarswathi, MahaLakshmi, MahaKali (or MahaParvathi) Also creator, protector and destroyer. When they unite as one they are called Devi Anagha Lakshmi, female Aspects Together.
In manifest form, all that we see in the observable universe is coming through a word ‘OM (AUM)’ forming a cosmic music, the music of strings through multi-dimensional hyperspace. It is just vibrating strings manifesting as a light, and it is manifesting as clusters, galaxies and stars where different elements are cooked to enable us to create planets where human form could come into existence.
We as human beings are physical bodies that are nothing but, made up of five elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Ether. As we know, earth’s crust consists of roughly 90 elements. Air is largely made by Nitrogen and Oxygen. Water is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen. Fire and Ether. In other words, the human body is made up of more than 50 elements from these five sources.
If we look at our spiritual wisdom, we can closely observe that whatever Quantum physics and superstring theories are talking today resembles almost what spiritual wisdom shown to us. Let us look at the science view, where it has reached.
Science view: manifest to Unmanifest
Intent of this section is to bring forth different major disciplines and if we can view all of them holistically. Our classical science or classical mechanics viewed everything as matter or form, we have held these concepts for a few centuries and science did not go beyond matter. Structure of reality is much more than just a form or macroscopic matter. From the 16th century onwards for almost 400 years, humanity was influenced by classical mechanics, only in the last one century humanity could go beyond macroscopic matter to Quantum mechanics. Unfortunately, these two theories address two different worlds. In the last few decades Quantum Field theory and superstring theories are trying to stitch above two to make a Unified field theory. In a nutshell, in the last few centuries humanity is in quest to know fundamental substance, by dissecting macroscopic matter. Let us see where it is reaching, is it reaching the same vibration or unmanifest?
1.1 Physics View :
Our current knowledge about the subatomic composition of the universe is summarized in what is known as the ‘Standard Model’ of particle physics. It describes both, matter particles and force and carrier particles, the fundamental building blocks, out of which this material world is made, and the forces through which these blocks interact.
Matter Particles
All matter around us is made of elementary particles, the building blocks of matter. These particles occur in two basic types called quarks and leptons. Each group consists of six particles, which are related in pairs, or ‘generations. The lightest and the most stable particles make up the first generation, whereas the heavier and less stable particles belong to the second and third generations. All stable matter in the universe is made of the particles that belong to the first generation; any heavier particles quickly decay to the next most stable level. The six quarks are paired in the three generations-the ‘up quark’ and the ‘down quark’ form the first generation, followed by the ‘charm quark’ and ‘strange quark’, then the ‘top quark’ and ‘bottom (or beauty) quark’. Quarks also come in three different colors and only mix in such ways as to form colorless objects. The six leptons are similarly arranged in three generations-the ‘electron’ and the ‘electron neutrino’, the ‘muon’ and the ‘muon neutrino’, and the ‘tau’ and the ‘tau neutrino’. The electron, the muon and the tau all have an electric charge and a sizable mass, whereas the neutrinos are electrically neutral and have very little mass.
Forces and Carrier Particles
There are four fundamental forces at work in the universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. They work over different ranges and have different strengths. Gravity is the weakest, but it has an infinite range. The electromagnetic force also has infinite range, but it is many times stronger than gravity. The weak and strong forces are effective only over a very short range and dominate only at the level of subatomic particles. Despite its name, the weak force is much stronger than gravity, but it is indeed the weakest of the other three. The strong force, as the name suggests, is the strongest of all four fundamental interactions.
Three of the fundamental forces result from the exchange of force-carrier particles, which belong to a broader group called ‘bosons’. Particles of matter transfer discrete amounts of energy by exchanging bosons with each other. Each fundamental force has its own corresponding boson- the strong force is carried by the ‘gluon’, the electromagnetic force is carried by the ‘photon’, and the ‘W and Z bosons’ are responsible for the weak force. Although not yet found, the ‘graviton’ should be the corresponding force-carrying particle of gravity. The Standard Model includes the electromagnetic, strong and weak forces and all their carrier particles, and explains well how these forces act on all of the matter particles. However, the most familiar force in our everyday lives, gravity, is not part of the Standard Model, as fitting gravity comfortably into this framework has proved to be a difficult challenge. The quantum theory used to describe the micro world, and the general theory of relativity used to describe the macro world, are difficult to fit into a single framework. No one has managed to make the two mathematically compatible in the context of the Standard Model. But luckily for particle physics, when it comes to the minuscule scale of particles, the effect of gravity is so weak as to be negligible. Only when matter is in bulk, at the scale of the human body or of the planets for example, does the effect of gravity dominate. So the Standard Model still works well despite its reluctant exclusion of one of the fundamental forces.
Although the Standard Model accurately describes the phenomena within its domain, it is still incomplete. Perhaps it is only a part of a bigger picture that includes new physics hidden deep in the subatomic world or in the dark recesses of the universe. There are also important questions that it does not answer, such as ‘What is dark matter?’, or ‘What happened to the antimatter after the big bang?’, ‘Why are there three generations of quarks and leptons with such a different mass scale?’ and so on. Last but not least is a particle called the Higgs boson, an essential component of the Standard Model.
The standard model shown in the following picture is taken from CERN, and is a highly successful theory of physics.
There are two theories to explain motion in the universe, One at Macrocosm level and other at Microcosm level. For nearly 100 years, physics has been explaining the universe around us, general relativity theory explains perfectly the motion of stars, galaxies and planets around the sun and shows the stable view of the universe. On the other hand quantum mechanics explains at microcosm level how really small objects like atoms and electrons move and shows an unpredictable view of the universe. Unfortunately, we still have the most embarrassing situation in theoretical physics; both theories do not discourse with each other. Quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity are incompatible and it is a collapse of physics. Scientists are looking for a unified theory that encompasses both the theories. However in reality, nature has one unique way of operating including both theories, we don’t seem to find that way, something is fundamentally wrong.
We can’t have two different sets of rules. But we need one unifying theory, which explains at macro and micro level motion of big and small things, one such theory is string theory. This theory says all matter and energy are made of really small vibrating things called strings; each string makes one fundamental particle vibrating at a different pattern. With string theory introduced with dimensions came into picture. String theory attempts to create one unified theory, one theory that explains all forces in nature. It does this by all elementary particles and their interactions. In the last few decades, string theory has emerged as the most promising candidate for a microscopic theory of gravity. And it is infinitely more ambitious than that: it attempts to provide a complete, unified, and consistent description of the fundamental structure of our universe. Even this unified theory or theory of everything equation has limitations and cannot explain dark matter, dark energy, and acceleration. Then what are we trying to do? Everyone is writing their own poems and there is nothing like an absolute reality.
We start with classical mechanics with form or particles as shown at the right hand side of the figure below and quantize and promote quantum mechanics theory. Whereas Nature doesn’t do that way. On the other hand extreme left, string theory talks about everything as vibration. All behavior of waves and particles are in the middle layer and measurement problems that we talk about in Quantum Mechanics also in this middle layer only. Due to this layer we are limited by space and time. This is due to limitation of senses and programs.
String Theory
The essential idea behind string theory is this: all different ‘fundamental ‘ particles of the Standard Model are really just different manifestations of one basic object: a string. How can that be? Well, we would ordinarily picture an electron, for instance, as a point with no internal structure. A point cannot do anything but move. But, if string theory is correct, then under an extremely powerful microscope, we would realize that the electron is not really a point, but a tiny loop of string. A string can do something aside from moving-it can oscillate in different ways. If it oscillates a certain way, then from a distance, unable to tell it is really a string, we see an electron. But if it oscillates some other way, well, then we call it a photon, or a quark. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about string theory is that such a simple idea works-it is possible to derive (an extension of ) the Standard Model (which has been verified experimentally with incredible precision) from a theory of strings. But it should also be said that, to date, there is no direct experimental evidence that string theory itself is the correct description of nature. This is mostly due to the fact that string theory is still under development. We know bits and pieces of it, but we do not yet see the whole picture, and we are therefore unable to make definite predictions. In recent years many exciting developments have taken place including super string theory, radically improving our understanding of what the theory is. String theory comes along and says, gravity, quantum mechanics and electromagnetics all come together as one package, and provide as a unified theory, but only if the universe has extra dimensions. Various experiments are being conducted at CERN, possibly in the next few years, these experiments could reveal and crack this puzzle. These extra dimensions could be something like what we see in a Turkish towel, which is constructed with a looped pile section in the center. Hence, the superstring theory emerges with an introduction to extra dimensions.
Super String Theory
So far what we have seen by dissecting gross matter, we observed at the end it is all vibrating energy. These tiny energy strings vibrate at different frequencies, and different frequencies produce different particles, which produce the richness of the world around us. Matter and forces of nature are produced by these different frequencies of vibrating strings. But this concept will work only if there are at least 10 dimensions and one dimension of space. The way the strings vibrate may depend on the geometry of the extra dimensions. Think of a guitar string that has been tuned by stretching the string under tension across the guitar. Depending on how the string is plucked and how much tension is in the string, different musical notes will be created by the string. These musical notes could be said to be excitation modes of that guitar string under tension. In a similar manner, in string theory, the elementary particles we observe in particle accelerators could be thought of as the ‘musical notes’ or excitation modes of elementary strings.In string theory, as in guitar playing, the string must be stretched under tension in order to become excited. However, the strings in string theory are floating in space-time; they aren’t tied down to a guitar. Nonetheless, they have tension.
We as a human being through our senses are not in a position to see beyond the three-dimensional spaces; however there could be a possibility at nanoscale that there are more dimensions .Science can explain super symmetry including Newton’s gravitation and Einstein’s general theory of relativity only if we bring in extra dimensions possible at nanoscale. Today’s string theory not only discusses about one or two extra dimensions, but a very rich intertwined geometry and today’s conventional geometry does not provide an answer to it. However, in future, sacred geometry or fractal geometry could be an answer to it.
1.2 Mathematics view:
What we study in mathematics is very basic, it is useful to carry our materialistic life’s basic calculations, but when, rightly viewed, mathematics possesses not only truth, but also the supreme beauty. One of the things about mathematics that we love the most is its uncanny ability to reveal hidden beautiful patterns in our everyday life, the nature around us. In short, we can say mathematics is the science of patterns hidden in Nature and Nature uses mathematical laws in the Universe.
The natural numbers (or “counting numbers”) are the most familiar, concrete, and intuitively accessible numerical system, well suited to day-to-day human interactions. The addition of the number “0” (the additive identity) by early Indian mathematicians elevates the natural numbers to the whole numbers—a slightly more complete and logically more powerful framework, if somewhat more abstract. The addition of negative numbers to form the integers results in a system that is closed under subtraction—i.e., in which the operation of subtraction can, for the first time, be properly defined. The addition of fractions results in the rational numbers, in which the operation of division can be properly defined. The resulting, more complete and powerful mathematical framework is suitable for accounting and most other practical purposes and endeavours. All the above four numerical systems constitute infinite sets of the same size. Between any two fractions there are an infinite number of “irrational” numbers that cannot be expressed as fractions. The addition of these irrational numbers fills out the gaps in the number line, and constitutes what are called the real numbers, or the continuum. The real numbers constitute a higher order of infinity than the rational numbers and are key to the formulation of calculus and for comprehending and pursuing the physical sciences, such as classical mechanics. Still more abstract than the inexpressible irrational numbers are the imaginary numbers, which, when added to the reals, give rise to the complex numbers. The complex numbers are essential for formulating quantum mechanics and for understanding the world at the molecular and atomic levels. After the complex numbers come what are called function spaces, limits of function spaces, and products of function spaces, all representing progressively higher orders of infinity. These are necessary for the proper formulation and understanding of physics at the quantum-field-theoretic and deeper levels. Beyond the largest possible infinity that can be conceived by the human intellect lies the Universe of Sets, an infinity which transcends all mathematically definable infinities, and includes them all..
Most physical systems of Nature and many human artefacts are not of the regular geometric shapes of the standard geometry derived from Euclidean geometry that we learn in our high schools and colleges.
In this Universe everything is the opposite. This can be understood and explore the beauty of mathematics by using a complex number. Complex numbers have a real part plus an imaginary part. The real part is an ordinary number, for example, -2. The imaginary part is a real number times a special number called i, for example, 3i. An example of a complex number is -2 + 3i. The number ‘i’ was invented because no real number can be squared and result in a negative number. This means that you cannot take the square root of a negative number and get a real number. When you take the square root of a number, you find a number that can be squared to get that number. The number ‘i’ is defined to be the square root of -1. This means that i squared is equal to -1. So when you square an imaginary number you can get a negative number. For example, 3i squared is -9. It is common to refer to a complex number as a ‘point’ on the complex plane, an imaginary axis.
In today’s civilized and educated world, many of us know two fundamental and famous equations. One of them is Newton’s Gravitational equation. Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointing along the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
And the second one is the Albert Einstein’s famous equation is:
As it for the first time connected the mass of an object with its energy and heralded a new world of physics. While we undergo very complex mathematical equations in our high school, life changing famous equations involve few variables involving just basic arithmetic like addition and multiplication.
Similarly, there is one more equation that describes the Mandelbrot set contains the same number of terms and looks similar to modern fractal geometry.
What is fractal? Fractal is a mathematical concept, and it relates to the real world in the same manner that the sphere in geometry relates to earth. A mathematical fractal represents the intricacy of clouds, rocks, ferns and so on. In the real world, clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line. A branch of mathematics is closer to defining this concept through mathematical equations than fractal geometry. Fractal geometry derives structures resembling those of the natural world, such as mountains, clouds, plants and animals.
Fractal geometry offers almost unlimited ways of describing, measuring and predicting these natural phenomena. But is it possible to define the whole world using mathematical equations? Many people are fascinated by the beautiful images termed fractals. Extending beyond the typical perception of mathematics as a body of complicated, boring formulas, fractal geometry mixes art with mathematics to demonstrate that equations are more than just a collection of numbers. What makes fractals even more interesting is that they are the best existing mathematical descriptions of many natural forms, such as coastlines, mountains or parts of living organisms.
Two of the most important properties of fractals are self-similarity and non-integer dimension. Two leading researchers in the field of complex number fractals are Gaston Maurice Julia and Benoit Mandelbrot. Gaston Maurice Julia was born at the end of the 19th century in Algeria. He spent his life studying the iteration of polynomials and rational functions. Around the 1920s, after publishing his paper on the iteration of a rational function, Julia became famous. However, after his death, he was forgotten. In the 1970s, the work of Gaston Maurice Julia was revived and popularized by the Polish-born Benoit Mandelbrot. Inspired by Julia’s work, and with the aid of computer graphics, IBM employee Mandelbrot was able to show the first pictures of the most beautiful fractals known today.
Mandelbrot Set
The Mandelbrot set is the set of points on a complex plain. To build the Mandelbrot set, we have to use an algorithm based on the recursive formula:
Separating the points of the complex plane into the following two categories: Points inside the Mandelbrot set, points outside the Mandelbrot set. It is also possible to assign a colour to the points outside the Mandelbrot set. Their colours depend on how much iteration has been required to determine that they are outside the Mandelbrot set. Below picture shows Mandelbrot sets.
The strands of our DNA, the cornea of our eye, snowflakes, pine cones, flower petals, diamond crystals, the branching of trees, a nautilus shell, the star we spin around, the galaxy we spiral within, the air we breathe, and all life forms as we know them emerge out of timeless geometric codes. Have you noticed similarities among mandala motifs, crop circles and fractal images? Have you ever noticed that they are frequently reported as being seen in dazzling beauty? Who knows, these simple mathematical formulas might be in genes or collective minds which play as a blueprint for the entire structure of the universe including human beings?
Sacred Geometry
The belief that Divine created the universe according to a geometric plan has ancient origins. Sacred geometry is a relatively modern term for the study of the archetypal patterns that create everything in the material world. The name tends to carry undertones of a secret spiritual knowledge held and used by different traditions around the world, and there is good reason for this association. Throughout human history, great spiritual traditions have gathered and cultivated private knowledge of the core patterns of creation. Sacred geometry is often associated with sacred architecture, the classical work of master architects and temple builders; however, this is only the most visible aspect of this knowledge. Geometric ratios, and geometric figures were often employed in the design of Egyptian, ancient Indian, Greek and Roman architecture. Medieval European cathedrals also incorporated symbolic geometry. Indian and Himalayan spiritual communities often constructed temples and fortifications on design plans of mandala and yantra.
The designs of exalted holy places from the prehistoric monuments at Stonehenge and the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, to the world’s great cathedrals, mosques, and temples are based on these same principles of sacred geometry. As far back as Greek mystery schools 2500 years ago, it was taught that there are five perfect three-dimensional forms – the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron, collectively known as the Platonic solids; and that these form the foundation of everything in the physical world.
The five Platonic solids (Tetrahedron, Cube or (Hexahedron), Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron) are ideal, primal models of crystal patterns that occur throughout the world of minerals in countless variations. These are the only five regular polyhedra, that is, the only five solids made from the same equilateral, equiangular polygons. To the Greeks, these solids symbolized fire, earth, air, spirit (or ether) and water respectively. The cube and octahedron are duals, meaning that one can be created by connecting the midpoints of the faces of the other. The icosahedron and dodecahedron are also duals of each other, and three mutually perpendicular, mutually bisecting golden rectangles can be drawn connecting their vertices and midpoints, respectively. The tetrahedron is a dual to itself.
In the Vedic cosmology, we have a unique and very explainable positioning of the sphere and all five Platonic solids into the Octave. In this system, the sphere and icosahedron are both seen twice, and that is how we get an octave of eight positions from six basic shapes -the five Platonic solids and the one sphere.
In this Octave system, the icosahedron is the first geometry to crystallize out of the sphere and the final geometry to exist before the vibrations melt back into the purity of the sphere once again. Finally, the icosahedron gives way to unity as it is the closest Platonic solid to the sphere itself, where the vibrations cease to exhibit geometry and instead reach Oneness. Again, at this point, it appears that any tilt or rotation is probably no longer necessary.
Positive aspect of last hundred years of scientific discoveries have revealed to us that complex objects are made of very simple stuff. It is applicable in all systems, even in management theories like Theory of constraints proposed by Eli Goldratt, complex systems or complex problems have simple solutions otherwise it won’t work. Similarly the Universe is extremely complex, yet it is made up of simple stuff supported and governed by Mathematical laws.
In particle physics, the Dirac equation is a relativistic wave equation derived by British physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. In its free form, or including electromagnetic interactions, it describes all spin-12 massive particles such as electrons and quarks for which parity is a symmetry. As Roger Penrose puts it, mathematics is equally precise at the macroscopic level of neutron stars or at microscopic levels of electrons. Physical world or the reality that we see with our senses depends on simple mathematical laws. For instance, look at the complexity in the Mandelbrot set but it is generated by a very simple formula, so reality on the physical plane could be complex but underlying mathematical laws are damn simple. Mathematics was already there and it is infinite, what we see in discovered mathematics is applicable to just the physical world but there much more beyond the physical world. It is not an exaggeration to say that what is there is fundamental substance Consciousness plus core level of mathematics in the form of laws, we may call it as Intelligence or code , that is what one single Sanskrit word talks about Chaitanyam = Consciousness + Intelligence. All forms of other mathematics like algorithms, modular functions, functions, equations come at lower levels, what we really use in day to day life is kindergarten mathematics.
The fundamental reason why Ramanujan’s work has had a significant impact on physics is due to the fact that modular functions play a central role in string theory and two-dimensional CFT. Ramanujan influenced many areas of mathematics, but his work on q-series, on the growth of coefficients of modular forms and on mock modular forms stands out for its depth and breadth of applications. I will give a brief overview of how this part of Ramanujan’s work has influenced physics with an emphasis on applications to string theory, counting of black hole states and moonshine. Ramanujan was widely heralded as a genius in his own time, because his work fundamentally changed the entire scope and definition of mathematics. He himself could not explain how he knew what he knew, except to say that “the Goddess Namakkal would tell him in dreams. HIs equations provided the bedrock for all physicists to follow when mathematically investigating and defining the higher dimensions.
Space and time actually provide a hyper dimensional mental landscape, which exhibits complex nonlinear topology. Lot of structures that we see in living creatures are patterned. No single branch of mathematics can depict nature. Possibly the answer lies in understanding and integrating the knowledge of Mathematics, Geometry, Fractals, Golden ratio, Fibonacci series, Sacred geometry, Sound frequencies and so on.
1.3 Cymatics View:
There is a whole science called Cymatics dedicated to the translation of sound vibrations into visible patterns. Hans Jenny, a pioneer in the field of Cymatics, the study of the inter relationship between energy and matter, conducted a series of experiments on the Hindu mantra “OM”, utilizing a Tonoscope which is a device that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a screen. Dr Jenny found that when “OM” was correctly toned into a Tonoscope, finally producing the core structure of the Shri Chakra. OM is considered the sound of this vibrational energy, which pulses throughout the universe. We’re just made of vibrating particles.
- Cosmology View: Dark matter, Dark energy, Nothingness and Black Hole
The universe is full of matter, and attractive forces of gravity pull all matter together. Quite interestingly, our universe is expanding and this expansion is accelerating, contradictory to the gravitational attraction. It is very difficult to explain. But something is causing the entire process..
Scientists have found that an unexplained force is changing our universe, forcing galaxies farther stretching the fabric of space very fast. For thousands of years, we have looked at the sky in the night and believed that all illuminated stars have made up our universe. Scientists now realize that it is not what shines in the light but what hides in the dark that holds true secrets of the sky. There is mysterious dark matter that binds stars and galaxies together. This dark repulsive energy is driving galaxies farther apart. This is mysterious invisible repulsive energy, which is causing certain stars to behave opposite and contrary to what was predicted by the Big Bang theory. Dark matter’s invisible presence is everywhere, but science has not directly proven dark matter particles. Observing something you can’t see is not easy. It doesn’t interact with light at all. A hunt for dark matter started almost a century ago when Edwin Hubble shocked the world by sharing the fact that the universe is much larger than the Milky Way galaxy. In 1930, Caltech Fritz Zwicky first proposed the existence of dark matter.
Surprisingly, what we talk about in the material universe is just 0.4 percent. Our universe contains almost 73 percent of dark energy as shown in the following figure:
Black Holes:
Albert Einstein first Albert Einstein first predicted the existence of black holes in 1916, with his general theory of relativity. The term “black hole” was coined many years later in 1967 by American astronomer John Wheeler. Scientifically, Hawking’s name will forever be tied to black holes, he shined light on the black holes. The ultra-intense gravitational fields left behind when massive stars collapse under their own gravity into infinitesimal points. Within a certain distance of the point, which defines the black hole’s event horizon, gravity grows so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. That fact suggested that the bizarre objects would be completely black.
Taking some interpretations from Juan Maldacena, latest scientific studies reveals that first, black holes is something contain all the matter of star collapsed is concentrated to a point and they are important when it comes to Quantum gravity. It will attract when it crosses it’s event horizon, anything will crushed into a Singularity. Secondly gravity is additive, as the mass of an object increases, gravitational pull of that object increases. Thirdly dark matter, which in invisible at least in this realm. Fourth, Black hole is like hologram and whatever the information it contains is projected on surface and information is not last.
We can also interpret from Lawrence Krauss: A Universe from Nothing. Nothingness means it is literally not nothing. Nothingness could be quite complex. At a point of nothingness, resultant energies could be zero and hence it is static, but it could contain infinite amounts of energy and it may come out if we create any imbalance.
If we combine all these, is it safe to assume that this whole universe exploded in a big bang from infinitely condensed matter with an infinite gravitation force from nothingness like peanuts with black hole like properties? Hence there is nothing like an absolute reality, it is all about the algorithms and programs, like in video games. While we play this virtual game on the screen and we know it is not real but our experience of playing that game is real. If that program is deleted, the whole game is gone. Similarly If remove Nature created vibrations, Intelligence and programs ( which are nothing but some kind of information) in the sense getting near to black hole, as per Stephen Hawkings – all matter and information is lost forever. But as per other physicists like Leonard Susskindt, it is not true rather this information is contained at the surface like a hologram and whatever is projected in the holographic universe. While the information is protected but we can go back to nothingness or Silent energy that is Primordial energy!!. Is this not what spirituality is talking about?
3.5. Biology View: Genome, Epigenetics and Morphic Resonance
One of the most important and fundamental core beliefs in conventional biology is that the traits and character of organisms are “controlled” by their genes. While it is true to certain extent but not all ten programs are not stored in our DNA. There are some programs which are global, and they are not stored in DNA but will impact individuals through the seven interlocked layers of bodies. This belief is couched in the concept of genetic determinacy, the conventional dogma provided in virtually every textbook and biology course. How do genes manage to “control” life? It is based upon the concept that genes are self-emergent, meaning that they can “turn themselves on and off.” Self-actualizing genes would provide for computer-like programs that would control organismal structure and function. Accordingly, our belief in genetic determinacy implies that “complexity” (evolutionary stature) of an organism would be proportional to the number of genes it possessed. In quest to decipher human genes, The Human Genome Project (HGP) was founded. The Human Genome Project was a global effort dedicated to deciphering the human genetic code. It was thought the completed human blueprint would provide science with all the necessary information to cure all of mankind’s illness. It might have cost around three billion dollars and almost 13 years but today our DNA sequence can be done for a few hundred dollars. While cost is brought down significantly but it is not enough to know that our expectations of how biology works are clearly based on incorrect assumptions and this project delivered a sub-optimal objective.
Epigenetics is a new type of science that is grown in popularity and promise in the scientific world. Epigenetics is the study of cellular and physiological traits, or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off, and in turn, define how our cells actually read those genes. It works to see the true potential of the human mind, and the cells in our body. Our intent is not to teach you biology or epigenetics here but I would urge you to go through some basic videos of Bruce Lipton on epigenetics. While our conventional biology teaches us that our genes control our life and we are victims of our hereditary, but it is the environment in which genes are living that influences genes and DNA and DNA can be reprogrammed.
Thoughts change your brain chemistry. What you are thinking is translated into chemistry. Our thoughts, whether they’re right or they’re wrong, are changing our biology. The Buddha said, “What we think, we become.” Epigenetics is now saying, “What you are thinking is translated into chemistry, which will determine what you will become.” Only 1% of disease is due to genetic defects, while the remaining 99% is directly attributable to the environment and our nervous system’s perception of the environment. What it represents is this: the influences of our thoughts are translated into chemistry, which leads to inappropriate behaviour and to what we call disease.
Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a Biologist best known for his hypothesis of Morphic Resonance which posits that Natural systems Inherit Collective Memory. He has studied Developmental Biology & Plant Physiology from Cambridge to Hyderabad, most recently fascinated with unexplained human and animal abilities. While this Universe has evolved from nothingness into various forms, it is not only various forms but repetition of these same forms every time let us say a new tree grows, it is similar and gives the same flower or fruits or men or women. It is repetition and habit called Morphic resonance
3.6 Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence:
There is considerable progress on scientific understanding on Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence in recent years. Artificial intelligence combined with the science of human cognition: the study of thinking, language, learning, and mental representations in relation to other psychological processes which involve attention, observation, memory, use of language, and decision making. This combination is enabling us to develop technological innovations and deeper understanding of how consciousness and Intelligence manifested into various forms. Understanding neural networks functions in the brain and heart and Nature’s way of deep learning is critical to further advancements in making advanced man-made Supercomputers with Artificial Intelligence. It is difficult to discuss all the latest research that is going on today but let us discuss briefly two fields of research that is going on, one proposed by Donald Hoffman and other is carried out by HeartMath Institute.
Donald Hoffman says the Universe itself is a vast social network of Conscious Agents (is it like edge devices?) – These networks of connected conscious agents project into space – time and physical objects in it as a user interface. Is he talking about – Paramjyothi??
Our single human brain contains around 80 billion neurons and each is connected with thousands or more with other neurons, making it almost 80 trillion connections. Coincidently this number is 10 times more than the total human population, which is 8 billion as of now, potentially connected through their Indweller or Antaryamin and it is similar to 8 billion devices on the Internet where each device is connected to another across the planet through IP address. Very soon advancement of technologies like 5G, Edge devices, Internet of Things is going to connect almost 42 billion multiple devices on this planet in the coming few years. AI enabled IOT becomes a massive super computer which can completely go out of human programmable influence and completely take over humanity’s freedom.
If we can reach technological advances where our neurologists can see a detailed schematic view of the human brain, including all 80 billion neurons and their trillions of connections. Also if we can get an explanation of how all those neurons operate, and the programming that goes into these more than 80 trillion synaptic connections, will that give an understanding of what is going on in the brain. May be not, it could be trying to understand by looking at the zeros and ones passing through the computer processor. Computers today are so advanced that some contain as many connections as exist in the human brain. They can also operate at much higher speeds than the brain.
Computer chips run much faster than the brain but carry a serial processing including the creation of Deep Blue, able to quickly calculate more than one-billion possible chess-moves per second and select the best of the bunch by drawing on a database of over one-million games. Still, all this information was processed one piece at a time. As impressive as this is, cognitive scientists argue that human thinking does not operate in a serial fashion. Instead, we have a global understanding of our environment, which means that many mental processes are going on at once. Strong artificial intelligence requires that large amounts of information are processed simultaneously, sometimes called parallel processing, which is what computers do when they have more than one processor. This is more like how the brain operates, although the brain is executing billions of processes at a time, rather than just a few as in the case of multi-core processors. At this stage in computer technology, though, no computer using either serial or parallel processing can operate like the human brain, and it may take a few more years before one does. Searle holds a skeptical view about strong artificial intelligence ever becoming a reality. At our current stage of technology, he argues, only biological brains can have mental states. He argues that there is something unique about the physical construction of human brains that allows for the creation of conscious thought, which may never be capable of occurring in silicon microchips. He does not entirely rule this out as a possibility for the future but is doubtful about it ever occurring.
Integrated view of Science and Spirituality – Consciousness to Unified field
Today our understanding of the universe through known fragmented science is limited. It is neither a simple linear relationship nor a non-linear relationship where one cause may have many different outcomes, or one outcome may have many causes. Nonlinear systems are more than the sum of its parts. A complex system cannot be studied in parts or in isolation. Science can’t break a system apart to understand its sections and then put it together again with a knowledge of those sub systems. Complex system like the universe requires a holistic approach in which the pattern of the behaviour of the whole, not the individual parts, is significant. We all know that the universe does not just matter, then why do we consider it in two parts?
Separately, science is also apparently on a path toward simplification or actually a ‘universalization’ of discrete scientific theories about energy that physicists call unification. Science is a human endeavour, a part of human culture. It is unified in the sense that it is understood as a single endeavour. It is perception of a single reality that results in a unity of science. The unity of science is a thesis in philosophy of science, which says that all sciences form a unified whole. Even though, for example, physics and politics are distinct disciplines, the thesis of the unity of science says that in principle they must be part of a unified intellectual endeavour, science. The unity of science thesis is usually associated with the view of levels of organization in nature, where physics is the most basic, chemistry the level above physics, biology above chemistry, sociology above biology, and so forth. Further, cells, organisms, and cultures are all biological, but they represent three different levels of biological organization.
All that exists in the manifest state does so because it has a complimentary unmanifest state that is its source, light and darkness, matter and antimatter and so on. Similarly, we hear sound only because there is an unmanifested state of absolute silence. Sound is the source of silence and silence is the source of sound. It is because of this principle of sound and silence that esoteric musical philosophy recognized two complementary components, which in Sanskrit writings are referred to as the ‘Struck Sound’, which we can hear and the unstruck sound, which we cannot hear. Unstruck sound literally means the sound that is not made by two things striking together. In general, all ordinary audible sounds are made by at least two elements, bow and string, drum and stick, two lips and so on. Sound that is not made of two things striking together is the sound of primal energy, the sound of cosmos itself. The ancients say that the audible sound that most resembles this unstruck sound is the syllable ‘Om’. At least this is agreed by ancient teachings and modern science that all existence at their most essential level, are made up of vibrating, pulsing energy. Sound creates and destroys, when it is withdrawn. Human ear only distinguishes a mini-scale band of audible sounds from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Nature has selected the limited scope of sounds that we need, everything else is lost. Everything that has an identity generates a sound from macrocosm level of concerts performed by celestial bodies, stars clashing and the planets echoing to microcosm level where molecules, quarks, strings make sounds.
On the other hand, thought is nothing but flow of mind, just like the flow of water is a river (river is just a name given, but water is substance flowing). Thoughts are substances stored in a thought sphere like air is in the atmosphere. These thoughts are measurement and since these thoughts are controlling us, there are opposites in a discrete nature that we perceive like good and bad, perfect and imperfect, hot and cold, right and wrong, low and high and You and Me. But in the real world, it is not discrete, and everything is connected, and it is a process, we cannot distinguish these two ends separately but what is there is one and absence of that will be perceived as other extreme. Like what is there is only light, if there is no light it is dark, as the intensity of light increases, darkness disappears, as the intensity of temperature increases, ice becomes water and steam. Similarly, as consciousness level grows, you become everything.
As you can see in the above picture, the fundamental substance is the same, but it is changing phases due to level of heat, light, frequency and consciousness level. All of them are some form of energy. Growth in consciousness is the best form of growth.
Manifesting in fields
Quantum Field, Divine Matrix, Unified field, sacred miracle plane of existence. In this field space, time, matter, energy and Consciousness all flow interchangeably as a one mystic field. In this plane, matter is not solid but you see it as all patterns of energy.
WHAT IS THE DIVINE MATRIX? Braden describes it as a field of energy, which provides the container as well as a bridge and a mirror for everything that happens between the world within and the world without. He also invites us to look at the Divine Matrix as a cosmic blanket, which is many layers deep and is everywhere and all the time. Braden tells us that from a quantum perspective, everything in existence from an atom to a whole planet can be thought of as a disturbance in the fabric of this space-time blanket. In the Vedas, this blanket is the unified field of pure consciousness‚ that bathes and permeates all creation. According to Hsin-Hsin Ming (the Taoist Faith-mind Verses) it‚ described as the essence which is the container of all experience and the experience itself. Combining the wisdom of our oldest traditions with some findings of quantum physics, Braden concludes that there are three principles that govern the Matrix: Firstly- Everything exists within the Divine Matrix and everything is interconnected. Secondly, The Divine Matrix is holographic, which means that any portion of the field contains everything in the field. Lastly, The past, present and future are intimately joined. As a container of time, the Matrix provides continuity between the choices of our present and the experiences of our future.
In a Nutshell. So we are all made up of particles and the underlying substance is Field or Consciousness. Unfortunately still we don’t understand what it is. It is a pity that we are in this state. And we behave as if we know everything and we are ashamed of acknowledgement that we do not know.
As Donald Hoffman puts it, space, time and physical objects are not the objective reality, but they are interfaces like when we are doing daily activities on a laptop or smartphone, we are not dealing with what is going on chips or diodes, circuits or transistors or magnetic activities etc. All that is hidden. He at least proposes that Consciousness is fundamental though he doesn’t claim that this is the truth. Spirituality says Consciousness contains everything and it is a fundamental substance. Science is still confused about Consciousness, some even claim that it is a by-product of brain processing or matter. Physicalism did hit a wall, for the last few decades there are quite few Noble Laurels working on this hard problem. One such unified theory proposed by John Hegelian is probably close to Consciousness.
To summarize, while Newtonian science and Einstein models could contribute greatly to the advancement of humanity still they could not explain the unified theory. Going back to Newton traditional force, it is a useful discovery but could not explain the reason for gravity, absolute space. Einstein comes and says space and time wrap in curve and that’s what gravity is. Now string theory comes and says gravity, quantum mechanics, and electromagnetism all together in one package but only if the universe has more dimensions like more than 20 or so. String theory smoothens the mathematical inconsistencies, which currently exist between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. Super string theory says that the entire universe can be explained in terms of small strings that vibrate in 20 or more dimensions though we could not see all these dimensions. If it exists, it can explain literally everything in the universe-from subatomic particles to the laws of speed and gravity. String theory attempts to reconcile a mathematical conflict between two already accepted ideas in physics: quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity.
Quantum entanglement is another dimension, which makes all of us in this universe into Oneness and connected. In higher mystical states we can clearly see how time and space are a mere illusion. Past lives do not mean they happened in the past. Past lives can be happening right now concurrently. But you must be a great mystic to see that. It’s amazing. We could be leading several lives at the same time, not only in different realms, but also on the same planet. It is not that you are only a single body. You could be in many bodies at the same time. One body of yours would be in Germany, another could be in the US, another could be
in Africa, and another could be in India, all at the same time. It’s very difficult to understand this intellectually. But mystically one can see it clearly. Not only that, it could exist in several realms at the same time. We have about 21 realms (Are these lokhas? Or Superstring theory dimensions? Or are these expressed by Mathematician Ramanujan Theta Functions which are used in M-theory?