

Parenting is a sacred art and the most responsible act on this planet: This is the single most priority task to make the global population to be made aware of “what is true parenting”. Not having right wisdom about parenting is one of the primary reasons that our world is in mess today, we have not invested wisely in the last few decades where it should have been. We neglected completely on making awareness of parenting and making a part of our basic education. It is such an important topic despite that parenting is no body’s business, and we just left it to the air. Are we prepared to produce just slaves, whether it is blue collared or white collared labor or can we produce children who can care for nature, wealth creation, and who shares love etc? Parenting is sacred art and starts from the intent to conceive and continues for two decades. You prepare yourself to be doctors and engineers for over a period of decade. Do you prepare yourself to be a parent? Enquire. Unless you are really qualified to be a parent, please do not become a parent. That will be your greatest contribution to the world. If unqualified parents are bringing forth life, not just children would only suffer, but would also contribute to world suffering.

There are three major forces that are architecting a child’s destiny- child, Divine, and you as a parent. The foundation for a child’s future is laid from the time that you took an intent to become a parent to up to six years of age. These are formative years of a child’s later day personality. Child patterns of success or failure, friendship or loneliness are all created at this stage. What thoughts parents had before conceptions? During the act of conception, the moment of conception is very important. Also what happened in the womb (four baskets) and process of delivery and up to six years?

Today, we blame whatever is happening in this world, we simply blame on everyone else except yourself. If you take the responsibility to yourself whatever the part of yours today, our Mother Earth wouldn’t have been in this position. Let us look at why we need to discuss this obvious topic so openly and bluntly.

If we look back at the most known 23 great civilizations on this planet, in each of these great civilizations, rise and fall is directly correlated with rise and fall of spirituality. This rise and fall of spirituality is connected with few great spiritual leaders and philosophers who influenced. In some cases, they remained as spiritual, some cases, they became cults, religions and so on. Toynbee suggested in his work on “A Study of History’’ on the role of individuals that spiritual rather than material forces controlled the course of history and that individuals played a creative (or destructive) role in the unfolding of events.

Our children are not only our future but also the future of our Planet. As a parent most of us wanted our child to become a great scientist, doctor, artist, actor, engineer or entrepreneur and push our children towards that. How many of us, as a parent, spend our time in flowering our children’s hearts? How many parents want their child to become a Monk or spiritual leader who can guide and transform the world? In all civilization, this one skill continues to dominate and will continue forever. Intelligence, truth, Inner Integrity, these are the virtues that people honor and build statues over the civilization.

Today’s education is not inside out education, it is not addressing the being of child. Instead we are putting them into an industry where, overload of information is bombarded on them and creates a competitive environment without nurturing the child’s heart. These children’s heart is withered away and lost the connection to nature and interconnectedness and cooperation.

We take utmost care in providing materialistic things to our child, but to bring a great child and become great parents, our thought process shall go beyond materialistic things. While discrete things like food,water, shelter, etc, we can provide the best things for our children but we have no control on shared platforms like atmosphere, thought sphere, energy fields, cosmic vibrations, these are being shared by all children. For fulfilling our children’s security needs, we keep accumulating material things in want of giving to them, but our children not only require these material things but he or she also shares the same oxygen that he breathes from the atmosphere. Similarly, all these children draw thoughts and contribute the thoughts to the same thought sphere. All these human beings including children experiences are stored at the same place. If bad experiences are contributed by children, it may affect your so-called good children or grandchildren. If we go a bit higher level, they all share the same energy, vibrations and it is the same consciousness. Unfortunately, we are not able to store these things and give to your child alone. It is a shared platform.

  1. One body
  2. One atmosphere
  3. One thought sphere ( possibly stored in earth magnetic field)
  4. One Kundalini energy

All children, wherever they are on this planet, whether rich or poor, they are sharing, contributing and drawing from the same source.

Globally, out of 7.8 billion human population, youth and children together, including all those aged 24 years and younger, account for nearly 40 percent of the world’s population.

That means approximately 3 billion potential parents. On the other hand, there are close to 3.9 billion female population on this planet out of which close to 1.6 billion girls are potential mothers.

Year 2020PercentageBillions
World Population1007.80
Youth Population% YouthBillions
Girls Youth491.53
Latin America, Caribean100.31
Developed world150.47
India12 %0.37

Geographically speaking, there are just two countries contribute to 36% world population that is China and India. Largest population of youth is concentrated in Asia and the Pacific. Approximately 60 percent of youth live in Asia; 15 percent, in Africa; 10 percent, in Latin America and the Caribbean; and the remaining 15 percent, in developed countries and regions. About 85 percent of the world’s population of youth live in developing countries. Nearly half (45.9 percent) live in low-income countries, while another third (34.1 percent) live in lower middle- income countries. The remaining fifth (20 percent) of youth live in upper middle- and high-income countries.

With 356 million, India has the world’s largest youth population. Youth in India alone is approximately equal to the whole of the developed world-USA, Canada, Russia, Europe, Australia, etc. That means so many potential parents are in this country. As a global citizen we have great responsibility, that we must educate this large population of potential parents on the importance of parenting. This is the time that this country needs to invest hard earned money in the right future of potential parents, country and our planet.

While we do understand such a large population of potential fathers and mothers, how many of them really know the process of parenting? How many are serious about bringing a great soul or child on to this planet through their motherhood? Or is it mere by product of their biological sex. As a society, are we imparting the right and the single most piece of knowledge to our youth? If we are not teaching this piece

of knowledge, what else are we teaching? Can you guys seriously look at your curriculum? Girls/Women of the world must become educated in their childhood.

Society or governments must provide funds, support and facilitate research and development to enable this process accessible easily to every girl and woman on the online platform for her education almost free for a girl child at least till high school, so that so called parents do not abandon girl child. When they are students, girls must become knowledgeable about conception, bringing up the child in the womb, delivery of the child and about child upbringing. Then only they would be contributing superior human beings to the world. It is then possible to create a new form of society. That is how girls/women must prepare themselves for their role. Parenting is no man’s business, grossly we left it.

If we seriously inquire ourselves, what kind of planet that we are leaving to our children and grandchildren and to our future generations, there is no hope. We are destroying almost everything that nature has created in the name of civilizations, education, agriculture, religion, economy, gender, races, nations, security and so on. Unfortunately, we don’t have a great leader who can think holistically and take steps to save this planet. All our actions are based on self or lower consciousness without realizing that we are all the same, we are connected. Whatever the damage that we are doing on this planet or to species at one place will impact at other places.

Many of us never prepared with the right knowledge as a potential parent and we never took responsibility in the first place as a parent in upbringing a child, on top of it, we blame them as millenniums child mentality and they don’t have values and so on. There is so much acceleration in all spheres that they have to face. After birth leave him, possibly, nature will take care and pass him/her through different phases of life and become Muktha and attain Moksha. But we as parents, relatives, society, governments, religions, monetary systems, rituals, etc are putting so much conditioning that they are not able to come out. So much monetary burden on them, from the day they start life in mother’s womb. Where is the time for them to get a pause?

Parenting is a great responsibility. Most of us without knowing parenting, become parents. In other words, most of us are not qualified to be parents and we don’t even know a process of parenting. Unfortunately, we assume that everyone knows such an important sacred and responsible process. Your responsibility as a parent is far greater than any you have hitherto undertaken. As a result we are not able to bring great human beings onto this planet, who can save this planet, platforms and environment, which is not just for this generations but to be preserved for future generations.

We as human beings must realize it is a sacred process and it is a commitment for both father and mother for next 20 years. Being a parent is one of the most difficult roles to play. Much of humanity is victim to the lack of love from their own parents. Since it is very difficult to show love, if one has not received it, you as a parent do not know what it is to love your child. Love is not merely related to fulfilling the requirements. There are few things you should remember in the process of being a loving and caring parent. Every parent is foremost a child of his/her own parents. If your relationship with your parents is excellent, that is if it has care and love, the same would come to you from your children. You bequeath to your children not just your inheritance but your attitude and your relationships too. If you seek to be loved by your children, learn to love your parents.

Are you qualified to be a Parent

That every couple who intends to be parents must first enquire if they are qualified to be parents. They need to ask themselves first, are they loving each other, are they prepared to share the responsibility of becoming parents, which would last for a period of at least two decades. If we recognize and acknowledge this ignorance, which is the first step that you are calling for help for intellectual understanding of parenting. You are willing to learn and give your very best for the good of your child and ready to grow to build a grand future.

Many of us do realize that we are not on the right path as Parents. There is growing concern in this world over the lack of understanding of the process called parenting. Parents are painfully aware that they are inadequately equipped to bring up their children. Being a parent is an extraordinary spiritual process that would bring about great self- awareness leading to inner individualization. It would help you open to another dimension unconditionally and it will also teach you to live by Divine guidance when you so often are at cross roads. It is a great experience to be a parent. Whether it is a child’s self-destructive tendency or the exuberance and the joy with which he/she experiences life, it is determined not in later part of life but right from the moment of your intention to bring forth life into this world.

If the parents conceived a child not in frustration or fear but in love for each other and the feeling of sacredness, at an auspicious time, they would bring forth an extra ordinary being on to the planet. The experiences and the feelings of the mother as the baby grows in the womb form a part of the psychological makeup of the child, which continues to his adulthood and later life. We should show affection to the most crucial phase of human life, which begins with the intent to conceive and proceeds right up to the first few hours after birth. The process of birthing and the first six hours of the birth are also very important. Every child needs to be welcomed as a child of the Divine into the world. Children not wanted by parents any time in the womb suffer an immense sense of loveless ness throughout their lives. However these damages would certainly be set right in the life of the child, if the consciousness of the parents is elevated to that of causeless love.

All women need to understand that what kind of thoughts you have, your husband has got, and what you are doing at different stages of pregnancy, all matter significantly. All these things are very important. Child’s understanding of life being incomplete, he or she will come to certain illogical conclusions which remain for a life in the unconscious. These unconscious decisions there after govern a child’s life. Brace your child in love, never make him or her feel rejected. Treat the child with respect as though he or she is far superior to you.

life is controlled by 10 Programs, mostly created at an early age

Achild’s whole life is being controlled by 10 programs as we saw in earlier chapters and these programs are nothing but experiences collected over different stages. Human beings are just like a computer even though we don’t realize we are controlled by a bunch of programs and this programming starts much before birth. Our conventional biology states that, whatever be the child today it is all due to hereditary and these traits are coming through DNA. On the other hand, our belief system says that all is due to Karma.

As a parent, you may not be able to influence all these programs. Some of them are at individual level and some are collective and beyond. However, you can influence programs 2, 3 and 4 to large extent and program 5 to certain extent.

  1. Coming from past lives
  2. DNA – coming from Parents
  3. Four baskets (womb to delivery)
  4. Fundamental childhood decisions
  5. Conditioning
1. Coming from past lives: Your child is not completely new human, He or she must be taking births and deaths, could be different species and he or she has been accumulating certain programs or charges and those are being carried to subsequent life’s
2. DNA: Chromosomes from the mother and father combine to form the chromosomes for the offspring. The DNA in these new chromosomes provide the genetic information for the individual, the so-called genome. Nucleus within cell contains most of our genes, tightly packaged into 46 chromosomes, of which half are inherited from our mother’s egg and half from our father’s sperm. On the other hand, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) comes from only mother cell which produces energy to cell. Also at macro level this represents Primordial energy = Female form = Adiparashakthi manifested as Asta Lakshmi or eight female energy forms. 
3.0 Parents intent to conceive and Movement of conception Whole art of bringing up a child starts before conception, you must be very clear to yourself and your spouse as to what kind of child you want, how the child should be. You have a complete freedom. Depending on your conditioning, your culture, your belief system, you have got to take sankalpas before conception.
3.1. Four baskets (womb to delivery): Nine month long process of 3D printing of and shaping that goes on in the womb is something we don’t even know. It is a very complex process that goes on that we don’t even realize and it has great consequences on child life. One oocyte from your mother and one Sperm from your father – egg is inseminated and within 24 hours this cells starts dividing itself in to two and this process continues every 12 to 15 hrs for few weeks – where just same so soft sperm and egg are manifesting in to so soft tissues like brain, liquid, hard tissue like tongue and hard material like bones etc. Within 25 days, heart chambers start developing. Approximately within 45 days, your heart starts a first beat, possibly this is the moment soul entry in the body with all its past karma and programming. This heart beat goes on for 24 hours, 7 days a week and years till your last breath on this planet.

It is amazing how this process is happening and repeatedly with almost 100 % accuracy, what kind of programmers /creators developed this? What kind of software and information must be guiding this process without making mistakes and building you and me and billions of humans and trillions of living species
3.1.1 First basket :Movement of Conception to around 2 to 3 Months
During this period, mother also goes through a lot of physical changes. What kind of experiences that mother is going through, emotionally and how did mother tell her husband and family? How did they receive? Is the mother living in fear or trauma or she is going through a very loving and caring life? All these experiences are making a child’s unconscious program.
3.1.2 Second basket: From 2 to 3 months to beginning of birthing process.
During this period the child is growing up, and pretty cramped. Child is present to all the conversations and emotions that mother and family are going through. What are the sounds that the child is hearing, are they pleasant or terrible, what are the things that are fed to the child. Role of the father is also equally important. He must make his wife very happy and wife must have very good thoughts about her husband. The father plays a crucial role here, if he wants to determine the actual future of the child, he must sit with his pregnant wife and talk to the child… An unhappy wife will produce a problematic child, and it is also important that she has a good relationship with others too. Even though the child is in the womb, a father can talk to his child. Daily he can sit and speak to the child with positive thoughts and words. Nice positive things are certainly registered by the child .This is also mentioned in Mahabharata (it is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana) as Abhimanyu was listening when Arjun was speaking to his wife about some critical war techniques and when he later grew up, he actually used that technique without any formal teachings. From there, it will shape up the child’s life that is what the child is going to be in future can be determined in the womb itself. All these experiences are shaping child programs.
3.1.3 Third basket: Natural delivery process- pressure and release and whole process of coming out For many people this third basket experience could be difficult one. In a natural birth process, both mother and baby go through pressure and release. Actual experience of contraction and release that both are going through, and also people near the delivery including father, how all of them are dealing, coping up with this pressure will imprinting child programs and will follow how children respond to challenges in life. This includes the Cesarean delivery process as well.
3.1.4 Fourth basket: From a moment that baby just came out, from constrained, dark and wet space to open, dry and light to first six hours The moment of delivery is very important. As the child is being delivered, who is watching the child, what comments they are making, all is crucial. The moment the child is born, those around could say nice things to the child like: how beautiful you are, how wonderful you are, how happy you are and so on. They can make such positive statements to the child as given generally to a fully-grown person, which are stored in the memory of the child and are carried forward when he/she is grown up. People can also think positively like what a wonderful child you are, what a great child you are, the child, you could either tell or you can becomes the program of the child’s life, and the child’s life accordingly follows it. Remember until the first six hours he or she is not a child, but a full grown adult in the child’s body. It thinks and feels like an adult and records like an adult. It is recorded and that stays until the child grows up and dies. So how the child has been received is very important till the first six hours. After six hours, all past memory is cut off like formatting the ‘hard disk’ drive. If it is not done, we do not experience this life, rather we go back to the past and always start comparing and judge things accordingly.
4. Fundamental Childhood Decisions (FCD), first six years of childhood decisions: So the first six hours, then the first six weeks, six months and six years. Then the programming closes. This is called the Primary programming or the most fundamental programming. Here lies the secret of your life, your longevity, whom you are going to marry, what kind of life you are going to have, a mediocre life or an adventurous life, a great life or normal life everything is determined here.
5. Conditioning, first six years to till date. Between six to twelve or fourteen starts the Secondary programming where you put some values into the child, in terms of religion, cultural values and so on. And in Territory programming between 14 and the rest of our life, the child learns and picks up things in a generic way from what happens around him.

Deep emotional experiences that this child is going through his senses, umbilical cord, and other means and due to these experiences whatever child takes a decision and these become programs. Primary programming is formed during four baskets and fundamental childhood decisions, the first six hours, then the first six weeks, six months and six years. Then the programming closes. This is called the Primary programming or the most fundamental programming. Here lies the secret of your life, your longevity, whom you are going to marry, what kind of life you are going to have, a mediocre life or an adventurous life, a great life or normal life everything is determined here. Hence, Panchatantra, one of the repositories of ancient Indian wisdom speaks of treating a child until age six as a king, until twelve as prince and from then onward as a friend.

Between six to twelve or fourteen starts the Secondary programming where you put some values into the child, in terms of religion, cultural values and so on. And in Territory programming between 14 and rest of our life, the child learns and picks up things in a generic way from what happens around him or her.

The Primary programming is the most powerful phase, on which stands the Secondary programming, which is not so powerful and on this stands the Territory programming, which is also not so powerful. These three together control our lives.

Take a pause and take a few deep and slow breaths, as a parent, we must seriously inquire of ourselves, are we serious about our child’s fate and future and are we contributing in the right way to our child’s wellness and life. Or we just had a sex and rest outsourced or left it to others like, maids, medical attendants etc. We need to ask the right question, are we providing the right environment for them to go through the right experiences so that right perceptions and programs are created. Many of us knowingly or unknowingly, parenting is outsourced to grandparents or babysitters or crèches etc.

Bbrain’s role in child’s learning

By now there could be many questions to a reader, whatever we are discussing, is this true. How scientifically and technically we can support this discussion. Before we get into further details, let us understand briefly about the functioning of brain and brain waves. The brain has billions of neurons, and each individual neuron connects (on an average) to thousands of others. Communication happens between them through small electrical currents that travel along the neurons and throughout enormous networks of brain circuits. When all these neurons are activated they produce electrical pulses – visualize a wave rippling through the crowd at a sports arena – this synchronized electrical activity results in a “brainwave”. When many neurons interact in this way at the same time, this activity is strong enough to be detected even outside the brain. By placing electrodes on the scalp, this activity can be amplified, analysed, and visualized. This is electroencephalography, or EEG is nothing but an electric brain graph.

State of the human brain and its vibrations vary at different phases of life from the womb to adult. Not only different phases, these vibrations are also different during sleep, awake, heightened alert and relaxed stages. It is critical to understand these differences.

Child goes through a very high amount of experiences from the womb to till age 2, during this period their rational or conscious mind is not active and the child brain is in delta frequency. Also be aware, child learning takes place directly in the unconscious mind. Child’s self or ego is not active at least till 2 years of age. From the age 2 to 5 or 6, it is in Theta frequency. During this time children cannot take logical conclusions, it is like the way in deep learning. Only after age 5 child starts using logical/ rational brain.

AgeBrain-Fre- quency rangeStateActive mind and Memory storage
WombDelta : 0.5 to 4 cycles /second Deep Sleep stateDeep SleepUnconscious Mind
Between birth and 2 yearsDelta : 0.5 to 4 cycles /secondDeep SleepUn Conscious mind
Between 2 to 5 or 6 yearsTheta : 4 to 8 cycles /secondHypnotic state, autonomous activ- ities are performedUn conscious mind
Between 5 to 8Alpha : 8 to 13 cycles /secondNormal stress free state, physically, mentally relaxed.Conscious mind and Un Conscious mind
Age 8 and above, AdultBeta : 13-32 cy- cles and aboveHeightened per- ception, learning, and Peak Mental state- 100M sprint.Conscious mind and unconscious mind
Adult: Peak Mental stateGamm : 32 to 100 cycles/sec- ondHeightened per- ception, learning, and Peak Mental state- 100M sprint.Conscious Mind

At least till the age of 2, child’s learning takes place, like the way unsupervised machine learning, may be after that it could be a combination of supervised and unsupervised machine learning till the age of 6. All these learnings are stored directly into the individual unconscious mind, like EPROM. Only after age 6, learning goes through the conscious or rational mind and doing it repeatedly goes again to Individual unconscious mind. Basically Child is an explorer, if we leave him without putting conditions like in Machine learning -UN Supervised, he would have inferred in his own way. But, after birth, parents and relatives who are living with this child put a lot of conditioning into supervised learning. Later society, schools, teachers and friends.

It is of utmost importance to provide the right experiences and environment to a child and it is not just initial years, almost for two decades. As a child grows up with parents and extended family, teachers, society can influence child’s programming. As a child grows, they need to be treated differently depending on the age. Panchatantra, one of ancient repositories of Indian wisdom says treating a child until age 6 as King, until 12 as a prince and from then on as a fiend. Then only, you have rendered your service to your child and to the earth. Otherwise, there is no difference between animals and us.

Even our scientists have started a research on the fetal origins process of conception to birth. Author and journalist Annie Murphy Paul ventures into the laboratories of fetal researchers, interviews experts from around the world, and delves into the rich history of ideas about how we’re shaped before birth. Annie Murphy Paul (author of “Origins: How the Nine Months before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives.”) shares a powerful knowledge on what babies learn before they’re born. She says as per latest research evidence from psychology and biology, some of the most learnings that we ever do happen before we were born, while we are still in the womb.

What makes us the way we are? Some say it’s the genes we inherit at conception. Others are sure it’s the environment we experience in childhood. But could it be that many of our individual characteristics— our health, our intelligence, our temperaments—are influenced by the conditions we encountered before birth?

That’s the claim of an exciting and provocative field known as fetal origins. Over the past twenty years, scientists have been developing a radically new understanding of our very earliest experiences and how they exert lasting effects on us from infancy well into adulthood. Their research offers a bold new view of pregnancy as a crucial staging ground for our health, ability, and well-being throughout life.

You as a parent would need to be awake to the changes occurring in your child and cope with it through understanding. Most of humanity suffers from a lack of love from their parents, since it is very difficult to show love if one has not received it, most parents do not know what it is to love the children. When the child is aged between six and twelve, parents need to maintain a delicate balance between freedom and discipline. Child should be corrected without it being condemned or insulted. Insulting or condemning a child would sometimes make the child destructive. Being possessive and trying to fulfill your own unfulfilled desires through your child could be very damaging to him or her. He or she needs to experience your attention, friendship and an acceptance that is unconditional.

An intense period of emotional upheaval both for the parents and child is when he or she crosses 12 years to until 21 years. Child is going through many biological and emotional changes at this stage. Child is no more a child but your friend whose feelings and opinions should be respected and valued. Your daughter or son at this stage is breaking away from you and is trying to create his or her own identity. Child would be going through a no face trying to assert himself or herself against you. You as a parent have nothing to fear about this kind of behavior from your child, give them room sometimes to reject or refuse you. However, relationships will be better if parents learn the art of listening to their child. Listen without condemning or judging your child and you would have discovered what your child needs.

However, whoever is reading this book, if you are already passed by that important stage and you could do nothing about it on what happened. But is there a way to set right our child program? Now if we want to have a real change in our life, we must tamper with the Primary programming. Before we talk about our child, first we must set right our own programming as a very good loving mother, as a very kind mother and father. Now to set right our own programming, the best tool we have is inner integrity, when we use this tool, we will know who we are, then we will know who your child is. Unless we know who, we are, we will not be able to accept ourselves. If we are not able to accept ourselves, we will not be able to accept our child. We think we accept, we really do not accept. That is the problem between us and our child. If we accept ourselves, we will love ourselves, if we love ourselves, we will love our child. Once we discover the love for our child and start giving that to the child, whatever be the child’s program that program would get rectified. The child would change; you would have a wonderful child. A child needs much more than care. They need to experience your attention, friendship and then acceptance that is unconditional. You need to awake to the changes occurring in your child and cope with it through understanding. No child is damaged if the parents hold onto the changes firmly. The best way to relate to your child is sometimes to become a child yourself. One who experiences love in his or her childhood naturally grows into a loving partner, friend or an understanding parent, and very often a successful individual. A happy human being is also a spiritual human being. We must work on creating more and better bonds in our family as merely addressing the children will not help. This will help in avoiding many problems like addiction to drugs by this younger generation. If we pay attention to whatever is mentioned in this section, we can certainly evolve to become loving, caring and good parents, who can further give right-minded, peaceful, mature and enlightened children to this society.


Child’s experiences are becoming what is called as the program or child’s fate or Karma. These programs are part of individual unconsciousness which are predominantly stored in DNA. Formation of these programs are very active from the parent’s intent to conceive to up to six years of child. A child’s whole life is being controlled by these programs and these are nothing but experiences collected over the following main stages.

  • Coming from past lives
  • Four baskets (womb to delivery)
  • Fundamental childhood decisions
  • Conditioning

From the above four stages, as parents we can influence child’s programs positively to a large extent at the second and third stage. Let us ask ourselves honestly following. How many of us take an intent to bring a great child on to this planet with great personalities like king, warrior, monk and magician. How many of us are taking the help of Divine to bestow a great child to flow through us. While in the womb, how many of us are providing a positive and high state of Consciousness environment, not just nutrient food and medicines to mother. How many of us are nurturing infants, how many of us are celebrating and welcoming new born irrespective of boy or girl or color or look of a child on this planet. How many of us are visualizing our child to be a great human being and serve humanity and this planet while enjoying all these worldly pleasures. I will leave the answers to the readers and please do realize, there is dire need as an individual, as family, society and government to provide this knowledge and environment, budget and platforms to bring up the new generations. That is the contribution we make to humanity and the planet.

As an individual we don’t need to blame others, society or governments etc. Instead as a first step if few thousands of parents can take steps towards bringing a great child on to this planet by enabling right parenting, the world would be completely different and move into the Golden Age where there is Oneness and collaboration, love, bliss and other centeredness. Where all human beings as One not only human beings all living and nonliving are connected with each other and dependent on each other. We are spending billions of dollars on connected things like connected cars, connected homes etc but we also need effort and budget to connect everything including connection with nature. This requires great leaders with great personalities and those need to be brought on to this planet, nurture and grow them in the right environment.

Hope some parents will take steps towards this. Sincere gratitude for going through this chapter, thanks for your time. Please take an intent and right now positive energies are there on this planet to help you. Universe blesses are with you to be part of this group of parents.

Where are you investing? Are we investing rightly – today’s money for tomorrow?

Single most important investment that any nation should invest seriously is to safeguard themselves and Planet is to support the echo system for the whole process of bringing up and nurturing the birth process. Great individuals, great nations emerge from inside and not from outside or by force! It is also called for society and nations, please encourage, this is the single most contribution that you will be making to this Universe. Please re-organize your efforts and budgets towards providing the right environment, platforms to bring forth great children on this planet.

Take the intent to bring a great child on to this planet. It is the first step as your responsibility and the whole Universe will help you.